Based and redpilled brown woman

Based and redpilled brown woman

Attached: Ilhan_Omar,_official_portrait,_116th_Congress_(cropped).jpg (1772x2573, 3.04M)

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Never trust a ninja

Ilhan "Wahlkit Bak" Omar

Attached: 1547871815986.jpg (600x370, 51K)

She still hates you and everything about the flag behind her... Pass

She has "maybe" colour, as I see
Muslims are absolutely based and relate strongly negatively towards kikes

Reminder europeans consider somalis white.

Attached: Meyers-L2.jpg (570x539, 93K)

aryan is white, caucasoid is the general type of skull, which they msot likely got from arabians in the first place in somalia

Attached: oy vey.jpg (500x598, 138K)

I don't like muslims. But we need to meme this woman. Not to the Presidency but to the fact that she speaks common sense.

Attached: image0.jpg (186x139, 6K)