Apparently white rice has a shelf life of roughly 3-5 years - if I were to put silica packets into my rice supply would this help extend that shelf life?
Also survivalism general I guess
Keeping rice dehydrated and other survivalism tips
Just get a bunch of fries from Mackers. they last forever.
in mylar bags with o2 absorbers, while rice will last 20 years. steel cut oats, and corn too. you can get those at the farming/feed store for like 8 bucks/50lb
Thats mostly a myth, they look the same because the salt, it becomes uneatable after some time but still will look the same. Its not due to some secret MC Donalds ingreedients.
They still pull out salted food reserves from the Maginot line from time to time and they still look eatable to this day (what they ofc. are not)
If Trump loses here in 2020, I believe things will kick off in 2021, I will push it. If you vacuum pack and store things in a stable cellar or temperature controlled room with a de-humifider, I would think the 3-5 years for "normal" conditions would be extended.
just get honey senpai it lasts 4ever
I been slowly buying new survival stuff on ebay. -20 c Sleeping bag,Sawyer water filter device, light weight cooking utensils magnesium fire starting systems. 2 cases MRE and other dehydrated food . a Colt 357 will be on the list. even if there is no SHTF events its still comforting to be prepared as much as possible.
vacuum pack with silica packet inside.
Keep it in a storage bin.
One time I ate some bread in Jerusalem with sauce that caused shoah level diarrhea I do not trust your culinary advice.
>never trust the jews
Best survival tip, ever