The black pill and how to stop it

The black pill is an emotiona statewhere you consumed so many red pills that you stoppped thinking "A is bad, I have to explain people that A is bad" to: " A is bad, but because B and C we cannot really stop it or change it". Simply, you become depressed, any effort or opposition seems meaningless.

Discuss how we can stop this phenomenon and keep people on the red pill path or even turn them white pilled. You can even share some examples or your personal story.

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The only way to actually stop it is to take a stand against the B and C factors that drive it. Fight against it, and the battle will cleanse you.

How would you adress the situation in Germany for example?

some comments would be nice

Ignore slide threads and actually debate and not resort to saying: shill or sage.

Jow Forums is heavily astroturfed. They want to socially engineer the black pill into us and follow advice that teaches self destructive behavior.
IE: being an incel, not working for da man, dating trannies...

There are more examples but I’ve personally seen those shilled a lot recently and it’s terrible advice that will make you have no hope for starting a family and being successful creating the black pill.

Learn to live in a bluepilled world. Be a respectable person and not some loser NEET. Then when you are in a good spot in your life you can slowly reveal your power level and start to redpill your friends and family.

We are so used to things changing fast so it’s easy to become redpilled get mad at (((them))) and their lies and get blackpilled because you can’t do shit in the moment. But changes in consciousness take time. Just know always that a lie will remain a lie, the truth will prevail.

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Just take a caffeine pill and start lifting. Solution to all your problems

Technology and psychology is too advanced for people to really rise up anymore. Kind of sad.

The thing that stops the blackpill is to get purpose, it sounds lame and overly simple, but it's quite the opposite. It's hard to regain purpose after having lost it and become blackpilled.

Was du tun kannst:
Deinen verdammen Job machen, Kinder kriegen, Haus auf dem Land bauen, soviel wie möglich selbst an Nahrung und Energie produzieren, Untergrund Propaganda betreiben, Leute denen du vertraust Redpills füttern, versuchen ein gutes Leben zu führen, vorbereiten und letztendlich auf den Zusammenbruch oder den Bürgerkrieg warten. Danach vielleicht.... Ganz vielleicht, eine bessere Welt aufbauen.

If you feel bad - start lifting you will feel better. If you look bad - start lifting. Even if you feel good and look good - start lifting you will feel and look even better. Sport is solution to all your problems. Humans aren't supposed to sit on the computer all day. Just do something and you will change your perspective. If you can't win your existential pain, just pretend there is none - your life will become better. If you want to fight it, you should just kill yourself it's also a good solution

noo not the black pill dundee

Good post user. You are accurate. Surf the Kali Yuga, and Ride the fucking Tiger until we can jump off and strangle it's faggot ass to death.
Always fight on. Work even if you don't see a point. Keep getting up in the morning, even if there's no light at the end of the tunnel yet. Keep on going. Don't let them win, even if your continued existence is the only act of rebellion you have left. Eventually we will be the only ones left standing.

I'm going balls deep, but I feel like you're an oldfag with oldfag spacin and this is not reddit spacing like some would like to claim. Additionally I agree with your points, however most of those topics seem organic to me. A way to stop it, I suggest, is to improve oneself instead of jus complaining. I believe if more people would do it, the behaviour of people around them would change, including women, especially women

The black pill is realizing the truth that the only way to stop what's happening is to attack. It isn't depressing its euphoric. Something your recent ancestors understood well. Unless you're a muslim

It requires a lot of strength of will and character to both recognise the difficulties we face and maintain the ability to continue fighting it.
There is always hope. It may be incredibly bleak at times, and it will be by no means easy. But that does not mean it isn't worth fighting for.

Das minus Bürgerkrieg. Klingt wie ein Plan.

what? no? no one ever defined it that way, and even wha you decribed s not euphoric at all, violence is just the last solution, but not a good solution

Black pill is the real red-pill. There's no way out. The Peasants Revolt of 1940-1945 was the last chimpout against Jewish world domination. Unsurprisingly, it lost.
The Jews dominated the fucking world back then, and even so, they have MUCH MORE power, influence and control nowadays than they did pre-1945. In an increasingly globalised, feminised, post-holohaux world, real revolution against our masters becomes impossible.

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Ever thought that even getting a glimpse of the red pill is something special? Maybe we were chosen for this time and should viw this manner more seriously, maybe even as a chance to bring real change. So it is best to give your best and never, ever giving up, not to even think about it and to fulfill our mission here on earth, to redpill the populus, so to speak.

attention please

>"A is bad, I have to explain people that A is bad"

this is not red pill, red pill is about accepting reality and being happy

We can at least try.

Giving up before even trying is for losers.

and just be in this state od happiness and doing nothing? Red pills are information bits tat gave you big realisations about certain topics, realisations that allowed you to see things clearly and in a new way, in a shocking way to be frank

> Ever thought that even getting a glimpse of the red pill is something special
Not really. We just both happened to stumble upon relevant information that is blacked out to the rest of the world because of (((who))) is in charge.
> So it is best to give your best and never, ever giving up, not to even think about it and to fulfill our mission here on earth, to redpill the populus, so to speak.
I've tried to subtly red-pill people. I completely red-pilled a couple of friends but in the process I got labelled an anti-semite/neo-nazi. Now either I have to live with the problems that label brings or move cities and disconnect with the people in my life.

I'm not stopping you from trying. But what the fuck are you going to do? If you have any ideas I'm all ears.

>violence is just the last solution, but not a good solution
People like you are absolutely the problem.

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you glow as bright as the sun

There are no coincidences. Remember that.

Yeah yeah, whatever you say Captail Redpill. Let us know how your pantywaste pacifism works out.

this war was lost long before that time
the goyim never had a chance

>Look dude! It says right here in this book that the book is right!

Here's a white pill

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Funny the only black pills come from niggers on Jow Forums

>“Gandalf put his hand on Pippin's head. "There never was much hope," he answered. "Just a fool's hope, as I have been told.”

>"Let us remember that a traitor may betray himself and do good that he does not intend. It can be so, sometimes. Good night!"

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I think that if you start lifting and looking for more redpilled to be your friends your life will improve. Get rid of bluepilleds since its not really worth trying to redpill them


This. Blame the Jews. They caused everything bad in this world.

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Compound this with the fact that the only class of jews who have significant reproduction are orthodox hasidim who basically do nothing but live opulently on the wealth of others (and are typically viewed as parasites by other jews). Hasids are ultra-selected for bulshitting ability (pilpul), autism, and pretty much nothing else. Like most people who sit around all day eating, reading bullshit literature and masturbating, they're physically weak. They're also exempt from military service.

TL;DR - the only jews who are actually becoming more numerous are the ones who are literally helpless without an army of loyal underlings to act as middle-men between them and others.

black pills should be cycled with red and white pills

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