I think I’m losing it anons

The very thought of abortion makes me sick. Why are we apathetic? Had this happened back in 1800 we would have had another revolution and rightfully so. The legal butxhering of children at the Millions is horrific,
>when all a government can do in The light of mass murder is to bicker and delay that government is unfit to rule us.
>peaceful protests will do nothing
> at no Time in history has peaceful protests accomplished something significant other than when these protests were funded by those who can create change and are seeking to create a social order in which this change is accepted.

The tree of liberty is thirsty.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think it’s time for another planned parenthood bomber.

It's a woman's choice u bigot misogynist.

Thats nothing now they want executions of newly born babies.

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i believe it should be women's choice
but i also believe we should foster a society where people make the sane choice
rather than the way society encourages abortion now

you're not losing it, they're actually talking about killing born babies now

Now how does Routine Infant Circumcision make you feel? Aren't the kikes just amazing doctors?

there's no such thing as morality user we are headed to the glorious future where we are monkey and the state is god

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Source? Not denying just want to see who is saying this.

This is a D&C thread.

Somebody post a snibt crab edit.

>implying talking about their support for killing late-term and literally born babies is not exactly what they don't want us talking about
slide thread arguable, not a d&c thread you illiterate faggot

>Why are we apathetic?
Maybe because there are way too many people on this god-forsaken rock anyway? Billions are already having a ball chopping down rainforests and shitting in the Ganges, we don't need any more humans. Abortions are disproportionately high in the nigger category too, it helps keep unwanted nigs off the streets

>but muh sanctity of life

If you really cared about babies you would adopt one of the thousands of unwanted ones that already pollute this planet

Fuck off, abortion is great, kills many niggers a year. I for one will always support abortion. It’s the nigs right to kill her unborn nogs.


Buckle up.

Full accelerationism from here on out user. Its gotta get so bad the snap back to sanity is remembered for generations

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The Virginia governor was on record as saying
“If the baby was born alive the doctors and mother would make a choice to let it die”. This was in reference to a failed late term abortion.
The law in NY and Virginia is now any health reason including “feeling sad” is good enough for a later term abortion up to the point of actual labor.
I disagree with almost all abortion but I can understand and would compromise for only early abortions. Basically if you have to count the body parts it went too long.

We are alpha legion

Abortions are nothing new, people did it already thousands of years ago

>thinking women would make sane choices if given the freedom

Wew lad

to kill a full term baby?

Look at those gets

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Depends on the race and if it's a potato



(((Marvin Weisburg)))

t. richard dawkins the selfish gene expert

Im not sliding

Do you even have to tell them your reason? Roe v. Wade made non-late term abortions on demand with no questions asked, I'd be surprised if New York added additional requirements.

They also killed each other, and yet that is illegal

It's time to start holocausting doctors and roasties

Show flag kike

Why do pol users, a bunch of sneering, selfish cynics get so upset about abortion?

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Because it is murder of the innocent.

Because there is nothing more evil than using state power and cutting edge technology to kill full term living babies so you can harvest the stem cells to keep old rich people alive long beyond their expiration date.


Nothing wrong with abortion, especially not if they're American babies.

Circumcision is far more cruel and barbaric than abortion. The hyper focus on abortion keeps decent people from asking the questions they should be asking about circumcision

Because they are party line touting "NPCs"

Lets Not Forget the Rumor That states That After Every abortion (The ones ((they)) didnt get ) The parts and cells of the dead baby will be used as flavoring chemicals for food

it's negros that get abortions you faggots. how many times must we go over this? without abortion the nigger population explodes

It was supposed to be
3 months no questions
3 months woman’s health
3 month woman’s life

Basically it was sent back to the states that no one would ever think of something like partial birth abortion.
One big tell tale sign about the abortion debate is that the original Roe and the doctor behind it are now pro life.

When the subject of infanticide becomes a partisan issue, violent revolution is the last hope of that society.
Why is it that the law classifies that when a pregnant woman is murderef it is a double homocide?
Because the legal line between murder and non-murder is if the outcome is desirable.
They have accomplished this by promoting moral relativism in which the law declares what is morally right
the secularisation of the West was imperative in achieving this goal.
Without a concrete and static moral law of God, the ruling class can go unchecked in their satanic endeavors. They have replaced morality (which is derived from God) with legality creating for atheists a false religion in which legality is the highest law, giving free reign to the Jews.

