
What is your opinion on Anti Vaxxers? Do they deserve the bad rape they've been getting?

It's also my birthday. It's unrelated but I thought I'd mention it.

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I got the full range of vaccines. My IQ is above average for white men. I have a girlfriend (gonna get engaged in a few months), and make a good income.

If you’re vaccinated why does it matter if someone else isnt? Not like you’ll contract the illness right? Or maybe they don’t actually work?

gratulerer med dagen andy

Gratulerer med dagen
Yes, the anti vaxxers are really fucking stupid. The only vaccine I find suspicious is the "influenza vaccine" that gets pushed on us every year, despite influenza mutating every year and is never the fucking same.
>im vaccinated with everything, but never take that influenza vaccine

Third worlders constitute the bulk of anti-vaxxers wordwide. Tell these faggots if they are pro vaccine they should stop inviting in people who don't believe in the germ theory of disease or practice basic hygiene and watch their heads explode.

Apparently you can give it to people who are not able to get vaccinated/babies.

Tusen takk kompis!

You sound like someone everyone should strive to be.

I think the idea is that some people are unable (not unwilling) to take vaccines that wouldn't be safe for their group (newborns, certain vaccines not appropriate for very young children), so a vaccinated population protects them.

Takk. And this seems reasonable.

I understand why but some vaccines are needed
Like for rabies, chickenpox etc
Serious stuff
But other than that, you're probably doing your body / kid a disservice
I myself haven't gotten any shots for at least 8 years now and the only thing I ever catch is a cold every November

Well that’s going to happen no matter what, if every human is vaccinated it won’t matter because animals are still carriers. So anyone who is unable to be vaccinated will always be in danger no matter what.

That’s a retarded justification.

It's not about being "suspicious", it's that influenza spreads so quickly that the appropriate vaccine cannot be mass produced in advance, so they have to make educated guesses as to what strain it will be - and they often get it wrong. They could produce a battery of vaccines for all known strains but they'd have to throw out the wrong ones and that would increase the cost of a vaccine precipitously.

It’s really just racism towards whites.

You never see the pro vaccine activists criticizing illegal immigrants. - they just want an excuse to shit on white suburban women.

I've worked from home for the past 8 years and haven't gotten sick once in those 8 years.

I got my 7 or so vaccines in my childhood-early teens period
and that was it

I am 21 matey

Being unvaccinated doesn’t automatically make you a carrier for these rare diseases.

Vaccines are dysgenic. We're breeding the population to be dependent on kike pharmaceuticals now, and soon there will come a generation that die from harmless shit like measles or the flu. Only the weakest, most immune deficient die from most things vaccinated against. They are so weak that they usually die from something else anyways. Like all other kike schemes it's all bullshit and serves no good. The only vaccine I'd consider taking is tetanus. Even polio and the more hardcore shit they like to scare the peasants with has a survival rate near 100% without any problems afterwards for people with a normal functioning immune system.

The whole autist thing is a red herring to divert you away from the fact that vaccines are bad for the population down the line regardless of side-effects.

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Most diseases can be easily avoided by basic hygene anyway

Just let them pump their kids and themselves full of poison, cattle will be cattle. Be happy they do that way those of us who aren't retarded get to enjoy the herd immunity without taking one ourselves.

I like asking vaccine credulists why they care if other people dont vaccinate

It always throws them for a loop and then they say "herd immunity" which is their received response

Then you just say yeah but you're vaccinated so you dont have to worry about it right? You have personal immunity?

And thats where it ends, they can never explain their anger

Exactly, it’s nt about protection from disease at about being able to dictate what people put in their bodies and how they structure their life.

Brainwashed people become irrationally angry when their indoctrination is challenged. This is nothing new.

I have nothing against vaccines, but the “muh anti vaxxers” crowd is so fucking cringeworthy and full of I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE types

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anti-vaxxer women tend to be pretty dumb, but hot, so yea, they do deserve the rape I guess.

Even if you practice good hygiene you still have unhygienic shitskins and mexicans spreading disease.

The whole focus is on white suburban moms and not illegal immigrants - which are the much bigger public health crisis.

B-but they said on TV that vaccines is science. Are you against science, user?

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Well you don't get sick if you never leave your home like a NEET.

Anybody who has ever posted unironucally on Reddit shouldn’t be allowed to voice their opinion

Just about all diseases were already on a large downward trend thanks to proper hygiene.

Fuck vaccines

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That's a completely separate problem. You shouldn't have to make your genetic line dependent on kike products to survive because of immigrants who shouldn't even be in your country. Shitskins are never going to be healthy or hygienic anyways, so this problem will never go away until you don't live with them.

No it’s the same issue. It would be safer to not vaccinate if we didn’t have the third world pouring in to replace us.

Not really dysgenic, if you get hit with a brutal disease that you never adapted to, you're fucked. If you can wipe out said disease with vaccines, you're good.
You can have a good immune system, doesn't mean shit if you can't develop antibodies for whatever new supervirus there is though. You would be begging for a vaccine if there was a virus that Scandinavian genetics were vulnerable too

I fucking hate reddit.

Anti Vaxxers make up .00001% of the population. By the definition of Herd immunity they should be covered by it. What is happening is the people who are not getting vaccinated are not anti-vaxxers they are immigrants and very poor people who have no access to healthcare, and by access I mean literal fucking they cannot drive to the county hospital access.

Happy birthday user!

Get saved!

