9 months abortion in NY

What do you think about it?

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great as long as they're black


They should allow abortion up until the 80th trimester.

lets be honest.. only niggers and utterly degenerate white trash would ever perform an abortion. but as a Christian I still think its fucking despicable

Not true. You are stupid.

Yeah, too bad they just didn’t abort you.

But they aren’t.

1.25 million babies are killed every year in the US alone.

>it's legal to murder newborns -1 second in nyc
>you can be fined up to $250,000 for calling a man who wants to be called a woman a man in nyc
it's bizarre

Truly peak degeneracy and evil

The cross awaits these people.
If w can still call these degenerates people, that is

Lol niggers lol

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The day of the rope will come and the streets of NY will run red with the blood of these baby killing burger Yankee fagots.

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The new law only allows it for situations where the mother's life is in danger, but the right wing media omits that part because it's not as good for generating clicks.

>Evil doesn't matter so long as it doesn't affect me
Jesus would like to have a word with you

mate thats fake as shit

If people are so easily fucked by memes that they murder their own child then their genes were worthless in the first place.

That’s fucked up. My wife went through a still birth at 6 months due to a congenital heart defect in our baby girl. And we really wanted to have her. So this makes me really depressed.

That's how it is here in Canada.

if the mother's life is in danger, get a C-section.
We aren't in the middle ages.

There are probably degenerate clinics you can goto and they will just say the mothers life is in danger whether or not it is true.

Funny you should mention that because in Canada that's not even an issue.

Canada practically has no abortion laws and it is perfectly legal for a woman to kill her kid literally a second before giving birth to it.

found the boomer

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The less amerisharts born the better. I can't feel any empathy to these kids bc they would become murricans.

These threads are the only ones I end up having the adblock the thumbnails of. I'm already against abortion why you gotta be gross

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I think we should raise the age at which you can abort to 90 in New York and California.

Its all about the $$$$. Selling the byproducts after the murder.
You know WHO has the hazard waste licenses/ medical disposal. Now youll know the aftermarket prices.

Only black people, Mexicans, and democrats get abortions. Literally not a problem.

>4changposters have the same tendency to never Google a headline as normiebookposter

Is this the new meme being pushed by tranny discord?

What’s the significance?

Friendly reminder tranny discord are the folks that came up with the cringey smirk emoticon

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>babies are guilty of future crime
There will be no safe harbor for you, either, on the Day of the Rope.

THIS, why should we stop at a few hours after birth, why can't I just get all the people aborted who disagree with me.

You're a faggot.

Because niggers and liberals are despicable

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I love abortion, all leftists should make a habit of killing their offspring.

and you're a pussy who gets his feelings hurt way too easy

they even do abortions years later, it's called ritual murder
i'm sure they'll come up with a newspeak term for it though ((((((post-birth abortion))))))

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Even for some like me with no faith i find it immoral and disturbing

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My feelings aren’t hurt. I knew what response I’d get posting something like that here. But thanks for the lol. You’re a stand up human being.

It's like a wetware actionfigure

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It’s utterly satanic and we all know it.

Welp we all know you're a degen.

I too get buyers remorse when my stuff arrives, so I think it's ok.

Jow Forums

Don't care, why doyou obsess over fetuses anyway?

Gas the killers

What race is it?

abortion is literally the white race's only hope for survival, we raise our kids while they kill them. Honestly, whites need to start funding inner city abortion clinics. If abortion goes away, the white race has 50 years tops until we're minority

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>murdering children is literally the white race's only hope for survival
That's bullshit and you know it.

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Beautiful, they will make great skin care products. You may think this is vile, but the money made from this industry offsets any moral issues.

you mean the hordes of feral parasitic little beasts that will grow up rape your women, drain your economy, and murder you?

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I wish I had been aborted, this life fucking sucks

>if you recognize that more than just the dregs of society are getting abortions then you're a degenerate
How fucking low is your IQ, Jamal?

ny user here and they're not all black. Most of the white women I've known here have killed their white babies. I don't even believe those numbers saying its mostly blacks. It's not.

Looks tasty

A 9 month dead baby is a lot more valuable than a little bit of penis skin.


