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Orban's immigration plan was based, but Hungary's demographics are sliding off a cliff.

How so?

>Having kids for money
It's the only language people can understand apparently.

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how hard is it to get citizenship in hungary?


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Having more kids because you can provide for them you moor

Exactly. He’s just giving massive gibsmedats to breeders instead of having immigration

Any amerimutts is require to provide a dna test to ensure they dont polute the gene pool.

>mother of four
>income tax
lmao what the fuck are they smoking

"oh no, less brown people in hungary"

They mean for the family.

t. shlomo

thats fine. i'm 46% bong, 24% baguette, 15% snow nigger, and 15% sauce boss

>If you have four children you won't pay income tax
Is that a policy or just a statistical correlation?

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Since always people had kids to help work the land, then so they could sustain you while old.
Now it's to remove fiscal pressure.
Gipsies have kids they can't afford all the time, but for different reasons. They like big families.
Having more kids to relieve some fiscal pressure is a little bit disappointing but good enough if it gets the work done. I'm not criticizing the program, but rather the fact that we haven't been breeding when the barbarians where inside our doors, that wasn't good enough of a reason. Money will have to do it.

Aside from that no coutnry should have income tax. I hope the Liberland project goes well and doesn't get filled by pozzers.

And 100% mutt

Taxes are theft. Eliminating a tax is the opposite of gibmedats retarded spic.

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>sauce boss
Im guessing we are talking Italian here. Northern Italian or Sicilian nigger?

northern italian

muh gibsmees instead of just lowering taxes.

Fucking dumbasses

bumping for answers.

Euromutt but euro nontheless. Im doubtful you look anything european with a messy mix like that tho.

Nice. Fucking reject the kikery

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Do they provide a nice white wife too with this deal?
Definitely moving to Hungary.

Lol immigrants don't have to pay taxes.... I mean, if they worked and paid taxes already IDK.

He's giving tax breaks not money. Rewarding people that works.

If you're an unemployed bum a tax change doesn't make a difference

how about this:
>cut down tax rates
>people start having lots of kids

instead of cutting it down only when they reach 4 kids.

It will probably apply to Permanent residents.
Because the idea is to be ensuring there is a demographic trend well within replacement rates up-front before a tax break kicks in. That means many children in quick succession leading to a baby boom.

Orban is going the correct way. This is how you do it.

You do understand that is the REAL reason turd workers do it, right?

No retirement fund. Need kid to feed you.

>boo hoo money is bad
>i wish we lived in star trek so nobody has to work and everything is free

economics 101 you retard

And the immigrants are gonna pay for it! Make Hungary Great Again!

You're dumb. You don't have kids in the civilised world if you can't feed them or give them a proper life. With this, you have a much better chance thus you are more likely to go for more kids.

Holy shit based, it's perfect.

thats dumb because it is women who choose weather to have kids or not. Offering them money and tax incentives does not work.

you know what improves birthrates:
>banning abortion
>banning birth control
>banning women from education
>banning women from the workforce.

This is the dream ancaps wanted

I'm glad I have Hungarian genes in me.

If we lived in a rational society, the government would literally pay bitches to shit out kids. You know, like how we pay nigger sheboons. Except white wimmen.

Can somebody explain to me why they feel the need to mention Orban's stance on immigration every time he is brought up for anything completely unrelated?

Both of you are so absurd and basic I can't believe you got to turn on the computer. Is the same person that help you tie your shoes the one that double clicked the internet browser icon so you could barf your idiotic bullshit while missing the point? Fucking spergs, I swear to God.

wtf i love orban now

Cringe and bluepilled. This isn't gonna work. The reason people don't have kids has almost nothing to do with money.

>it doesn't cost money to raise kids

Are you braindead?

way to practice dysgenics on white people you subhuman white trash.

niggers are shit because the government has been rewarding the worst of them to breed for generations.

Just have house and job here and speak basic magyar.

It's not dumb, memeflag kike, because you know full well that half the problem is men not having much of an incentive to go through the effort and expense of 4 children. Now men will be pressuring women for 4 children for zero income tax benefit. Very quickly you'll separate useless roasties that want 1 or 2 from those that'll have 4, because guess what? Everyone else will be having 4 and Central Europe there is family pressure too.

Banning women from the pill/abortion/etc is not going to happen and is proven not to work, all you do is radicalise them. Instead if you create a social climate conducive to population expansion you'll positively encourage it. And better yet, the only part of the population that will benefit will be those in gainful employment. Unemployed gypos or useless dead-weights won't see a benefit.

Tell that to the niggers, the poos, the jungle chinks, the spics etc. If you ACTUALLY believe money has anything to do with birthrate you are beyond retarded.

>niggers are shit because the government has been rewarding the worst of them to breed for generations.

WRONG. Niggers are shit because they are subhuman homo erectus niggers. And you sir are a faggot.

Saviour of the west? Saviour of the west

How much is a house? Less than $400k usd?

Are you fucking insane? As a young parent, I can tell you have absolutely no fucking idea what you are talking about

We're talking people here, retard

Screencap this and watch as the birthrate doesn't change, you naive fool.

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Yeah, kinda want to move to Hungary now. I'm an ancap at heart but I'm also a little flashy so this is perfectly based for me

>niggers get more welfare benefits when they have more kids
>Durr why do niggers have so many kids?

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>Banning women from the pill/abortion/etc is not going to happen and is proven not to work
Banning infertility pills is unnecessary anyway, people who use them will be bred out of the genepool in no time flat.

