how do i get over my racism for black people?
whenever i see them niggering it up i get irrationally upset and this racism is killing me inside. i just cant get over how stressed i feel everyday living in Louisiana where half of the people that surround me are black. I would say that my racism wasn't learned but acquired through negative experiences with black people
How do i get over my racism for black people?
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>how do i get over my racism for black people?
Your first step is to stop coming and LARPing as someone who genuinely wants to stop being racist. Coming to Jow Forums to ask how to stop being racist is like going to a liquor store to ask how to stop being an alcoholic. Fuck off and don't come back.
Fucking lol perfect answer.
Realize how insane it is to have thoughts like "every member of X group always does Y"
Observe how much of your "justifications" for racism are actual evidence versus confirmation bias
learn to judge people on an individual basis
generally just let go of hate
Not OP but what OP is describing is more common than you think.
I don't have many experiences with black people because they're less common in my area, but the few experiences I do have they either tried to steal my shit or were being overtly racist to ME for being half japanese. So like, my gut reaction is to hate all black people, but at the same time I realize there are good black people out there in the world, so it's like a constant war between my instinct to put people into categories and my rationality.
I just don't see why we need another one of these threads when its 100% obvious by the fact that he came to Jow Forums and used the phrase "niggering it up" in the first sentence of his post that he gives absolutely zero shits about wanting to not be racist anymore.
whenever I see a black person I always think to myself "goddamn niggers"
4chin has ruined my mind I guess
Yeah im sorry i cant joke around. I didnt ask how do i become a faggot who ass kisses other people
While some are ok, they are still overall fucking retarded. Its impossible for any non white race to build a world that is decent for everyone. The second a nigger gets power it's all BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK and if you are a white person in a wheel chair and go excuse me can I get some help they will call you a racist. This could have to do with the fact that they been "down" for so long and never got a chance to mature and understand empathy for everyone, but it's still a reality that they typically have no care for whites. They've filled up prisons by making the same mistakes over and over which justifies the police state. People also associate "different" behavior with being a nigger and then it leads spoiled douchebag white to build more gated communities. The best example of why this is an issue is occupy wall Street, dude told a story of how they were making progress then blacks and gays and women would be like US BLACK LESBIANS ARENT GONNA TAKE THIS THIS ISNT ABOUT ANYONE BUT US!
If black lives matter was called police accountability it would have led to everyone having better policing, but in their mind poor whites who came to us after slavery need to suffer. Lgbt became a cult and started doing witchhunts in shit rather than playing the long game and letting things settle, and since they pushed people too much now trans people are murdered. Hatred of any groups is justified until these people are permanently humbled and look at the world as a world with billions of people instead of just going HOW CAN I MOST BENEFIT RIGHT NOW . There are evil people and evil systems that if targeted with a group effort would be destroyed, but imagine the military going into Iraq then the Navy going NO I NEED YOU TO CALL ME KING ARTHUR OR I AM TURNINF THIS BOAT AROUND.
>be black
>meet another black person who’s an asshole
>”wow, this guys an asshole”
>carry on with my day instead of blaming the other 900 million black people in the world
How can your brain function blaming the majority of people for what a minority do?
>I would say that my racism wasn't learned but acquired through negative experiences with black people
I had similar negative experiences with black people throughout grade school. I went to a majority black school where one of the class bullies was the son of some big bastard on the school board. It was a nightmare, but I did learn the satisfaction that comes with showing someone who thinks they're untouchable that their actions have consequences.
My advice is trying to separate the people you meet from yourself and your body of memories. You don't have to forget it entirely. I'm never going to forget the martyr complexes I saw in those white-collared black kids while they ganged up on the trailer trash kid, I want to be able to spot that piece of nastiness when it crops up in other people and in myself, but you can't hold it against people who haven't even had a chance to show you how good they are.
the real redpill is to realize that poor people are almost universally shitty, you only blame it on black people because a majority of them are poor
>I didnt ask how do i become a faggot who ass kisses other people
My point exactly. Fuck off back to Jow Forums.
>Jow Forumstard : the post
Can’t tell if troll or not, but I’ll give advice anyway: I’m black myself and I’ve also had negative experiences with white folk. But it’s pretty retarded to think that the answer is to hate all white people for stupid shit 3 or 4 did to me.
I say just realize everyone is an individual and there are gonna be people you like and people you don’t regardless of the race their from.
(Also, could I get some sauce for that image... for no particular reason)
Wow thousands of pit bulls attacked people. I am not going to exercise caution when I hear a violent dog barking.
