ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
Stop encouraging people to shitpost by including that last obvious addendum when sensitivity will always be an issue in every thread no matter what you do and the threads are better of with you not saying that shit and instead focus on being a rational, helpful poster and ignoring upset posters edition.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ and worrying about some complex only ever makes things worse.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>dick questions
There's no point in trying with you guys.

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

Attached: asktheoppositegender.jpg (250x235, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

After not getting any response on OkC, I think it clear that girls don't want me because of my cleft lip scar and because I'm boring. :(
I'm willing to change my lip.

I can't really know how bad it is because it doesn't look THAT bad on mirrors (or maybe I'm just used to it), but it looks 10 times worse on pictures (at least for me, I don't have other opinions). ;_;

You will probably always look better in the mirror than in pictures.You can't adjust position in a picture; once the picture is taken, you are done. But when you look at yourself in the mirror, you can intuitively update your position in real time.
And then there are other factors see pic for just one example.

Attached: camera difference.gif (480x266, 3.82M)

>internet dating as a man
Why would you even ever try? It's such a goddamn shitshow for men who aren't literal 9/10 beastmode, or for people who are on it because they literally have no time to spare.

Online dating is, and always has been, a complete fucking shit deal for men. Always. More than any other format.

Wait so it's like a surgical scar from fixing the cleft? It probably just looks badass.

Also, I'd suggest looking up techniques to present yourself honestly-but-positively in pictures.
There's a lot you can do with photography. Its even possible to basically outright fucking lie to people.


What's your favorite film?

Would you ask a guy for drinks if you are in a relationship?

Met this girl in a professional context. I don't know too much about her beyond that she looks up to me. It's been a while since we last met, and I asked to catch up with her suggesting two dates. I did not give a notion of what for. She said she'd prefer another date and for drinks. I've never been in a relationship and can't cauge whether this would be normal.

But even if I take many pictures from different angles. My scar ALWAYS looks worse in pictures.
>Its even possible to basically outright fucking lie to people
I don't want to lie.

>Why would you even ever try?
What's the alternative? And where do I find shy girls who don't get out of the house?

Yes. I had the first surgery soon after I was born and another one as a teenager.
>It probably just looks badass
I've never heard anyone say this about a cleft lip scar.

Lawrence of Arabia is my favourite, with close runner ups being Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford and Clean, Shaven

I wouldn't unless he's already a good friend who knows I'm with someone and preferably he himself is with someone, and even then I'd prefer more company.

Should I cheat on my current gf with my ex who just came back to work and lost like 20 pounds?

Where to get a gf that's dumb but not cockslut dumb?

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Not directed at any particular gender.
Alright, well this isn't gonna be brief or original but:
>Arbitrary social rule means you can't start a serious relationship by fucking around
>But "casual dating", whatever the fuck that is, is okay and encouraged.
>Love is real and statistically speaking with the history of arranged marriages its an arbitrary common thing that doesn't seem to give to fucks which should make it easier, yet humans aren't perfectly monogamous and jealousy is a real and destructive emotion
>PUA artists are bad, but after making the mistake of listening to them, they frame things in such a way that know every fucking thing that (would otherwise) come out of my damn mouth to girl seems like some disgusting "line". PUA is too forceful, yet I need to actually talk to girls and Jow Forums is inundated with this whole "persistence" shit such that I feel like I can no longer distinguish from actually coming off as (probably even outright being) a creep and actually engaging with girls properly. Unless there's no solution, and fucking around outside a relationship some how requires you to be a douche nozzle, but then that contradicts my life experience with the few friends I had who did fuck around before disbanding and giving up on each other leaving me a virgin the fucking cunts...
>Then on top of that, research shows that co-parenting is the best option for people that have children
>On the off-chance I'm at a point in my life where I have friends and there's a girl who might be interested, I don't have any fucking idea how the fuck I'm supposed to broach the subject the subject of dating or sex and for some reason, its usually its slut in an open relationship where I don't even know if the guy is really okay with it.
>I don't even have much time left to decide what I want
>Tinder is shit. Profiles prove nothing. Girls ghost constantly, none care. Even I ghosted sometimes.

Why did you repost my post here?