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It's not that women choose abortion.

They just like to have it as an option.

Granted half the time a black womans womb is just dead nigger storage it is morally corrupt to let a heinous act continue because it manly kills people you (we all) don’t like.

The white population is becoming stagnant as well, we cannot keep up with the birth rates of minorities paired with the mass importation of migrants.

Yeah they can maybe use fresh cells and stuff?

That’s not even talking into account the amount of racemixing promoted by public schools.

AHAHAHA thats rich coming from roachmania. Watch out for the sticky pads on the floor and dont eat the green pellets faggot.

New York removes the double homicede for murfreing a pregnant woman.

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>it is morally corrupt to let a heinous act continue because it manly kills people you (we all) don’t like
this type of thinking is why we have wild niggers running around in the first place. ask the arabs how they handled their slave population. you'll notice they don't have blacks there
>dude the country is fucked anyway lmao!
ok then why the fuck should I give a shit what the barbarian hordes do?

>by 2050 the average American will look like this

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The establishment apparently is willing to risk burning down Duke basketball as well as the newly-blue state of Virginia to get abortion off the headlines, while multiple states are coordinating late term abortion laws and RBG is supposedly being kept alive to protect their agenda.

>implying white women get abortions
>implying women who wait for the late term to abort aren't doing so because of downies

There is nothing wrong with aborting [spoiler]non-white[/spoiler] babies and in fact should be encouraged and legalized across the world.

Maybe you should think it over a little more. Although one might figure if WN's supported it more vocally maybe the sla- patients would rebel against their pla- party of "choice".

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Jesus Christ. They talk about it so calmly like this is just matter of fact, no big deal.

Your image is deceptive. Do you get it now?

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That image makes me sick,women are such vile creatures

> Things you should never say to a mother:
I wouldn't want that baby either.
You really think you can raise that?
What if you change your mind?
You should of took the pill.

I can think of more, but don't we want mothers to have more abortions?

Isn't that the end game goal, to reek an insurmountable amount of havoc and chaos throughout the world?

Humans are a vile parasite and deserve agony and torture for the rest of their existence.

While the practice is pretty horrific. What is wrong with liberals and blacks killing their next generation?

Can you imagine if when all these atheists and jews go to hell they are swarmed by hordes of aborted babies and hell fetuses? It would be glorious KEK

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who is pushing abortion? If it was really beneficial to the white race, why would (((they))) be behind it you retard.

What about sperm that didn't successfully fertilize an egg? Or miscarried children?

Holy fuck hell is even worse with waterfalls of semen even ,its sick

permanent nigger creation station. you're only killing off peoples kids who have the ability to see hardships on the horizon, meanwhile shanikwua will fart out 8 kids in 7 seven years with 0 fucking plan whatsoever, and retards with high IQ's will think jiggaboo queen should get 12k a month to keep the poor fuckers hostage.

trust me, if it wasn't working for the commie left and getting them more state power and votes they wouldn't bother with it one fucking bit.

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sorry meant to reply to

>wild niggers
Incentive sterilization would be a better option or something that would require fertility treatments in the future to actually have a baby.

Illegally, you fucking moron.

Y'all in retardnation

We should limit the amount of abortions allowed per person, and inform people about CONTRACEPTION, and that abortion is not a form of it.

How early, out of curiosity? The latest I would ever be willing to compromise on is 2 weeks (not even sure if abortion is possible that early).

dasrite, ethnostate means we want separate countries, it doesn't mean we're into fucking genocide. niggers have the right to live unmolested too.

or we should put them back in africa and leave them the fuck alone

Sorry OP. Your really not going to like this pic
Or this article about the RESALE VALUE of dead fetuses

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I agree with you.

Remember op, every aborted kid is another drop of power given to evil spirits.
Next time some state worshiping idiot tells you they are atheist,remember what they do and what rituals they commit.

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Psalm 139 is real nice

After 3 the women needs to be sterilized quite frankly. Stupidity and dangerous behavior is genetic

Just think of them as all niggers
