I want to start reading Slavoj Zizeks work. What is a good book to start with?
Slavoj Zizek
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Most of his writing is incomprehensible dense post modern garble that people pretend to understand, just Google post modern philosophy generator and read what that puts out instead, you'd get about the same out of it.
the best way to start is by eating a bullet pseud
sublime object of ideology is his crown jewel
mb it is incomprehensible for a burger instead of a brain
this and just a random *SNIFFs every few words
They say the sublime object of ideology, but it's dense as fuck and hard to follow. Will probably put you off after the first 30 pages.
I'd say start with something easier to read. Against the Double Blackmail for example. It's good and pretty short.
Violence is good and immediately relevant to current politics. The Pervert's Guide to Cinema is incredible and he's got a ton of good shit on Youtube.
>Violence, Žižek states, takes three forms--subjective (crime, terror), objective (racism, hate-speech, discrimination), and systemic (the catastrophic effects of economic and political systems)--and often one form of violence blunts our ability to see the others, raising complicated questions.
is there where leftists get "your hate speech is literal violence, nazi!" from?