Im just gonna leave this here

Im just gonna leave this here

Attached: aoc.jpg_large.jpg (477x713, 44K)

Some boomer on kikebook posted this. Will you fucks please stop making elderly people believe crazy shit?

looks legit

we should Q-post this on twitter and r the donald

this is now a flaming BRRRAAAAAP thread

shitty photoshop

It's like a 486/25 and a PowerMac had a nigger child and that spawn was preserved for two decades so that faggot OP could drop this turd on us.

Attached: 1513048790509.gif (283x230, 760K)

>we should Q-post this on twitter and r the donald

Attached: control the memes.jpg (647x500, 130K)

Sauce? She looks like my sister-in-law

Attached: Beans.jpg (640x621, 38K)