How safe is being a sugar baby?

Hey guys,

I'm a 24 y/o f trying to make a little extra cash on the side. I'm sorta craving physical affection and dates, and I was considering getting a sugar daddy. Has anyone here gone through the process before? Any horror stories? My friends seem to think it's a good idea, as I'm pretty conventionally attractive...

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just remember to pay your fair share of taxes, thot.

Pic related? Post kik and watch the offers pour in.
Also bad bait but here's your (You) anyway

How much do you think you'll be charging? If that's you in the pic you seem like you'd be fun to nut in. You seem like one of those girls that would hold me just to feel me fill you up.

Nobody else is gonna say it? Alright, I’ll say it. You’re a whore, OP.

Just go on Seeking. Plenty of desperate guys that want sugarbabies. Most will lie though and only pay you once. But atleast you'll get some money out of it.

My step sister did and she was very happy with the arrangement. I just remember her complaining about how much of a loser he was. He thought he was a total player and hot stuff, when really he was a beta faggot. YMMV

You pay me? Ok. I take daily payment. Sex costs extra. No oral. Kissing also costs extra.

Sorry, but no, it isn't me.

Ugh another thotty basic bitch ass hoe, like we dont have enough of them. Enjoy your audit.

Still here OP? I'm an actual sugar daddy. Ask me what you want.

You’ll break your thumb if you punch someone like that

I'm wealthy. I would pay you. What you look like? I used to date ex models from eastern Europe who make American women look like goblins. Sorry but if you don't look at least like a 9/10, I won't consider it. You need to have a perfect body, be fit, look hot, have manners and not smell like shit.

I doubt you qualify

I feel sorry for whoever you inflict yourself upon in marriage.

Where did all these raging autistic virgin incelposters come from?

Would you marry someone who did this?

>How safe is being a sugar baby?

Yes, I would marry someone who was not a virgin you teenager incel.

The issue is not about virginity but about girls doing degenerate things like seeking out sugar daddies.

You are a teenager virgin, you will grow up one day and understand better how the world works.

I'm 30+ and married

There is a difference between being a non virgin and literally pleasing old men for money. One is not ideal but perfectly acceptable, the other is outright repulsive on every possible level. You decide which is which.

You do not understand what a sugar baby is though.

Sugar baby, noun; (1)the inverse of a Sugar Daddy, an older man who solicits a sexual relationship with a younger attractive woman through offering extravagant gifts or cash allowances.
(2) a small caramel-based candy.

Why would a player need to buy a girlfriend?

That's not quite an accurate description. And even then, you think it's always old men. Actually many sugar daddies are rather young.

Why do people who can get girls easily still go to prostitutes? It's not just about the sex.


Coping and rationalizing whoring yourself out ITT LMAO at least be honest with yourself if you're gonna indulge in shit like this

They don't.

You are dead wrong. It sounds like you are very sheltered and know next to nothing about the world of adults.

Ditto except you pretend that you do.

What made you say that men who are successful with women do not go to prostitutes? Because that is objectively false. Thinking this shows your view of the world is very sheltered.

Where are you OP? Come back please, incels have taken over your thread

You're misusing the word objectively. Are you projecting? Sad!

I'm definitely interested in this kind of thing. Not specifically with you, OP, but I have to admit, one of my fetishes is a girl doing something she doesn't really want to because of some kind of control... not rape, but like, needing money to pay the bills, someone having her nudes, whatever. I don't always want to be fucking someone I particularly like.

Plus in this situation I can make the girl dress how I want her to dress, I can stop paying when I get bored of her, I don't have to worry about coming home and her wanting to sit in all night watching The Voice.

Plus she'll always be fit and shit. Unfortunately where I live, it's pretty much too expensive. Women have better options here.


hey uhh... can I fuck you in the ass pls?

I hate you. You are the worst kind of human imaginable. I can't believe someone was your mother one day and you would stare her in the face and say this.

Sugar babies are literal prostitutes. How does not wanting an ex prostitute make you an incel?

>Wahhhh safe sex in the context of a consenting agreement between two people makes me saaaaaad

Probably the kind of dude who thinks this is "degenerate" but wouldn't mind trapping his life in a loveless marriage for the rest of his life while paying for her to live anyways.

How is he the worst person? That's part of the sugar daddy fetish. Buying a girl's body. Women that are financially stable and not in need, don't need sugar daddies. Do people like you ever get tired of hating men for everything? Either they're incel, sugar daddies, or basedboys etc

You're a whore.

Triggered street walker detected

You are a literal incel. How does wanting a mutually beneficial relationship make a sugar baby a prostitute?

There's money involved you jackass. Do you know what money is? Do you really? I bet you're a commie so no.

You fail to realize all women are prostitutes. Only the form of payment differs.

my friend did it and I think she had a good experience. a really nice guy paid for her boobz and took her to france. i would be super cautious and start out by dating like you are actually dating the person (i.e. be in public the first couple of times you meet)

There's the ones who actually obey their husband for the sake of raising healthy children as per the entire purpose of the reproductive function, but those are getting rarer by the day.

It's easiest to treat it as normal dating because it essentially is. It's just a different kind of dating and relationship.

wrong answer lol

there are women who will obey their husband because they love him and think he's capable and knows best

Pay your taxes and we’ll have no problem

You are not succesful with women user, stop using yourself as the definition of sucess

no tits, bad hair (because it's pulled back in a pony tail), glasses
at best you're a 3/10 and only the really desperate guys would go for you. You'd be better off making porn.

That's just some random girls picture she used mate