Stop living a lie:

If you're not living off the land far from any major city, or saving up money and learning the skills to achieve this goal, you're a bluepilled bugman pretending to be redpilled.

When you're begging for your life, feeling the sting of tears in your eyes and cold steel in the back of your head, remember that you could have avoided this. You could have saved yourself. But hey, feel free to ignore this thread, go buy your latte and brainstorm some cool new meme with your discord buddies about how it's okay to be white that you can post up at your university campus.

And to my American friends, if you think only having a gun is going to save you, remember that niggers also have guns and no other survival skills or plans to build a homestead away from the inevitable chaos. Go out now. Start honing your skills now. Start building your homestead now. Start accumulating extra food and supplies now. Start thinking of a plan for short-term and long-term disasters now. Start planning your potential escape routes and bug out locations now. And if you have a gun, start training/hunting with it now. Start now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>living off the land. you are delusional, or young...or both.
i own property in texas, it cost a fortune. For you to believe this is a possibility for the masses, is laughable.

>For you to believe this is a possibility for the masses
It isn't. But Jow Forums isn't part of the masses, or at least pretends not to be.

I've got a family to feed. My job pays well and it required me to be in the city. But respect to those out in the country.

my country is just one big city.
I am still learning sailing though.
in order for such a lifestyle to be possible you will need a population decrease.
You also need to get rid of mass tourism

A typical leafpost.
You’re not wrong to imply that living off the land free from the daily troubles of city life has many good perks. But cities also exist and people travel to live in those cities because of opportunity, proximity to resources and services, and friends/socializing.
If you think the majority of humans have the capability to go off and grow their own food and live in the mountains without dying from some disease a few months later, then you wouldn’t understand why modern cities are invaluable to sustaining a typical, modernized population of people, and you surely don’t seem to realize how big of an influence a social life (or lack of it) has on a typical person. You can think of it as a concrete cattle ranch if that’s the only way your sociopathic brain can rationalize it.
This can be considered as a utopia for us.

Cities can be self sustainable. We dont need as much agricultural space as before. I believe that producing food in a city can be doable

Yeah, sure. I'll just take my broke ass with shit credit and two drug felonies that prevent me from legally owning weapons out to the countryside and do as you say. Sure, that degenerate mistake was twenty years ago and I have since lived a good white man's life, but it wrecked my chances at doing what is suggested. I guess I'm slated to just die. Get the fuck out of here.

Seed goes in dirt then apply toilet water and food comes out? Got it!

You are no less delusional than they are.

>If you think the majority of humans have the capability to go off and grow their own food and live in the mountains without dying from some disease a few months later

Jow Forums isn't supposed to be the "majority". The "majority" are bluepilled. That's the point. I know I hit a nerve with you, but you don't need to make excuses for not being prepared. It's your life in the end.

Urban filth will not leave you in peace. You need a massive distance, and guns to keep the monsters away. Turn your backs on the cities while you still can. Ruthlessly purge Communists and degenerates from your communities.

>I believe that producing food in a city can be doable

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wrong for everything, sasuga dogfucker

Everyone should strive to become a bit indipendent and self sustainable in one way or another.
Every drop caunts and it doesn't matter if you grow some shit an a shelf, hunt and fish, have a bee hive or two or produce your own cosmetics, furniture, clothing, whatever.

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Based and beehive'd.

toooo lazy

Tending to a raised bed is no work at all. Same with a fruit or nut tree, that you have to cut once a year, then in a few days harvest it off to then rake once in a while.
But every little thing you do for yourself is something you wont lack or miss if others try to influuence you by withholding it.

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And besides sustainablity gardening also has other benefits. So move your lazy ass

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Lel not onions but vegetables and meat like we do here.

Naw hydroponics is where its at. Societies can be self sutaining its just people don't usually think about important stuff.

I try to be every time my crops turn into fungus infested rot. Potatoes, tomatoes, various kinds of vines, even peppers. It always happens.

We can't sustain a city farm
we had one and it went broke, because it's unsustainable
what are you on about? those onions bottles are the only thing we could make to feed a city

Land "owner" here. You're just renting. The government has made this an impossible dream unless you are independently wealthy and see hard living as a hobby.

there are plenty of sparsely populated areas in Europe you can move to

The trick is to produce food for oneself and not do it to sell it comercially.

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Tell us more about your "city farm". What were the pros and cons? Why did it fail?

>to believe this is a possibility for the masses,
The masses are not redpilled and they prefer living in the cities. Why would a solution have to be for the masses?

The masses will once the a real crisis comes along.
The point is to save yourself and your family from this fate by not being dependent on a government or modern society

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Hydroponics is not self-sufficient. It's depended on the system. Sure in the short term you can keep it going, but once parts wear down you have no way to replace them.

Was it clandestine? I'm suprised the oil company even let him do that.

