How do you go from pic 1 to pic 2?

How do you go from pic 1 to pic 2?
What the fuck happened to the Romans?

Attached: roma-invicta.jpg (1050x1194, 228K)

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Slave economy that couldn't capture slaves anymore.

(((Germans))) then later (((muslims)))

Falling birth rates, increased welfare state, importation of foreign mercenaries, addiction to an easy way of life.
Also probably Jews.

you mean Huns. They pushed the German tribes into roman territory.

They became Italians :DDD
>ital ital


Pic two isnt really related at all to pic one politically

How about you read a book out of the millions out there answering this exact question?

How's about you stop being a faggot and get your education on Jow Forums as any same human being does?


AHbyes the German “Ich dindu schiss!!”

Stronk Womenz

Well it is the second longest uninterrupted empire in history after the Japanese empire, I wouldn't look at it as a failure

The romans met the jews. Also Romans allowed mass migration from non white settlements into the empire. The original romans didn’t make enough kids. The Roman senate literally went full retard and did identity politics to preserve the empire without Roman soldiers, because they were running out of romans. Essentially the Roman senate became a mixture of non-romans and a few romans. Near be end of the empire fewer and fewer ethnic romans were actual emperors. Look up Philip the Arab, he was the fourth last emperor. The jews did the romans in nicely. The real romans are extinct, hence the meme that italians are not white, which is true. Southern italians are not white. Germanic tribes pushed the non-whites out of northern Italy, but now due to liberal laws shitskins are moving all over Europe including northern Italy.

behold, the roman empire anno 2019

Attached: empire.png (1427x640, 44K)

They're more Germans than anything.

It's a complicated question, but the most convincing explanation I've seen that fits in a single book is pic related. The short version is what likes to call "SCALE", i.e. as sociopolitical systems get larger they become less efficient and have to devote more and more resources to management for ever-diminishing returns. (Anyone who has worked in the public sector can confirm this phenomenon.) Prior to falling Rome divided into western and eastern empires, which mitigated this problem for a while by reducing the effective complexity.

All the other factors, like barbarians and importing foreign mercs to be "totally Roman" troops, are secondary to SCALE, i.e. they were only done or only became a problem because of it.

Attached: the collapse of complex societies tainter.png (389x556, 161K)

What happened to Honduras???

(((Christianity))) happened you serb dog


Only a part of modern Italians are even descendents of the Romans. Lombards and Normans settled there and Italy was only united a rather short time ago. There are still strong seperatist movements in North Italy and Venice, the Lega started as such a movement.
To call modern Italians heirs to the Roman Empire or somesuch is just wrong, they are a completely different people now.
It's like calling modern Egyptians heirs to the Ptolemäic empire or the ancient egyptians while ignoring the effect of arab conquest and islamization.

The exact reason Rome fell is because of Christianity. Look at the Eastern Roman Empire they fell at the same time as the Western Roman Empire. No way they existed another 1000 years.

>What the fuck happened to the Romans?
The Germans. It is always the Germans.

Race mixing happened to the romans...same happened to the egyptians and the greeks. All these great civilizations declined because of racemixing

Kek... ignoring the fact that romans allowed massive non-white immigration to Rome to the point where romans were genocided

Evangelism is taking it over

You mean the ones who worship Israel, mierdo.

here you go

1) Loss of philia due to rise in multiculturalism.
2) bubonic plague
3) rise of Islam conquered powerful provinces in Egypt and Syria and destroyed freedom of the sea in the med. Entire Roman economy depended on seafaring trade.

they got cucked by superior "barbarian" races. SHITALIANS BTFO

>Can't into irony
Is this Youtube comment section?
I tried to make a point against the "Muh Christianity" argument. It is baseless because the Western Romans were Christian just like the Eastern Romans yet one empire outlived the other for 1000 years. The fall comes down to various reasons but varg fanfemboys have to jerk each other off in these threads.

Might as well include the Orthodox countries as well since they're the heirs of Byzantium.

they are not controlled by the roman government church so they're not part of the roman empire

The empire was so big that it was impossible to control all of it. So it was split in half.

Attached: 1200px-Partition_of_the_Roman_Empire_in_395_AD.png (1200x827, 302K)

The same happened to the British empire

Attached: britishempire.png (800x370, 104K)

Constantinople was betrayed from within by jews that ought to have been expelled. Other than that though I don't think it's really fair to blame Christianity, it wasn't the weak and gay version that predominates today.

>How do you go from pic 1 to pic 2?
>What the fuck happened to the Romans?
You need to take to account they went from a single town to pic 1 originally

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In fact, one could say the Eastern Empire didnt fall exactly BECAUSE it was almost in totality Christianized by the quarter of the fifth century.
What killed the Western Empire wasn't Christianity, it was religious fracturing; the Germans brought Arianism, the Celts were druidists, the Latins followed the Latin rites, the the berbers brought their fetishism to Northern Africa, and finally the iberians were a religious mess. How do you expect to hold that together without nationalism and ESPECIALLY without a competent autocrat is beyond me.