I'm just here to tell all the Anons to keep their Heads up.
I've had some pretty horrible situations where i ended up on here, seeking advice. At the end everything went back to normal and i'm slowly becoming happy again. Something that will happen to you too

Good Luck Anons

Attached: idealbf.png (967x668, 34K)

Adolescence of Utena or Dead Leaves.

>Ideal bf image is literal ideal bf with mention of body description and specific behaviour
You're autistic and will be alone a very long time

who made this
where can i find these girls
i fit the description perfectly

I don't know how to be flirty/sexual so I always end up being just a friend. How do I push the envelope without being creepy?

how do I convince the GF to let me have a harem?

Every Tarkovsky film. Birdman comes close as well.

I noticed a girl in my class changed her name on the register. how likely is it shes a tranny?

Why do women see all non-8/10 males as subhumans?

I've never received an ounce of positive attention or had any positive interaction with a woman outside of what was mandated of her e.g. serving me in a restaurant.

In social settings I'm ignored treated with maligned coldness at best or outright made fun of at worst. All because I'm not a 6'4 handsome adonis.

Whereas I've known plenty of ugly, fat women that have strings of male partners because men are capable of rational thought and empathy unlike the cold, calculating women who see men as an accessory to their lives and disregard anyone who isn't a fucking Greek GOD.

>Why do women see all non-8/10 males as subhumans?
Evolution and service to human DNA at large.

because women have social media, which gives them access to the entire male population on earth. why would they settle for your beta ass when they can get Alwaleed Al CHAD in Dubai. moreover theres an excess of males, moreover males arent necessary for society anymore. Thus males are fucking useless and worthless shit in todays world

I'd say it's pretty close to 50/50. Many people, especially in the U.S, are given retarded names by their parents that they want to change.

This is for attractive, hot people. When did you realize you were hot?

I always kind of knew it, but this year (age 27) is when it really started to sink in as I get girls swooning over me all the time and one ex was expecially impressed by my looks.


When I stopped being fat, around 20. But I had more gf's before than after (1).

Then why do we get so much birth defects, crimes and other fucked up shit? Are women not doing a good service?

What does it even mean to “ask a girl out”

Same reason any other sexed species does? I don't understand how you're so easy to miss this...

study genetics.

>letting someone watch me play video games
but I need somewhere to vent my homoerotic tendencies

>Why do women see all non-8/10 males as subhumans?
most likely because you're not a 7 and you're probably a subhuman trashbag of shit.

I've never had women treat me poorly, and I'm a 5'7 asian guy with long hair and acne. I've had plenty of girls go out of their way to be nice to me and attempt to be friendly with me. Given, it may of been out of fear I might be a psycho, but still, they went out of their way to be nice.

My sex life is still fairly minimal, but its not 0.

You initiate a form of courtship with her. You plan to spend time, implicated exclusively, between you two. This let's both of you test compability. That is, to figure out whether to invest more time into knowing each other, beyond just attraction through looks.

It is implicated that in the future you achieve a state, by just having spent enough history together, that you can rely on each's help when such is required. In general, people see this beneficial due to uncertainty of life, albeit this form of friendship may be formed even without romancy.

We are much more intelligent than other species, though. I don't understand how you're so easy to miss this...

Yeah you're gaslighting me now. If youwant to have a real conversation I'm here to help you and others but don't waste our time.

ladies: how much does a guy's income mean to you?

Do women really view shortish men the same way guys view fat women? Like on the one hand women are going on twitter saying guys under 6 foot shouldn't have rights, then on the other hand you have all these fangirls trying to suck dead manlet dick like Mac Miller, XXXtentacion, BTS. I feel like all the manlet hate lately is just a hardcore feminist reaction to try to make men feel bad about something they can't change, am I wrong?

I find it that men should be taller than the woman they're going out with. Its not a necessity, its just one of those things that feels right. A lot of things start getting awkward when the woman is taller, hell, its even hard to have sex.

So being 6ft tall isn't necessary, just being taller than me is.