This is my dream.

Unfortunately, I'm stuck in suburbia. I gotta a large yard to work with to grow grains, fruits, and veggies, but not enough to be self-sustaining. At least I'm armed and am getting in good gardening practice in now. Maybe I'll be able to buy some land out in the country before shit hits the fan.

True self sufficiency can only be found by leaving this bullshit planet for elsewhere.

Shit will never hit the fan, we're all gonna slowly degrade into ai/china controlled bugmen civilisation and drown in the sea of cheap plastic shit.

this is impossible unless you are debt free and have enough wealth, or connections for good land.

if you buy a plot with many people the government probably will fuck with you.

it's really sad. I'm not sure what the prices are in Canada but you probably run into the same economic situation that most people have.

>what is a manual water pump a few times a day for 9001 points

Nah everyone knew about it, he used to sell the honey to people, the place the bees were had been abandoned for a good 20 years, loads of plants and trees there etc.

>The game changes and now shit is hitting the fan!
Well guess it's a can of beans, a gun and walking till I find something worth living for or just finding something worth dying for AKA what I already do as I go through my days for decades.

1 woman came very close but it's up to her to forgive me if we are ever going to get back together.

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Yeah this whole "buy land and live off it" aint cheap or easy anymore

Even just the lifestyle change requires sacrifices and time to adapt while having a magic pile of federal reserve IRS approved digipapers

who gonna pay your property tax, and with what are you gonna pay a dacto when you get sick or injured because the average newfag would be injured within a week of being alone in the wilderness

Just getting solid seeds, irrigation etc etc can require time, energy and investment

It's possible, but you need serious reasons to do it

The secret isn't to desperately run out of fear looking for somewhere to live happily/comfortably

The secret is to find a place you're willing to die trying to survive in if you have to.

If that's innawoods, then why not build that into your life?

Smalltown? Why not build that into your life?

Le travelling? Big cities? Deep underground military bases? If you still would not want to die in those places, why are you building around them?

Don't forget various baffling infections, infestations, soil deficiencies, and general crop failures.

It's stupid, selfish and pointless. We have lost our community and our spirituality in a mere 2 generations and replaced it with greed, consumerism and toxic, vain individuality.

For real. OP is retarded, your best option is a farm near the city. You need to sell goods to pay taxes/electricity/luxuries (such as, you know, laundry detergent.) The closer to the city, the more goods you can sell and at a higher price. If you're afraid of societal collapse and people swarming you when starvation hits, just get some guns and dogs.

Getting married this fall and buying land to move onto by next spring
Here's hoping we can actually pull it off

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I've really tried to push the idea on my parents, who are very financially well off now, and my father is looking at retiring in a few years or so. Just can't get through to them. They could have a huge House in Maine with tons of property, be safe, Mom could have the homestead she's always wanted, but they've become too Boomer-fied. They look at living in the country and having property as being "too much work" despite the fact they are becoming awashed in diversity that is rapidly making my hometown look like Tora Bora. They keep wanting to move out to where I am, which is less bad but not very far behind. My work could take me to Maine, the Midwest, Northwest etc. so I have some options long term, but I need a fucking family first before I do that shit. And capital.
Meanwhile, my whole region of the country is gay when it comes to guns and I'm not even sure if it's worth the trouble of owning currently if I'm just gonna be transient shortly thereafter. Would rather have some permanency before I start investing.

Is this from your farm? Do you have firewood heating in Germany?

congrats user
hope Im in your shoes someday

OP is less retarded and more leaving out how much effort it would take

Shit, why not just bring a bunch of beans to the local farmers market and ask who wants a free guard?

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Just start with growing tomatoes or something in a milk carton
it's not complicated
then add shit when you have learned how to not kill your plants and soon you can fill your apartment with all kinds of vegetables and fruits
if anything its a nice hobby

If you start a farm innawoods you have to spend lots on fuel just to get to a nearby farming supplies shop. And if that place isn't at least a large town then supplies are even more expensive than normal. And whatever you produce must be sold cheap since pretty much everyone around produces the same stuff. Not to mention the grueling task of clearing out a plot from the trees and unrooting them afterwards.
I know very well how much effort there is, and my point wasn't that. It was that it's far more profitable and far easier when you're near a town/city but still in the countryside.

You do know that your homestead will be declared illegal if system thinks it as a threat. And according to New World Order of Barbarians interview, not partaking the system will be illegal in the future.

The way to start this is in a backyard. People think you need acres and acres, but if you look up things like square foot gardening, or look up Curtis stone’s YouTube channel, you can do a ton on plots as small as a 1/4 acre. Also- if you’re brand new, taking care of a few chickens is way easier than trying to grow veggies. And some veggies are way easier to grow than others

>organic farmer

Leave the LIBS outa THIS....mums the WORD.