If southern Italians aren’t white, then what are they? They’re not Arabs. They’re not Persians. They’re Europeans who speak one of the Romance languages. And even if you don’t want to consider them white, the anti whites do so it’s a moot point

The thing about large empires is that unless you brutally oppress and exploit they're not necessarily profitable. Much of ours became a net liability that we continued to prop up out of a sense of obligation to civilise the natives, the "white man's burden."

Attached: white man's burden.jpg (1600x1015, 380K)

No, italy dna is basically the same of roman times with really small changes.

Rome never actually fell and italy is not even bad, it's just bad compared to Rome. But Rome will rise again, it's the natural destiny of the world.

only the north.

your country was founded by Goths.

Great Empires a rarely NOT a liability.
The Roman Emperors knew very well that they got overextended, and followed the same pattern as the British you describe : "if we aren't there to hold civilization together, who will?"
All in all, smaller has more payoff, because there is no net loss due to corruption which you can't oversee, and travel that eat up your meagre revenue.
Plus, the British Empire was actually an industrial empire, which meant that they could focus their economy on various produced and manufactured goods, giving them flexibility. Imagine Rome, who was mainly agrarian as an economy.

Because a nation is only sustainable in the long term if it's ethnically homogenous

The second picture should be the UK, not Italy. Modern Italians are descendants of the barbarians that sacked Rome. Descendants of actual Romans are Anglos.

I'm pretty sure it's under 50% in Uruguay

the BVLLS OF GERMANIA came crashing down on them with no mercy.

Why have Serbs never been good for anything but always been complete and utter shite?

Serb=Latin Servus, slave

What happened to the Brits, what happened to every empire on the face of the planet

Still better than a diaspora fag.

Southern Italian here. We are roman-Greek mutts with a bit of MENA and German blood.

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No sorry Serbs are pretty well the lowest European tier, prove me wrong


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But still better than faggots who run to other countries looking for a better life.
Immigrant nations are filled with scum.

Let me remind you that Portugal is in Europe too

Drops or small amounts of admixture don't make you non-white, stop falling for the D&C shills and derailing threads, insecure newfag
White means European, anyone thinking different is a delusional identityless larper

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Plenty of Servs here m8

Portugal is pretty well the purest remnant of actual Romans anywhere still existing. It is better than Uruguay (although to be fair Uruguay might be the best place in Latin America)

the empire started to decline when
1. its borders became too large to be protected by a traditional army.
2. a "german party" was allowed into the senate.
3. the authorities chose not to extermiante all the christian women and kids.

Immigrants are cowards and deserters, their ethnicity doesn't matter. Morally, they're all the same.

Quite an easy existence that of the white nationalist, isn't it? if some group does something good, then it's the supposed "Germanic blood" responsible for it, while if it's something bad, then it's definitely the rest
how isn't that Germanic blood helping Sweden?

this place is making me despise whites and their struggle, these pieces of trash are such simpletons they cannot even conceive an European group besides Germanics and the rest being something of its own and not a sum of parts
then they come and talk of "alliance" for the good of Europe, lmao

I wonder when Germans will stop trying to destroy Europe

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>authorities chose not to extermiante all the christian women and kids
Actually thewy did try that, it's the reason Christianity actually had traction aty all out of the Levant you revisionist pastanigger.

Better to create colonies and carve spheres of influence than to starve Ivan


They let in too many niggers and arabs

For starters they stoped existing, and italians moved in

learn some history, faggot

A mix of climate change and open borders. They let everyone be a Roman which made being Roman quite meaningless. They did this to court low intelligence votes. That meant no one cares about Rome and being Roman. As for climate change, the Rhine started to freeze in the winter, which it never had done before. That barbarian hordes could invade on foot

i think the main problem with the barbarian tribes was their willing acceptance of the christian supremacy over their traditional plants and stones worship. in a non-germanized empire christianity could never had spread, since our old calssical mythology is clearly more elegant and intense than any kike and lutheran cult whatsoever.

Didn't you guys just basically steal the Greek pantheon?

And, those who had to manage these ever more complex systems were less capable with each successive generation due to genetic entropy that happens in advance civilizations where natural selection is suspended. It took a series of plagues and famines to enable civilization to come back.

Indeed, we stayed up here, the Goths that brought down the rotten roman system are part of your ancestry

Imagine worshipping a dead man, twisting and modifying the shit out of a religion, stealing elements by pagans and other older cults, killing the original christians and then using is as a tool to brainwash retards into not subverting the order of their State and living as powerless slaves
Then autistically screeching it's the superior one, and the most coherent one
Truly pathetic

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The ones that worship money desu

Also, your "christianity" is technically a "kike cult", you ignorant, uneducated newfag

>Imagine worshipping a dead man
Nordic Gods are all gonna die and be cast into oblivion along with their followers.
The "dead man" will live on forever and grant his boon to everyone who believe in Him.
I'll take my chance with the "dead man", thanks.