>Like on the one hand women are going on twitter saying guys under 6 foot shouldn't have rights
I'm a manlet (5'4"), and real talk, you got to stop exposing yourself to bullshit like this. It's not healthy. No it's not a feminist conspiracy either, women tend to like taller guys and some are royal bitches about it. don't overthink it.

can't answer your first question tho

Im in the uk, she had a normal name and changed it to another normal name...

That depends. If I really love a guy, I wouldn't mind him being completely jobless (assuming he's looking for a job though). If I'm on the fence about the him, I still won't care as long he isn't a cashier.

A normal woman's name? And she might still hate it even if you think it's a normal one.

yeah both normal womens names. Id say her "new" name is worse. its kind of an old lady name

weird. never known a normal person to change their first name

Why do women seem to like my somewhat cavalier and detached nature? Like what about it is attractive?

Nice meme. Ya, dating Chad because he's 6'6 which will cause him to have back problems and an increased risk of early death due to disease, is a much better evolutionary choice than dating some high IQ asian guy who's only 5'5 but will have much better long term health and a six figure stable job by his 30s.
>female logic.

Evolutionary psychology is a meme and always has been.

>w-well according to evolution
its all social upbringing, which is why humans go from loving fat people, to loving bones, to loving pale people, to loving tan people. because its based on societal traits at the time.

However, in all cultures some things are always appealing. Things like confidence is a good thing no matter where or when you are, because confidence doesn't even mean you're amazing successful, but it means you're able to make decisions. And anyone who's spent more than 5 minutes with an unconfident person is already annoyed with their bullshit and wants to leave them.

How do I talk to a girl if she is always with her friends?

Eh, maybe she just likes it. And I once considered changing mine since everyone always pronounces it wrong (not a foreign name).

This is just my guess, but you probably give off an air of cool confidence. Someone who is stable and capable and handles things well. It also lends an air of mystery. A lot of people and a lot of women like to dig deep into a person and figure out what they're really like underneath a shell.

If you take a look at romance novels, most of them revolve around the trope of the male lead being a capable and tough guy, and the female lead being the one to uncover his secrets and the one he eventually opens up to.

Because evolution is based on the principle of randomness in DNA, which allows changes that are usually disadvantageous but sometimes end up becoming advantageous. Survival of the fittest is not survival of the strongest or smartest, but survival of the one with the best adaptations.

Sex evolved to induce more mutations and combinations than asexual reproduction, which is helpful for a fast-changing environment. Creatures with DNA that is too similar (see cheetahs, crop monocultures such as the bana and papaya, etc.) can easily go extinct.

More randomness means more changes means better chance at developing good mutations, but it also increases chance of developing bad mutations. You're basically throwing random commands into computer code in the hopes of accidentally discovering something better. Most of the time it breaks the program instead.

Also, biology is both complicated and messy. Sometimes things fuck up, even when it's not specifically the DNA.

Yeah I guess that seems right

Not a whole lot desu as long as he has a stable job or is actively looking for one.

I don’t know what guys say about fat women, but for me at least (and any other decent person) it wouldn’t be okay to mock a guy for his height. Insane tweets are just insane tweets, ignore them.

It was made by a lonely man writing down his own description in order to make himself feel wanted.

Just be creepy. Despite what people will tell you, Chad is creepy as fuck 60% of the time.

I did.

Ok so a few points here.
Evolution is not a meme, it's a science
>dating Chad because he's 6'6
Women are attracted to everything. The whole man. If you ask a girl what she's attracted to, she's fumble around for an answer because it's so hard for them. You can even be like, "would you find me more attractive (read:sexy) if I was a few IQ points smarter?" answer is probably no. Women want it all. Sexually speaking, everything.
Donald Trump is very ugly, however he has the finest females at his fingertips. Sometimes a single trait can outweigh others, but only if it's strong enough. It still boils to the same thing... women are sexually attracted to "everything".

You've spun the functioning concept of evolution into an imagined failing state by misrepresenting how evolution works. I anticipate that you did this because you're insecure with yourself and your dating life, and thus your try to externalize your problems onto the world.

Humans are hard-wired to love fat/skinny people. It has to do with resource scarcity. When everyone is always hungry or starving, then fat people are attractive. Vice-versa.