There are cues sent off by "gangstas" whether through their speech, mannerisms, or appearance. If you say your brain operates the same when I homeless person approaches you compared to a policeman or an elderly women or a businessman or an attractive girl, you are a fucking liar. Funny how the same people who say it's insane to be racist will say "omg these white people are so racist" and then exercise caution when near a white policeman. "But white policemen did bad thing before so they could again!" Yeah exactly dumb fuck. I'm not adjusting a survival skill for your feelings. Nobody cares about your skin color it's what your race has done. People feel comfortable around pajeets and Asians, but somehow independently millions of people have concluded that blacks should be avoided until further notice. "But, but, they are just wrong they can't make decisions for themselves they must be mentally ill to think that!" OK then why do you want the approval of people who think are brain damaged and If they are dangerously retarded why would you constantly engage then for answers to your concerns instead of contacting scientists who can prove beyond any doubt that these people are incapable of coming to conclusions on their own? You don't want solutions though you want attention or to throw blame on anyone but yourself.
Dumping money into a problem doesn't always fix it. Imagine there being more underlying causes. You just ignore them.
Don't hate people for being different. Yeah that race has it's features, but they have a place in society and an identity and pride. Look for common ground when you interact with them. Learn to be more comfortable with your own race.
If you view them as inferior, then contemplate ways of helping them.
Do you judge dogs for acting like dogs? Cats for acting like cats? Or hate birds because they always fly away or something? So don't hate [insert group of people] for acting like [insert group of people]. This perspective helped me.
Also if you're going to hate a race of people, hate Swedes. Swedes are the absolute worst man, idk if you've ever spent time around some.
This is probably bait, but you don't. Treat people you come across as individuals, of course, but there is absolutely nothing wrong from recognizing trends of their group. A 4'8" elderly Asian woman in a hoodie at 3 AM is never going to be anywhere near as much a latent threat as a 6'4" black male in the same circumstances. You don't know either of them, and until you do it's obvious which one you should exercise more caution around.
>implying that's what racism is
Individuals are separate from groups and group trends. I think you can guess how "racist" I am from the trip, but I am always polite to the nonwhites I know. They haven't done anything to warrant less.
>Don't hate people for being different.
>Swedes are the absolute worst
Only parts of your post I agree with
>Wow thousands of pit bulls attacked people. I am not going to exercise caution when I hear a violent dog barking.
an entire dissertation on why racism is ok and you counter your own point in the first fucking sentence by making a distinction between "race" and the actions of individual members.
Yes user, I will be cautious near a violent dog regardless of its breed, the same way I would be cautious of a gang banger regardless of his race, you fucking retard
"When somebodies points make your points look bad, and your entire world is crumbling from the knowledge that not everyone will blindly accept your way as correct, search your magic the gathering deck for the optimal reaction image card or buzzword to dismiss their argument. Then you will win the argument! If a prosecutor presents evidence that you committed a crime , you can just say "omg like I can't even" and you will win the case!
You have no interest in converting any supposedly brainwashed "racists". None of you do. You need them because they justify your claims of superiority "they bad, so I good!" I have never seen one "anti racist" ever engage in a debate with one of these people that are supposedly wrong, despite a few minutes of critical thought debunking them possibility leading to a "converted person". Isnt the point of debate trying to turn the person you are debating to your ways? You honestly fucking thought that the point was to get an ego boost from just saying how dumb someone is? Get a rip fucktard.
user gave a poor analogy, but you should be able to understand that a pit bull is going to have a much easier time ripping your throat out than a chihuahua--hence why, even if they appear unaggressive, it would be much more safe to approach a stray chihuahua than a stray pit bull.
It's also a fact that blacks are more violent and impulsive than any other race, and this isn't even a question of genetics--whether those characteristics are heritable, socioeconomic, or a combination of the two, the fact is that statistically they're more prevalent. And in the absence of other information, a randomly selected black individual will be more of a threat than a random individual from any other group.
Your mind and body are trying to tell you something. If a person kept getting stung by bees, is it not natural for them to view bees with suspicion? Sure, not all bees will sting you, but you know better than to just go around hugging them all as if the bees like you.
I've grown to accept my body's defense mechanisms, even if other folks call it "mean" or "bigotted".
>blacks make up 13% of the USA
>commit about 50% of all the murders in USA
And you wonder why people don't like you
"Black people are great! Black power! We can take credit for good things blacks do, but not bad things, because I'm Harry Potter!"
Nigger, if every nigger was tiger woods nobody would say a fucking thing. Your weak ass argument that people wake up and go "wow I need to hate people with black skin because they look different" is completely annihilated by the fact that zero white people dislike Hindus. They hate dindus because they are rude as fuck, will literally point a gun at somebody to steal their shit, then when arrested cry about the white man. This is not a case of one or two black people being violent psychos with no manners or ability to contribute to society. If thousands of whites were going "the black man made me do this!" Then we would be discussing that. It's racist to assume that black people like hip hop or basketball? If a black person came up to me assuming I liked Coldplay and golf I'm not a sensitive caveman who is going to assault them.