Because we are racist, bigot, islamophobic motherfuckers in the eyes of the left.

Holy fuck, Im.moving to Hungary

Just force both mutt parents to be born here as well.

Death to the mixers

That chart is what we are trying to fix, user

Besides gold diggers, nobody looks at having children as a means of saving money. Children are expensive no matter what benefits a government offers. That's like saying people get married just for the tax benefits.

You would be a prince with that kind of money here.

>eyes of the left

You mean eyes of the Jew.

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Lol you can't find a house less than that here. Jews have ruined our housing market.

How will he avoid the current niggeres, chinks and sandniggers living there having it too?
Even more, a bigger threat than those... THE GYPSIES. Those already have +4 kids and are harmful to a civlized society.

Our goverment have a pretty good relationship with Israel and Bibi so I don't know who's jewing who anymore.

Aren't you helping the gyppos with that?

Wtf are you doing Hungary

.>Even more, a bigger threat than those... THE GYPSIES. Those already have +4 kids and are harmful to a civlized society.

Gypsies don't work so they already have zero income tax, that's the problem, everyone else is paying for gypos.

But they can also get a income help which works as a loan, 100% of pay rate for the first kid, 50% of pay rate for the second kid and 0% pay back if you have 3 kids. then no tax for life if you have 4.

If I won powerball I would set up a trust to benefit white, hetero families who had 4+ kids. Father must work full time in value-producing industry. Mother must be stay-at-home mom. Regular church attendance, some kind of family education requirement, etc. I would personally subsidize white families.

A house in Slovenia (I’d imagine Hungary is comparable) is ~200-250k€. This is nothing super fancy, just a nice house to live in. Our average monthly wage (which you seem to forget to compare) is ~1300€ after taxes (I included bonuses which are enforced by law, food and transport costs bonuses). So that’s around 20 years worth of average salaries.
Now compare your housing prices with your average salary, tell me how many annual average salaries does a house cost there?
Yeah, you still have it good. It’s just the golden age is over.

As much as I know the criterias are very strict, so no.

But that's wrong. I didn't want children until I was financially stable.

You don't understand, gypsies already do not pay any tax. They just steal and dodge income tax already by moving from area to area. The only people that will benefit are those that have years of employment record.

That said, this looks a bit like a reverse bachelor/spinster tax.

The reason whites don't have kids is a combination of impossible to meet standards, feminist poisoning telling young women that a man and kids is oppression, valuing """education""" over the survival of the tribe itself, and just straight up hedonism that makes 40 year olds behave like 20 year olds.

You could go deeper and say that we're overcrowded, that there's too much trash in the gene pool, or that this is simply a natural recalibration of the population.

But I guarantee you giving roasties more benefits is gonna do jack all. There's already tax cuts in place in most countries and they do nothing because it's never ever been about money.

Are you actually arguing that niggers in africa are richer than whites in america? Holy stupid.

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What are the criteria?

Didn't Hitler do something similar? Except instead of a tax benefit, it was a stipend for having white children? I'm not a naziboo but I think I remember reading something about this.

I hope Orban's law takes care of loopholes, otherwise you will literally have hundreds of Hungarian millionaires adopting Somali babies just to avoid paying tax.

Sounds like jews have ruined your housing market too slavbro

For 200k usd you can get a PRETTY good flat in Budapest and an excellent house anywhere in Hungary.

this will only encourage gypsies to have more kids

Yeah but you also have lower average income than us. What is the average monthly salary there?

This. If anyone is gonna have kids it's gonna be the gypsies and the few shitskin immigrants that manage to get a visa. France, Norway etc have similar laws and the only people having kids are shitskins. I can't believe how bluepilled most of the replies are.

>Encourage motherhood; subsidizing the family. Watch me breaking free from jews as they mock me.

1200 USD in 2018

shut the fuck up. tons of Americans look like Europeans. for example take myself, im 6'1 and have blue eyes, my pedigree is entirely Germanic and Celtic

Which is 750 usd net

Incentivizing families is exactly what a state should be doing. Decrease the cost of child rearing by eliminating taxes, giving tax breaks, or credits.

This is what the US should be doing. Married white couples should receive a 25% tax reduction for every child they have after marriage.



Fuck. You make half what we do.

Only those can get these gibs who have steady job. Which means the gyppos are excluded (in most cases).

Doesnt this just mean refugees wont pay taxes?

Shut up, mutt

Is this a nice lake? What are the surrounding villages like?

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>implying tax breaks are gibsmedats
>implying keeping your money is a gibs
Unironically this is a great plan to any narion suffering from low birth rates, instead of letting enter third world migrants that have to be indoctrinated and assimilated, these babies are completely immersed.

We have over 10k Hungarians in Berlin alone, if im not mistaken, who ran away from Orbans policies. I worked with alot ofem and they aren't even socially all too liberal.

Imho we should throw Hungary and Poland out of the EU. They are leeching off taxmoney of other states on a massive basis, their people take our jobs and their leaders are complaining about the EU, while they are complicite in corruption cases, where their buddies embezzled millions of that money.

Fuck them. Get them out. Let their citizens deal with them without other countries helping them.


Yes it was Lebensborn.
Nazi Germany wanted to breed as much "Aryan" children as they could, even to the point where they kidnap children to be raised by German single mothers and adopting the Aryan identity.
It's basically Germanisation like the old times, but with a lot less raping

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