Confidence predicates on the fact your have the cognitive capacity to be confident, PLUS the desire to actually use it. So seeing a confident guy reveals a long cause>effect>cause>effect>cause>effect line, with the end of course being confidence, and the first step being the idle cognitive capacity.

In the middle of the cause>effect line is the embrace to reality. Some men might not feel motivated in cities for example, then they'll fail the cause>effect chain even thought they could be confident if they tried. This is where culture plays in evolution. Women still select for confidence, but it's actually affecting other genes, and in my example it's motivation in cities.

How do you ask out someone your good friends with. Do I literally say “will you go out with me?”

Really? But surely there's levels to this.

Does it make sense that a girl would act different towards you when others are around? When it's just us two, or a few people, she is pretty into me. When there's more than a few people, she is colder. Why is this?


Help plz, either gender.
>be awkward 19yo virgin
>meet qt3.14
>she's really sweet
>dating her for a while
>says she doesn't care that I'm a virgin
>about to fuck
>she's undoing my belt
>get my dick out
>she freezes and practically has a panic attack
>user that thing would probably kill me. Put it away.
How do I prevent this in the future, and/or how do I find girls that like dicks my size? Or am I pretty much just doomed?

Of course there's levels, don't start groping girls in public or anything, but don't worry about being creepy either.
Chad regularly pressures girls into sex, or gets them drunk, or approaches them on the bus. Chad is a creep, no doubt about it, but 10% of the time he gets results, and he's making moves whenever possible.
It's a numbers game, that's all.

The Big Lebowski, Animal House, and From Russia With Love

Movies I can laugh at that aren't rom coms

>get tinder
>put dick size in bio
>hoes will want to see it

It's not abt finding a girl willing to accomodate your size. Femanon here but any girl seeking a huge dick is probs a size queen and wont be good to you in a relationship anyway.

What you gotta do with your partner is have a healthy convo with her and talk about the ways to try and ease into it. I'm a very petite person and I've ended up dating people who were very well endowed and it's about taking a night in the bedroom to figure it out. Make sure there's lube and go slowly and let her figure out which positions hurt for her and which don't.

Femanon with social anxiety here. I was told frequently in high school boys have crushes on me but I think it was when I changed my appearance in uni to something I wanted I realized I was attractive and getting a lotta attention.

How do I just be myself?

Well first you change yourself to be as desirable as possible, then you just be yourself around other people.

At my first job
I was homeschooled so i didn't know from school.

This is advice that is top tier but won't be payed attention to

I mean, I guess this means I shouldn't try to make a move on girls at work, but dammit I have no other options.

One thing I don't like about these threads; started by a female... questions asked by virgin males... answered by semivirgin females. This shit belongs in GIAI!

I like this girl so much, but we have only spoken to each other briefly. We share a few classes together and I am graduating in the spring so I dont want to waste this opportunity like I always do. It's hard for me to just find a reason to speak to someone, especially in class, because I don't really need help or have any questions. Besides, I don't know when a good time to speak to her would be because we don't sit in the same area or anything. Help me out, Im retarded

>Evolution is not a meme, it's a science
No shit, but you're trying to apply it to modern humans which doesn't work. Evolution happens through natural selection, where only the smartest could survive to reproduce, but with the support systems of human society even the most retarded of us can get a chick pregnant, so the way mates are selected has boiled down to the random whims of women which are created or reinforced by social media and television. The point of evolution is to increase the chances of survival of a species in a particular environment. I used Asian men as an example because Asian men have higher IQs and more resilience to disease, which are both much better traits for survival than height in the modern world, yet Asian men are the least desired ethnicity because they're short, get the least representation in hollywood and don't fit in as well with society's arbitrary standards of what it is to be manly. Your idea that women are choosing men specifically because they have better genetics for survival is just unsupported and retarded. Humans are evolving through technology, not genes.

How do I initiate such a conversation though? I feel like saying "hey just so you know, my dick is huge" sounds a little tacky.

>The point of evolution is to increase the chances of survival of a species in a particular environment.
The point of evolution is nothing, it's just the simple fact that those that can reproduce will reproduce. You're big retarded.

