Has any of you worked or lived in an African country?

Has any of you worked or lived in an African country?
what has your experience been, politically economically, socially?

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Is that a potato bug?


had a vacation in sinai , was pretty nice and comfy
pretty sure its a shithole now

No but my Grandfather was in Kenya during the 50's and i'd like to visit. Is it safe for British?


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Just a harmless common potato bug

Ja, its fucking shit boy.

Heh, Sasuga blackie.

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it goes about as youd expect when your nation is 90% 90 IQ:

>retarded niggers vote for whoever promises them the most shit
>even if they dont the government will just fake the election results
>niggers in power then sell out to anyone thats willing to pay the bribes
>bribers then proceed to extract the resources and actually use them
>niggers continue living in squalor because theres no money to pay for all their promises
>nigger daily lives consist of:
>fucking multiple women
>running away if one of their "wives" gets pregnant
>getting drunk
>then when anyone brings up why the entire continent is a shithole like this then everyone involved says
>"ehh wipipol"

No, we call it a red roman. Its basically a mutated ant that runs really fast, bites really fucking hard but on the plus side its not poisonous.

Nowhere is safe for British in the dark lands.

How much would it cost to hire a Rhodesian militia to escort me in Kenya?

I wouldn't count on Rhodesians but any of the saffers would keep you safe and dandy. Any specific reason for visiting that region of the planet except for nostalgia?

>mutated ant

I would say nuke SA from orbit, but jesus, I don't want it to get any worse...

Vising is ok. Just keepaway from areas with Somalis

That's Basketball Americans

You don't need an escort in Kenya...

Not really but okay

Technically you don't require an escort to go anywhere in africa. Still doesn't make it a good idea, especially if you come from anywhere that is considered a wealthy country.

Mostly nostalgia, i'd like to follow some war trails. I guess i'd also like to do Safari and probably spend a few days at the beach. Honestly part of my desire to go is to feel godlike. Being light haired and blue eyed tall stocky white man I imagine I would feel pretty superior. I anticipate it would be a good self esteem boost and an interesting experience. Do Saffa militias cost a lot to hire for a fortnight?

I want to go to Mombasa and the national parks on the Tanzania side of Kenya. Not interested in Somalia or Uganda. Does everyone speak English there?

SA is a shithole but don't compare it to Kenya. The niggs there make Kenya look like a Paradise. they even attack Kenyans.

A friend of mine was in Luanda (Angola). He had a contract with the local grid company to maintain transformers from northern Luanda.

Awful place, awful people but the money worth it.

Yeah dunno if i'd really need it. Im working class so it's not like I look rich by Western standards but might by African standards. If everything there costs cheap and the exchange rate is right i'd rather pay for a couple of militia bodyguards than be sorry.

>they even attack kenyans
Yes they do and most of you parasites that come here.

Any kind of private security will cost more than expected but getting someone from SA is worth the cost in the end, unless you manage to get an ex-sas to tag along from the commonwealth. Also, prepare to spend more time walking around in disdain and being treated as shit from locals exactly because of how you look.

If clearing out nignogs from mines in Sierra Leone in a MI-24 is called work then yes!

Mostly, if you go to the coast, avoid areas with alot of mosques and muslims. They will kidnap you and send you to Somalia or some other shit hole. The rest of kenya is pretty cool. Just avoid THOTS and wrap up your dick if you have to fuck. Also visit Nairobi, Nanyuki, Nakuru... Don't know much about TZ.

>Rwanda is now Luanda
Christ I knew the Chinese where up to something but this is new.

Just want to point out that the insect in the photo is a camel spider.now you know(not an actual spider)

I'm banging an African, does that count?

Sounds like fun...


We are Africans you retard, no need to flex your gf tho.

Well I haven't but currently Ebola Chan is visiting the DRC.
So far, 689 confirmed cases have been identified, and there have been 461 confirmed deaths in what is now the second-largest Ebola outbreak on record.
I would recommend not going.

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>we are Africans
Truer words have never been spoken. I’m proud of you for the self realization José María, you seem like a smart moor rape baby

Bold words for a Spanish rape baby mutt baby, John Martinez M’beke.

>Its basically a mutated ant
It's an arachnid you idiot

I’m from Pamplona, I doing my exchange

I lived for 2 years in a black Caribbean island country. Surprisingly not that bad on a day to day, but there was some ghetto things like the water getting turned totally off when there were storms. However, I did get the distinct impression that maybe 1% of the natives really hate white people and would go on a kill whitey killing rampage if they knew they could get away with it. There were rare but needlessly brutal crimes against white tourists.

