I feel like I need a religion, I am spiritually barren

I feel like I need a religion, I am spiritually barren.

I hate degeneracy and Islam is looking like the only one that don't put up with it.

Should I seriously become a Muslim? or is there any other uncucked religions?

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kys subhuman trash, the day will come when all of you monkeys will pay the price

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they rape babies

Then what the fuck should I do?

This society is fucking sick and I hate it.

Mormons man. From race to science and lack of degenracy... they are the red pilled

Religion is only how you define to live your life.

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Fuck Muslim. Go Christian.

Christians are literally being cucked though and celebrate their own genocide.

Why would I want a weak horse?

No, you should just settle on finding god. Pray and maybe you will receive guidance

Why the fuck do you need a title and a label to attach to yourself to prove to others that you are a morally decent person?

Just be a morally decent person without all the crazy speaking to voices in my head bullshit.