Reddit asks itself why the anti-white narrative is acceptable

Pretty interesting to read, but the amount of cucked white normies is really disgusting.

These retards are going to have an ugly awakening in the near future when whites will be an even more hated minority in a majority brown country with no white majority to protect them anymore.

Attached: 186315.225kill_whitey_orig.jpg (768x1024, 108K)

>Pretty interesting to read


Good goy! Don't ever venture outside of Jow Forums, you wouldn't want to interact with anyone else other than the wignats, trannies and Trumptards here in your containment zone anyway.

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lmao fuck off memeflag redditor you guys are literally worthless.

Seeing cucks finally acknowledge and reflect on the poisonous fruits of their politics can only be interesting

The cope with some of them
>white people don't hate us or talk about us behind our backs
Every white person I've ever know makes fun of darkies when they aren't around to film it and try to ruin their lives

>The cope with some of them
The cope with YOU
>Murr durr, all whites act alike

>Croatian Serb rape baby thinks it's all just a meme

They should have pulverized your kind back in the 90s, Zlatan.

Butthurt from the black cock up your ass, sven?

> you wouldn't want to interact with anyone else other than the wignats, trannies and Trumptards here in your containment zone anyway.

Why would i go to a place that is flooded with the type of people you just mentioned? specially over the recommendation of a meme flaggot like yourself... kys nigger kike

Not as worthless as the blatant shills

I read a couple of posts and I had to stop, it was too pathetic and cringe
>a guy from Iceland denying any such issues exist (are there even any darkies in Iceland?)
>a couple couple of white cucks explaining it away with muh historical oppression
>a spic farming upboats and plebbit gold with the typical "I love all races" platitude (sure, buddy)
So cringe and bluepilled, but it's what I expected from leddit

To distribute redpills among the peasants of course.

But an Arab rape baby like you wouldn't understand that it's important to wake up fellow wypepo to how their future is going to look as a minority in Muttistan. Your country is already there demographically after all. The Portuniggers here in Germany are Turk-tier in my experience, but with even shittier food.

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>cucked Normies

What do you expect Plebbit is nigger kike tier

Most people generally are against the white racism in our media. Doesn’t seem that cucked to me

MM, DM or chan?

>Shitty food

"wypepo" should thank god that they have a proud german like yourself that eats kebab and will show them the light

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The conclussion they might to be getting at is that there's racism everywhere but their anecdotes from the civilized bubble they live in are bearable and easy to rub it off.
So, basically, racism is a human trait (as much it is within the animal world in their own way) that's been blown out of proportion so it resonates really bad with civilized people and makes them feel guilty.
I bet a lot of people say "I don't want to buy on amazon because you might risk getting some low quality chinese shit". Isn't that a racist generalization? Yes it is. Is it far from the truth? Well, no. But people can grasp that being racist alone is not a problem. Being violent is, but people that are violent would find an excuse one way or another to be violent. If not against an individual of a different race it would be against someone with glasses.

A comment I've read from there:

>I agree with you, 99%. I grew up in Southern California. I never realized how great diversity of food options was until I moved to rural Arkansas.Almost every single person is white, and while I have zero options within a 3 hour radius for Greek, Indian, Japanese, etc there are about 12 places in a 20 minute radius to get BBQ. You don't even want to know what passes for Mexican food out here.There really is such a thing as white people food.

About half of all comments in the Reddit AMA are about "white people food". What's funny is that this white cuck never mentions why he left California to Arkansas despite liking third world food.

They hate us because they ain't us.

That’s gnerally true but for me it really wasn’t. I used to tell my friends not to be racist all the time which is pretty ironic considering where I am today.
>Flag related

That wasn't true until your kind made it true. Especially here.

Embarrassing post

And wtf is a wingnat? Makes me think the little gross bug

>sage is pushing the thread down

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archive it or something you dumb nigger