Suck my dick you unemployed nigger fucker.

add the black country run by blacks was better to live in than black basketball america run by jews and white commies (where I have also lived)

west africa is a shithole

Lmao Claron que si sudaca.

In AZ they’re known as wind scorpions or camel spiders

I worked in kenya for a while. I saw pic related with coffins tied to the roof. I wonder how much the dead's fare was...

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Our history, Social Studies and Caribbean studies syllabi are designed to brainwash kids into hating whitey because "all whites are colonists". It's sad because the information is so close but the blame is pinned on average whites instead of the oligarchs and the jews. That said, there are definitely a few very racist blacks and indians who absolutely would murder you horribly if they could get away with it. I'm actually planning on moving back down there within a few years with my family.

I live in one, AMA

How many dead bodies do you see yearly? On Avg?

Are you black?

I got the impression the average person there didn't give much of a shit about colonialism. If anything they thought on the balance it was positive. E.g. the major hospital was named after a british monarch

I gave one guy shit for having Queen Elizabeth on money and he was mildly amused, said "Well we didn't do what you did" referring to the American revolution

I think the violence is more primal than that, it's about clearing out competitors. In a way I begrudgingly admire it

Usually one or two, and it's always a traffic accident

How many strap you got? Don't tell me youre lacking.

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Unfortunately I'm not as free as you are

To whites via blacks? Man you Canadians are faggots

Oh so you aint a real nigga then. WHat you gonna do when this dude comes to clap your ass? "sorry mate u cant do that its illegal mate"

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How embarrassing. His fly is open.

And he's a primitive negro.

I can't tell what you're whining about. Nice amerimutt education.

I can only hope I get a good funeral

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nice proxy attention whore

Unataka nini fala... Kwenda umangwe matako

please post a pic of where you live

Can't right now. In the office. If i get the chance will take pic of outside building

No, I'm White/Indian. I got bullied for being fair in secondary but that was more to do with the majority of people being beaten by their parents (me too lol) and having low self esteem than racism. Also people just assume you are snooty and rich if you are fair which is shitty but not unwarranted.

I think it depends on the island, and the social class of the people. The middle/upper class kids like to virtue signal but the average person just wants to live a good life and be friends with everyone. There's racial awareness, people know they are different, but there's not a lot lf bigotry. In fact most people like foreigners and whites, especially if you don't act like an uppity so and so. The irony is that many of the anti-colonial virtue signallers are descended from former plantation owners. It's pretty funny. There is a minority of radical anti-whites though, they're the same pricks that caused all the issues in the 70s. Black power is a big thing among educated blacks as well so they tend to be the most racist group. They also write the textbooks that decry whitey as the devil.

>I think the violence is more primal than that, it's about clearing out competitors. In a way I begrudgingly admire it

The people that act like that are just very low IQ. They're not malicious, they're just animals. I don't hold a grudge against an animal for their instincts. Average IQ where I'm from is 85. You just have to keep your expectations low.

How do you rate Kenya out of all the African countries you know?

what the fuck did you just say about me ?

>African country
>show a camel spider from Iraq


300 confirmed kills?

We have them here too you know...

There was one in my office in from of the side exit I used.

1) they are smaller than the ones in the Middle East

2). I still walked to the other side of the building to get out

3) I am a grown married man who’s killed snakes and mamels but FUCK arachnids

i like you

15 €

(no refunds)

One entered my car once... Almost died. I almost caused a pileup when it started climbing up my pant leg...
>i have nightmares still

Was in eastern Kenya for a good bit of time, was mostly based. Bought weed from a farmer at a school. No cold beer though, hardly any warm beer for that matter. Don't think I need to go back soon. Oyugis

It's kinda shitty OP

>climbing up my pant leg while driving

I think id actually die of a heart attack

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That sounds horrific.

Do you guys have a lot of problems with brain drain?

I meant Western Kenya. Also there was a cool bar in kisumu but I think the dirty luo burned it down a couple of elections ago

Not like it used to be, things are changing and alot of proffesionals are chosing to stay rather than run to western countries. The ones who leave usually end up coming back home.

They do chimp out alot during elections, and football matches. They're our version of chavs

>The people that act like that are just very low IQ. They're not malicious, they're just animals. I don't hold a grudge against an animal for their instincts. Average IQ where I'm from is 85. You just have to keep your expectations low.