Like I said before , I'm not adjusting a survival skill because of somebody who offers me NOTHING in return for being their slave having their feelings hurt. I've trusted some niggers before. Always resulted in getting fucked over. I trusted some jews before. Always resulted in getting fucked over.
Millions of black people refer to "white people". There's a literal movie called "dear white people" where stereotyping is magically allowed. Your nigger mind tricks have no power here. You know full well what con you are using you are just trying to exploit the climate where you can strike but others can't strike back.
I ll fuck you up just a little more. I also hate whte oeoole. I hate Christians jews men women Asians niggers. Any group who gets to put them self on a pedestal and go look how great we are now you better not say how bad we are! Is useless. I rely on my self, not something a white or a straight or a television watcher did. Assigning a label to a group like it's a magic word=gay
Oh wow. So this is the power of down syndrome!
>I should blame all of a people for what a minority do
Niggers do well for themselves when not ruled by filthy liberals.
I'm not saying they're the same as whites because every race has its particularities, but to rule them off as "subhuman" or "damn niggers" is just straight out prejudiced.
The fact people have racial differences doesn't mean that those differences should be relevant at a moral or political level.
Give niggers a chance and you may be surprised with what you find.
Latinos commit more violence per capita worldwide than black people
dammit user, acknowledging that is raciss
>Blaming 46 million people for what nearly 0% of them do
C'mon dude. You can't seriously believe that. I'm white guy from a rich part of NY and I'm the first one to admit that me and my friends get away with all kinds of shit that would never fly if we were black or living in some ghetto shit hole or wherever.
I know so many kids that sell drugs out in the suburbs, white girls that shoplift and revel in how no one suspects them, kids whose parents have absolutely bought there way out of criminal charges, etc. It's not even funny.
> da police be racyss
That's as a big of a conspiracy as some of those nazi loonies.
I get upset when people who look totally different than me are found attractive by women I find attractive. I don't think I'm racist, I'm just bitter that I'm not attractive to that girl.
I do kek at the 'how can whiteboi compete?' posts though.
I'm not saying there's some organized conspiracy, just that those kind of statistics are suspect given the context.
>when you've drunk so much /pol coolaid you can't even read anymore
The context being?
That black people and white people often meet with different consequences for the same offenses.
just become black
And that we tend to focus more of our attention on black criminality than white.
My post got deleted because I called someone whiteboi and the fucking BLACKED image is still up on a sfw board. Nice job jannie.
And why's that IYO?
Because America is still a mostly white country where we run shit. No one in control is going to make rules or do shit that fucks themselves over.
pretty much guaranteed you're an underage shitposter if you can't see that there is still institutionalized racism against blacks at a societal level
Obviously I don't mean we make them work without pay to pick cotton, but you are being willfully ignorant if you don't acknowledge that blacks have been historically disenfranchised and that a significant amount of middle aged to older people in positions of power abuse that power to treat blacks poorer than whites.
Where exactly does criminal laws/procedures state that blacks should be targeted more often?
There ain't no such thing as "institutionalized raycisss".
The only thing institutional is liberal idiocy.
You're just speculating at this point. Give me something that's not a conspiracy theory.
>whenever I see a black person I always think to myself "goddamn niggers"
If you actually think this then you were racist to begin with, but who gives a fuck. Being a racist and not likeing another race isn't the worst thing in the world.
It doesn't. We just do it. No one is going to be stupid enough to try to put that kind of shit in writing in this day and age. Doesn't fly anymore. And like I said, no one in power who has control over the state of things is going to purposefully fuck themselves over.
like I said, willfully ignorant. Pretty sure a brick wall would be less of a pedantic retard than you.
> we just do it.
Yeah. Maybe is this ghost of a reason or maybe blacks commit more crime.
Go suck someone else's cock dude.
One doesn't become "ignoramus" just because they don't buy your crappy political bullshit.
Unironically KYS.
Too bad NY and Callie kids like you have to project your own privilege onto the rest of the nation.
Recidivism rates are drastically different as well
That's retarded.
>NY and Callie kids like you have to project your own privilege onto the rest of the nation
>NY and Callie kids
Geography isn't the privilege on display here. Socioeconomic privilege? White privilege? Sure, call it what you want. Either way, it's definitely not something black people are benefiting from.
