Stop living a lie:

If you're not living off the land far from any major city, or saving up money and learning the skills to achieve this goal, you're a bluepilled bugman pretending to be redpilled.

When you're begging for your life, feeling the sting of tears in your eyes and cold steel in the back of your head, remember that you could have avoided this. You could have saved yourself. But hey, feel free to ignore this thread, go buy your latte and brainstorm some cool new meme with your discord buddies about how it's okay to be white that you can post up at your university campus.

And to my American friends, if you think only having a gun is going to save you, remember that niggers also have guns and no other survival skills or plans to build a homestead away from the inevitable chaos. Go out now. Start honing your skills now. Start building your homestead now. Start accumulating extra food and supplies now. Start thinking of a plan for short-term and long-term disasters now. Start planning your potential escape routes and bug out locations now. And if you have a gun, start training/hunting with it now. Start now.

Attached: homestead-2-sloeblackDOTtumblrDOTcom.jpg (900x598, 1.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>living off the land. you are delusional, or young...or both.
i own property in texas, it cost a fortune. For you to believe this is a possibility for the masses, is laughable.

>For you to believe this is a possibility for the masses
It isn't. But Jow Forums isn't part of the masses, or at least pretends not to be.

I've got a family to feed. My job pays well and it required me to be in the city. But respect to those out in the country.

my country is just one big city.
I am still learning sailing though.
in order for such a lifestyle to be possible you will need a population decrease.
You also need to get rid of mass tourism

A typical leafpost.
You’re not wrong to imply that living off the land free from the daily troubles of city life has many good perks. But cities also exist and people travel to live in those cities because of opportunity, proximity to resources and services, and friends/socializing.
If you think the majority of humans have the capability to go off and grow their own food and live in the mountains without dying from some disease a few months later, then you wouldn’t understand why modern cities are invaluable to sustaining a typical, modernized population of people, and you surely don’t seem to realize how big of an influence a social life (or lack of it) has on a typical person. You can think of it as a concrete cattle ranch if that’s the only way your sociopathic brain can rationalize it.
This can be considered as a utopia for us.

Cities can be self sustainable. We dont need as much agricultural space as before. I believe that producing food in a city can be doable

Yeah, sure. I'll just take my broke ass with shit credit and two drug felonies that prevent me from legally owning weapons out to the countryside and do as you say. Sure, that degenerate mistake was twenty years ago and I have since lived a good white man's life, but it wrecked my chances at doing what is suggested. I guess I'm slated to just die. Get the fuck out of here.

Seed goes in dirt then apply toilet water and food comes out? Got it!