They're competing the only way they can: by making the environment undesirable to people who can out compete them in other ways

I worked in:
Ivory Coast
Burkina Faso
South Africa

Ivory Coast/Senegal were hard from day to day due to the language differences but the people were very nice and I enjoyed both places.

Ghana was my favourite of the group

Burkina Faso and South Africa felt very hostile, I never really felt safe when I was in either country but more so Burkina Faso.

Nigeria was terrible and I hated it

Take care Kenya bro

They also seemed way darker than almost any other, I thought it was interesting that the rest of the country discriminated against them. People near my house out of town were great folks, poor as shit but very grateful and kind

Are you that canadabro that did all the charitable infrastructure work in Africa only to realise how useless and pointless all the efforts were

Thanks man
We don't really discriminate against them. It's just how they behave that makes us treat them like that.

Swamp ass humid.

Na, I dont do charity but my company does work with charity groups and that is basically how it always went.

They would be so excited about how the project was going to change lives and make the world better and then would eventually realize they wasted their time.

One group set up a hospital/medic complex and installed solar and water equipment, people stole the pipes for the water. It was PEX... the fuck you going to do with PEX and no connectors? copper at least I can understand.

I worked in a few African countries. Security company for the oil and other raw materials.

I'll let you guys know something. Ww3 will most likely be over Africa and it's resources in the future. The Chinese, Russians, and the West are low key fighting it out, but most already know that due to Libya. The heaviest investor is China, while the Russians are stacking both military and mercenaries in certain countries. The US and French are the biggest western players with the brits starting to come out of their island to reclaim their old colonies, such as Zimbabwe. Expect great happenings in Africa. I expect the Russians will win it though, their training with the feral nogs are better than ours and Europeans.

South Africa might be the next regime change frontier soon. Depending on the election results.

I'm glad to hear that, we get Kenyans every now and then where I'm from and they always seemed like intelligent and good people. When our best people leave it hurts the society way more than they understand. It's a big problem for us. Our smartest kids leave for college and then get poached by foreign companies before they graduate and never return or pay the money they took for college back to the country. That's a big part of why I want to go back myself. The declining standards of living in the West are a big contributing factor though. It's very unhealthy for mind, body and soul to live in these countries.

Wow, I actually never thought that much into it, but you're absolutely right. The only reason the government keeps them under control at the moment is through gibs and work programs to keep them busy. Giving them real homes instead of shacks also helped to reduce gang activity, likely due to the fact that they felt they have enough resources and the gangs get split up when they move them out of the slums. I think class inequality fuels their anger, but they are incapable of elevating themselves despite all the programs given to them, for free, to improve their lives through education. I can't think of a scenario where we remove the problem of resource scarcity for them without creating a dependent population.

How can I get a job in Africa?
Would love to spend a year or two living there

The solution is physical separation. They can never compete against westerners in a western system, and it's evil to expect that of them. There's nothing wrong with them living in shacks. They're supposed to live in a $50,000 stick frame house that gets destroyed every 15 years in a hurricane? What is wrong is bringing them north against their genetics, putting them in apartments that require hundreds of dollars a month of heating oil to heat, giving their kids autism from vitamin D deficiency, asking the few smart blacks they produce to compete with the smartest of literally billions of whites, Chinese and Indians for medical school seats (or accept degrading affirmative action charity), then brain draining the few doctors and nurses they manage to produce to take care of fat boomers, etc. They also seem to really resent incarcerating whole generations of their young men for acting like criminals (according to white standards). These are all problems they need to fix, not us. Or they can not fix them, and if they're not physically with us, it's not our problem!

Hate a mate work on some water projects he said a local stole his ipod then returned it because the local didn't know how to recharge it

Did you mean whip scorpion?

>pretty sure its a shithole now
yeah, that's what usually happens after kikes turn up!

We send alot of money home when we work abroad, which i think is the reason why many come back. Get an honest relative or friend who can invest the money you send home and you live quite well when you get back.

We had a local steal a 5gal can of diesel (we had a big D on the side of the can and G for the gas ones) and come back the next day demanding we buy him a new car because the diesel killed it.

Been saying this for years, leave them alone. Leave the continent and let them go through a sorting period. We aren't helping, never have. It's cruel

It's the way of politics friend. Keep them nice and controllable with gibs until the next election. Thats what our second president majored in, with the help of the clintons and Bushes and Blair...