>a fucking leaf
Imagine my shock

Attached: 1546936612068.jpg (533x800, 85K)

>stealing elements by pagans and other older cults
Fun facts: By official church doctrine, everything pre-christian is 'satanic' by literal definition

Double fun: most of the names for christian gods are names of pre-christian gods

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They even worship idols/icons daily

Attached: 1534606927189.jpg (400x396, 25K)

You worship a pantheon of rapists, petty murderers and sociopathic assholes and expect to have a society devoid of those elements.
Those are no gods of mine.

> muh the rumanz stole the greek culture.
kek, this again. no, the romans, the greeks, the etruscans, probably the minoans, etc had the same pantheon because we are blood brothers. it is a thing that goes beyond the spoken languages, we are gentically realated, unlike the other european peoples.
the fact that you can't distinguish between , say, the roman sense of beauty (straight lines, black-white alternance, geometric patterns, and so on) and the greek one (curves, volutes, multicolour painting, etc) is due to your untrained eye and genetic bad taste.

Hello mr Molymeme. You forgot to add women and irmagrants to the list.


You don't even know what I believe in
But it's ok, I get that a leaf is way more stupid than an American
No need to autistically screech at sven stealing your waifu

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>petty murders and sociopathic assholes
If you are christian, you pray to one of those anyway

Dat feel when romans sent their political dissidents to Crimea so they would die faster but russians consider it a top vacation spot.

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God nukled Sodom and Gomorrah because they were degenerate scum who poisoned the mind of God's exemplars, so he dealt with them quickly.
God practically did the equivalent of nuking an agrarian society with His seven plagues because they mistreated and outright tried to genocide the people that pledged themselves by contract to them.
Later on, God got pissed about the whole disbelief Moses and his followers had in Him (in a typically Jewish fashion, might I add), and in remembering that these were the same people that WILLINGLY SOLD THEMSELVES INTO SLAVERY FOR A FEW SHEKELS AND FOOD, made them wander the desert for fourty years.
God never murdered for murder's sake, the gods of greek and italic myth literally killed people over slights or in fits of rage, especially Poseidon and Zeus. The less sociopathic one like Hades and Prometheus, of all people, were constantly fucked over by the main one, with the last eternally suffering just because he gave us a mundane tool.
Athena, the goddess of WISDOM, was a haughty bitch who cursed medusa for being raped in her own temple by Poseidon, and later had her killed when she had her fun by Perseus, in one version of the legend.
I mean, God might have been brutal, but the ancient hellenic/italiote pantheon is on a whole new level of absolute evil.

It's too much fun to read Americans talking about European, or Chinese, or Japanese culture.
They are so ignorant and blind that I am always surprised.

Signora, quando voi vivevate ancora sugli alberi e vi dipingevate la faccia, noi eravamo già froci

>Justifying things that go against most of your religion's fundamental values because the ends justify the means
Typical, so brainwashed you have to try everything to ignore all its flaws and incoherencies
But if worshipping a dead man, a spirit and a sky giant makes you happy, I couldn't care less

That happens when you get brainwashed for many generations
Like many catholics in southern Italy, you just can't think with your own mind anymore and shield yourself from anything going against what has been imposed to you

Overall, Americans and colonials are always funny to watch discuss, or talk with, as long as you have some popcorn to eat, and are not stressed. They never fail to provide top quality laughter

patrician answer

the romans fucked themselves too hard.

The praetorian guard? corrupt and (nearly) never used in actual combat

The emperors? Most of them were incompetent. Hell even the second emperor, Tiberius, was a retard, who tried to ruin the empire. Also most of them ruled max. 4 years, because the roman elite fought all the time against eachother.

The military? The marian reforms were the biggest mistake. It made the soldiers loyal to the person, who payed them, and not the state.
Also most of the army consisted of foreigners since the 3rd century.

The people? Since the 3rd century They became tired of the constant civil wars and created a weimar-tier society.

Aetius could have saved the roman empire in the 5. century, but oh wonder, he was murdered by emperor valentian III, because the fucktard thought that aetius was too mighty, eventhrough aetius defeated attila and saved the roman empire because of this

So what ARE the religious values brought by Hellenic worship, except fear of the divine? Because I sure as hell can't see anything positive coming from those myths, no moral value to be had when watching a woman being made to rut an actual bull and birth a monster by Poseidon's will through petty wrath.
The Gods of the Hellenic and Italic Pantheon were always seen as evil, the Greeks openly hated them, and kept worshipping them out of fear and obligation to the polis; the Romans were incredibly selective of the favored cults or aspects of the divine their government put forward in festivals; the only thing that differentiated them from Huitzilopochtli and his constant stream of human sacrifices in Tenochtitlan, for example, was the fact that they preferred the fumes of burning animal meat instead of raw human flesh.

It's funny how you try to derail the conversation about your incoherent faith to the Hellenic and Italic Pantheons
I wonder how many more (you)s will take to you to resort to ad hominem

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So what value is brought forth by hellenic worship? Italic worship? Their myths?

They got fucked by the superior snow niggers

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Are you on drugs?
Or is English your third language?

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