don't forget to wish a happy anniversary to congresswoman ilhan Omar and her brother-husband
Don't forget to wish a happy anniversary to congresswoman ilhan Omar and her brother-husband
Oh wow, you've circled a date. Fantastic. You've really blown the roof off of this whole thing. Except, one quick question, I'm sure you understand: what the fuck are you talking about?
Sorry, two questions: how mentally handicapped are you?
>Wilecia Harris
The shills are jumping onto this fast. There must be something to this.
>The shills are jumping onto this fast. There must be something to this.
How many times has someone here said that and it's turned out to be a complete nothingburger? Far more often than it turning out to be verifiably true.
no no schill bitch. we already know she married her brother. but mn is lost anyways
>using the 'word' nothingburger
Don't they teach you kikes chan linguistics before they send you off to war?
Fuck muslims and fuck jews....its that simple
Is the next thing to get the dems to be ok with incest?
Do you though? Or do you have the flimsiest tiniest bit of insinuation that you've blown out of proportion until you think it's actual objective fact?
Ah, signs of salt. I seem to have hit a nerve.
This absolutely is a nothingburger.