Not that guy but even tho I'm kinda racist, look into gerrymandering, drug law discrepancies, and profiling(perhaps this one is justified tho). Not saying that justifies the higher murder rate, but I definitely think institutional bias is pretty flatly obvious to anyone with a brain
Socialize with good black people. Seek out the educated, middle class ones. It also varies by city - most of the black people I've met in DC are really good people. The ones I met in Boston were so fucking retarded that it nearly turned me racist. I don't want to get into bullshit with genetics, but it really is about the culture, and the culture varies from place to place.
you definitely need to befriend some black people. the biggest factor in reducing racism is proximity. it isnt dissimilar to alot of guys on /adv who hate women. most of them are in zero or next-to-zero contact with women.... only their ideas of women.
so my point is that you'll notice that people with a diverse community and group of friends find a way to love all kinds of people.
good luck, dood. feeling this way about black people can do you absolutely no service.
Wow, what a crazy realization OP. It's almost like most black people are borderline retarded, smelly apes with absurd crime rates.
The people who defend them never actually had to see what they're like.
Not true, ignore this Nazi retard
Having more expierence with black people is what made me racist, so I doubt more time with them will help.
Lived in Baltimore for four years and even during the riots. Inner city black people literally tear up and slowly destroy everything around them. Black people fix your culture. You literally try to burn down your own EBT grocery store and then piss and moan that it's gone. Fucking children in adult bodies.
And I used to chastise people for being racist.
there's something like 40 Million black people in america. you are the idiot who thinks that your tiny experience with those Baltimorons is a reflection on 45 million people. an education would greatly benefit you. knowing black people PERSONALLY would greatly benefit you.
You're an idiot. Of all the black people I've met and liked, 100% were raised in white areas. Inner city blacks make an area like I am Legend at night.
The few good black people I met basically had childhood were their moms kept them the fuck away from black people at large. And I say moms because spotting a black dad parenting is like spotting a fucking unicorn. Yet people would be in willful denial even after getting jumped for being gay playing it off like "oh this happens with any kind of young men."
No it doesn't. Fix your shit and wipe your own ass black people. All you do is destroy and cross your arms when nobody comes to fix it. No other minority population in this country acts like this. Despite gallons of money and special programs heaped at it, the black community it refuses to do fucking anything.
just pretend they aren't there and move to a place where there is as few of them as possible. pol is out to change them and make them see their ways all while hating them eternally. Not gunna happen, never gunna change. Containment or, preferably, exodus away is the answer...
i guess my question is, how is your perspective abut this helpful, constructive or healthy? could a different attitude about it be more positive to your life?
if all of your feelings about black people are related to your personal experience and what you see on the news, you should consider the possibility that other realities exist that would combat your opinion of black people.
i'm sorry for calling you an idiot but i can't help but be concerned about your intelligence.
My perspective provides perspective. It's not some idealic bullshit or sterilized numbers or news ready to show up on your CNN Buzzfeed horseshit factory as an easy to swallow "hurr durr must be racists fault" package.
My advice is stop trying to force your brain not to notice patterns. You aren't hallucinating.
get off this website?
But maybe your upsetting and stress because of them isn't wrong all along
my point is that YOU are not noticing patterns. you dont have any evidence that MOST (out of the 40 MILLION) black people exist the way that you see them. the fact that you dont have access to that information then it is ENTIRELY likely that it isnt true.
you are welcome to feel however you feel about it but I'm saying that you have the option to change your opinion for your good... not just because that would be the sweet thing to do. i'm in texas. i know a hundred black people and there's no two that are the same. just like every other race of people.
it just makes more sense (and is certainly more intelligent) to allow for the possibility that your experience is not the entire story.
Don’t confuse your dislike of certain black people with black people in general. I don’t like gangsters and rude idiotic fucks that act shitty to others and have an inflated sense of self worth, I don’t care if they’re black, white, or whatever, if they’re a shit human being, they’re a shit human being and your negative response is natural.
So relax, it’s okay to hate niggers if they’re acting like niggers. Just realize that not all black people are niggers, and not all niggers are even black, if anything those behaviors come from growing up poor and lacking any sort of decent parenting while learning from people who set bad examples and get away with it.
If you want help, I managed to snap out of my racism towards blacks after I met a few blacks through mutual friends who were genuinely cool guys. It helped offset the broad strokes I had painted used to paint the race.
Since that was very much the result of circumstances out of my control, you could try looking up some example of smart or caring black people just so you can see that they can be decent people too.
Nig noggin it up, motha fucka, straight niggin it up, fool. Know what im saying.
Niggty nig da nog da nig nog, nog nog niggity nig nog nog nog. You be niggin, i be nigga, we be niggin it up. You be niggin? Noggin be niggin, we be niggin it up, fooooool.
Dont you get niggy on me, bitch.