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I'm leaving the country before they legalize paedophilia. This place is doomed.

This is bullshit. They get more gibs when they have children. It keeps the money flowing in. There is no way the black would kill their free money.

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>we have the right to execute 61 million US citizens that have committed no other crime than trying to be born

61 million abortions, holy hell what a bountiful sacrifice that has been prepared for Moloch.

> abortion by planned parenthood


>white women
>having white babies
>in jew york
cool story bro

The fact that blacks used to stay in their own little shitty ghettohoods and now they are literally everywhere and whites are scarce. Tells me they're not killing their free gibs producing babies.

>1102.7 abortions
is that because niggers count as 3/5 of a person?

Any woman irresponsible enough to get pregnant accidentally, or callous enough to consider murdering her unborn child, is mentally and genetically incapable of being a proper mother.
I'd rather have dead babies than several fucktillion vicious bastards raised by societal shitweeds sucking the life out of the taxpayer en mass.
Women who abort children outside of life-threatening situations and rape should be sterilized.

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that's what you get when liberal deepstate has the power - it's literally their laws enabling this

Money from government direct to democrat party

Good point, it is murder after all. Though they've all been brainwashed since an early age they've been told it perfectly fine. "just a clump of cells" Most all women are easily brainwashed. Really its the liberals and leftists that need punishing.

>killed 14 conscious/suffering cows and pigs for his double whopper with bacon lunch, doesnt think twice about it

>hears that an unconscious fetus might be killed to save the mother's life


>makes an absolutely abhorrent post

Why are leaves the most morally vacuous people on the planet? What happened to you guys?

Friendly reminder: Only liberal women have abortions, which means less babies are birthed and raised in liberal households, which is a good thing! If you're against abortion you're against the United States of America.

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Dogs are not humans you shouldn't fuck with them

>Only liberal women have abortions
show some data to support this claim

yes goyim,
absolutely nothing wrong with sacrif-,
i mean abortions

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9 months is when the baby is born. so an abortion after 9 months is either to save the moms life because birth isnt possible, or a failed birth, which shouldnt be called abortion.

Disgusted. What’s next, pedos have a right to rape children. It’s heading there

Typically it is used to kill babies who will be born with a major defect. Nobody carries a baby for 8 months by accident. Let them kill the undesirables, who cares.

Okay as long as you abort the mother right after

They test the baby way early in the pregnancy. Why wait to kill the baby

This. Late term abortions take several days, first they inject the baby with poison to kill it and the mother has to wait days to get it out. If it was really "an emergency" they could do a C section.

A friend of mine was 8 months pregnant, baby died inside and here in nyc, the doctors made her give birth to them baby instead of c section. So think about it- not all insurances pay for straight c section if the woman and do it the natural way.

Hi rabbi you forgot to hide your flag.

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>baby comes out
>use novelty-oversized shoes to squash it
>have non mom sniff flower
>squirts her in face
>get paid
>get in small car with 15 other individuals to drive to the next clinic

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>white baby

At some point you just need to tell the woman.
>Listen you waited to fucking long.
>Your body has been disfigured from pregnancy
>Have the fucking baby and we will put it up for adoption.
>Hell, we might even get the adopting parents to pay for the medical care.
>So suck it up princess you are officially a baby factory.

pretty much legal after too we literally have it not murder if its a young baby and mom was sad laws

who want to guess how often dads who murder there kids because of "depression" get charged under it?

and of course no significant political party has the balls to even talk about it.

Too many babies need adopted. This will just add to it. Also, at what point do the adoption agencies just refuse the client because she's dropped off 7 kids thus far and each one gets uglier and uglier?

I think we need a civil war

too many families are infertile and want a baby to adopt, not vice versa

None of my business

I heard the babies are there, US agencies cost a fortune, and that's why people go overseas.
Or am I confusing adoption with foster kids?

They've mistakenly attributed their success to their superstition, when really it is their ability to operate in secrecy that allows them to perpetuate. It's tragic really.

It’s actually terrible not for emotional reasons, but the Jews use the fetuses in their satanic rituals.

>Jews use the fetuses in their satanic rituals
And they sell them inside skin products afterwards for profit.


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