So, My crush asked me out and we had a great time, when we finished the evening together she kept stalling the leaving portion.
She's had me blocked so I asked if I could contact her again, and she said to look her up on facebook. A full week passes after I message her on facebook with no reply because she has it set up to be message only. She gets back from out of town, says she wants to go to the place we went out again, every day if she could. We proceed down the usual path, she says she has to go to a different building than usual today and doesn't hug me goodbye like she's done the past few days, possibly because we had a neutral 3rd party with us.

Was this my cue to ask her back out?
She wasn't just looking for a free meal, she insisted to pay her portion when we ate together.
Should I have asked to tag along?
Is it fine to have let things end that way?

It's a fine line between interest and clingy, I feel.

Can a 4/10 25 year old 5'11 poor balding pale glasses-wearing bucktoothed no jawline depressed anxious shy guy ever hope to get a girlfriend?

How do I tell if a girl who is in a long term relationship is interested in me? The usual tells will be masked and it would be inappropriate for me to ask or suggest things like going and doing stuff 1 to 1 to find out.

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In the context of this conversation it does, not gonna argue about the definition of an ambiguous word, you do you man.

Sounds like you gotta add "low confidence" to that list. And yes, but you'll have better chances if you're able to get rid of the depression and anxiety, lift, get contacts, and adopt a more positive viewpoint. You probably already know this, but don't expect a cutie either.

I see.
The mistake you're making is assuming evolution is about survival of the species, it's not. It's about survival of genes.

During medieval times, men who were most attuned to farming would the most success with women, and proliferate until we're all pretty good at agriculture.

Nowadays and especially following WWII, we're a money society. Men who are both able, willing, and do make the most money will be the most successful with women. We're still in a transitory period so this isn't completely true, yet. But it will be soon.

Your understanding of evolution is live-or-die; no. It's genetic success or genetic failure. The genes that are most compatible will proliferate.
Right now it's something like:
-rich men (which predicates on a enormous line of cause>effects surrounding the mind and motivation)
-exceptionally beautiful men
-men who are most adapted to the new world (not depressed living in cities, working for paychecks, etc)
But remember women are sexually attracted to everything. These are just the genes that will spread the most successfully in the coming centuries. The adversaries of these genes will soon die out and we will all change accordingly.

Like you said, with resource abundance and hospitals and stuff, we won't die evolutionarily like we did in the past. Just our genetic proclivities will continue to evolve.

Don’t steal a girl. She will be stolen from you.

But I want her tho.

>girl I know from high school recently single
>not particularly close to her, but we talk every now and then. I'd definitely fuck the shit out of her though
>recently she's been feeling down
>used the ol "if you need someone to talk to, my door is open" line.
>she proceeds to invite me over for a smoke session
>currently working out the details as I type this.

How do I not fuck this up? Not expecting sex or anything as this is more of a reconnection, but being alone together in her apartment getting high seems like it could lead to more.

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Question to anyone.
I've been talking to a few girls I met online, been on a date with a few, how long should one wait before "picking" a girl?

How do I keep conversations going? I can't for the life of me figure it out.

last night my girlfriend brought up the fact that three months ago my sister didn't invite her to her 21st birthday and asked what I thought about that. I said I had literally no opinion on that and that she should ask my sister. She said that if her sister neglected to invite me to a similar thing that she would be furious.

I said I had no idea what she was getting at but that she was being juvenile and immature for holding onto the birthday thing for so long.

What the fuck is wrong with women?

Texting? Some would argue that's not the best place for conversations. It's very easy to drag it out.
In person is easier. You can talk about their personal going ons, school, work, anything they're looking forward to, various fun topics.

If she's not married, there's nothing wrong with trying, so long as he isn't sneaky or evil.

Take interest in the other person. Be a good listener and ask thoughtful questions. It helps build comfort. Also let conversations die, it's normal. Even if it happens a lot sometimes it's totally fine so don't beat yourself up.

"Hi user :) I was thinking about you lately. How are you doing?" How do I reply to this? I haven't really spoken to her in over a year. Should I keep it emotionless? Or should I say I've been thinking about her too?

What are the things women consider when chooosing a bf?


is it realistic to ask for an attractive gf if I'm not attractive myself?

Do you have money?

So all this personality stuff is bullshit?

I don't want a girl who likes me for my money, that's dangerous to say the least