On one hand you're right. Should a solar flare take out our infrastructure out
If out collapse is purely social, people who can make food are their first targets (see south Africa)
That said. If you can do it, do it

MSM isn't EITHER....but they sure make it look like they are...

I strongly doubt that if a war begins people would still want to TOUR the COUNTRY

You can buy a farm in France or East Germany for like 80k Euros (which is 90k dollars). That is not a fortune.

There is a large number of people in Germany who use firewood for heating, but it's not the majority of people.

China will never conquer the world or force their way onto us. It will be like china of old. A hegemon that sees itself as so superior that it doesn't really give a shit what other powers do as long as their are not threat.

>if you buy a plot with many people the government probably will fuck with you.
You will only get Waco'ed if you do stupid commune cult shit.
If a group of people would buy each some land and property in any bumfucknowhere city or town noone would care as long as they keep paying their taxes and don't break any real laws.
Of course if you do a public meme fest instead of just living a nice secluded life things will look different.

So many towns cry how all people move away, so there is plenty of space and property in rural areas and you'd most likly to take over a small town in time. Well takeover might be the wrong word, but you know what I mean.

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You can't use firewood for heating, you imbecile.


>Industrial Society and Its Future (by Uncle Ted)

>Technological Slavery (by Uncle Ted)

>Anti Tech Revolution Why And How (by Uncle Ted)

>Industrial Society and Its Future audio version

>The Limits of Growth (by The Club of Rome)

Attached: Tiny House Movement.jpg (534x401, 53K)

What if it only gets as bad as the Great Depression in the 30s?
I would have forgone millions in earning potential for what?

Do any of you have advice on how to make an income in the countryside?

A safe environment for your family and near complete independence form (((their))) reach. This will make you happier than lusting after more and more shekels.

REMINDS me of a movie I WATCHED long ago......Onionsgreen


So is it allowed or not?

Onions Green

Two words.. black powder

That's where I come in.......


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Learn a trade and life outside of cities. It's not like we in europe would lack the reach to get to work. Especially as a tradesman who drives to the individual daily work side anyway.
You don't need to become a literal cliche backwater farmer to life outside of big cities.


This guy gets IT.

rate this comment

An Alaskan mill and a bunch of trees are the only thing between you and owning a home
(ina woods)

Attached: Ben-using-ALaskan-MKIV-lower-res[1].jpg (1920x1280, 353K)

BASED yeoman, TJ saw the writing on the walls when Alexander Hamilton begin wrapping his hands around the economy. The only successful path is american agrarianism

thanks for the pic, interesting small read

>can't hunt or defend himself without ATF'ed firearms
nigger, how did your ancestors do it? there are plenty of resources on improvised methods. to quote one I like
>I will give up my right to construct a long tube, closed on one end, capable of propelling a projectile at high velocity, when they pry the knowledge from my cold dead brain
your attitude is defeatist woe is me faggotry

That's me....and,I love it....

depending upon where you live in Texas, it may not be a very pleasant place to be if the next large Market Correction is coupled with unfortunate natural disasters or particularly retarded gub'mint bungling. i'm talking race war, and not because i salivate at the concept. barely anyone white-skinned knows anything about 1848 when the US placed troops in a disputed border area between the nueces and the rio grande, waited to get fired on, and invaded post-haste. i'm not particularly bitter about this because i am not mexican, sudaca, or otherwise hispanic but people don't understand that the hispanics DO know about that. you hear about "stolen land" all the time but the Mexicans actually have a case, and they feel righteously indignant about that.

2045 is projection of majority minority status, but even in a few years the 0-18 bracket will be majority non-white, and mostly hispanic. fighting and killing is done by YOUNG MEN and boy, a fuckton of them are en route and they are currently here and they are bitter as fuck.

you think those young men are gonna sit back and suffer when they've got opportunity to change that? you know how undefended national guard armories are? you need 200m clear firing lines and goddamn at Fort Hood you had 17 motherfuckers blasted by one muslim with a shotty. you know how many gang folk are in the national guard and proper military? all it takes is a couple inside, and ten outside with rifles and optics to make the base surrender or be slaughtered.

what is caffe chai?

chai = tea

Gardening is so comfy.

Why can't I post this word properly....s.o.y.l.e.n.t.G.r.e.e.n?

you are retarded!

I think trades are a bit of a meme though. Earnings are low, lots of competition from immigrants and you work long hours away from home which goes at the expense of your farm.

One WORD...primers...

I've never seen no plant growing out of a toilet.

Commies made land un-ownable. You have to pay commies not to steal it. For real.

U R based and crossbows are NICE.

Yes it is.

I love this!

Two words, match lock. Also, learn how to make your own primer mixture, or just start stocking up on them since they're cheap and you're such a cannot that you can't figure out an alternative.

Never seen a flower pot...KYS.