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How about making vaccines optional but if your kids dies, you get executed? If there’s an outbreak, you go to jail, kids go to foster home and get vaccinated.

Basic hygiene and sanitation are dysgenic too though, our ancestors didn't have them and adapted without it.
See how deep the rabbit hole goes?

True. But still you need to have some perspective. Like I say, most diseases vaccinated against aren't really that dangerous. If you're scared of measles that's an indication that you've suffered some faulty indoctrination because measles aren't dangerous.

What brutal disease? I'm not saying vaccines doesn't work. I'm not saying vaccines are wrong in certain circumstances. Like I said, I would consider a tetanus vaccine if the situation warranted it. Just like your "supervirus" example.

This has nothing to do with me talking about vaccination against harmless diseases like measles or the fucking flu.

If you call out retarded leftists in just the right way, people will listen and you will get upvotes. You just have to avoid the politics sub, it's run by bots.

Anti vaxxers aren’t distributed evenly. There are clusters of them and in those clusters the vaccination rate is low enough to not have herd immunity.

Anti vaxxers are fucking stupid, it should be a law to be vaccinated.

The difference is that basic hygiene and sanitation is free, but vaccines you have to pay money to kikes for. See the difference in how the two are separate ballgames when it comes to survivability. Basically, your analogy is retarded, just like you.

"just don't leave your house bro you'll never get sick"

i love these cunts.
The only women (and it's 99 percent women falling for this, just like MLMs and any other scam), who do this, are usually the new age, naturist hippie type.
Fuck 'em. Fuck single mothers, they deserve their fate. For every single unvaccinated child another cuk is added to the great new timebomb of liberalism.
This is the greatest fucking chance in the history of this timeline.
Think about it, they will not stop. Obsessive moms everywhere in these communities keep on pushing and it will form resistence.
There will be swaths of white liberal areas being affected. Right-wingers can easily protect themselves and the cucks will feel the fucking fallout from their own making.
The hippie plague which began in the 60s is now coming into its final culmination of those searching for a new spook to whorship will deal with death's embrace as such.

Protip: it's really third world immigrants bringing the diseases to the US but the room temp IQ pseuds at Reddit are either too ignorant or afraid to tell the truth

That's the final line for me at least. If society becomes so insane that you faggots try to force me to inject Jewish products into my body, I will go fucking postal. Just a friendly warning.

Measles is pretty shitty, but not necessary. I draw the line at chicken pox. Same goes for the flu, unless it's a super flu, that shit can be pretty bad.
I agree otherwise, but vaccines for shit like smallpox and polio were in no way bad.

Happy birthday user

My favorite part about the anti-vaccine narrative is how they always side step the literally trillions of dollars they will be making when they forcibly medicate people and how this could be used for all kinds of nefarious purposes like literal eugenics or forcibly medicating people who are in the wrong political party all while ignoring that the reason disease 'come back' isn't because people dont get vaccinated, but because we literally allow ourselves to be infected by diseases every time we let an illegall immigrant into any part of our state/country/its systems. but what do I know, im just a stupid goy.

Sheer ignorance, lack of trust or a mixture of both.


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I agree, people shouldn't be able to tell a doctor no when he prescribes you something.

Thank you, argentinabro!

No, you aren't actually fucked. The lethality of most of the diseases we vaccinate against is rather small. Did you read what he even wrote? With healthy immune systems people survived them. Not everyone died or crippled from polio. Not everyone dies from measles. Rabies maybe, did you get your rabies vaccine?

People will bitch about 19th century diseases coming back while they import third worlders, and actively ignore the plethora of men's health issues like declining testosterone and fertility rates(but Muh children vaccines), cause fuck Right Wing nutcases amrite?

Feeling emotionally invested into this is a sure sign of being bluepilled.

Of course a fucking leaf is the one who talks out of his ass like he knows it all while being passive aggressive, all while he is a flaming retard.

I hope measles gets your ass.

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I'd say the clusters would correlate with economically homogeneous neighborhoods, i.e poor people and migrant communities, you're looking at people who are not "ANTI VACCINE" but simply are rural, and do not have easy access to healthcare. Have you been to Washington? Outside of the cities you have hundreds of miles of farm land.

Just go read the statistics for polio. Very few actually suffered those effects they scare you with. Extremely few. Only the most immunologically deficient of the most unhygienic segment of society. We're talking less than a percent. What would really happen if you got polio (assuming you're just a regular person) is that you'd feel a bit achy for a couple of weeks and nothing more. It's all blown out of proportion and scare bullshit by your kike overlords to get you to buy things you don't need.

Why are you goddamn niggers spamming this goddamn shit over and goddamn over goddamn again? Go attack the Orthodox Jewish schools and synagogues for their conscious decision to not vaccinate their children. Also, go to the goddamn 3rd world where all the "refugee"/"migrant" trash is coming from who have little to no vaccination coverage and tell those unvaccinated pieces of shit to stay home. Instead you goddamn niggers keep spamming Jow Forums.

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>our ancestors didn't have them and adopted without them
Taking a swim in a lake or river is still hygene

What a faggot argument. People have been getting these diseases for millennia, but now they're suddenly going to mutate into super variants just because people don't vaccinate? Do you faggots even read what you're typing? Stop being hysterical like fucking women and try to think.

Except for the fucking clusters in upper class neighborhoods in California and washington.

I do leave my home, but cities are pretty much scars on the landscape so I typically only leave to go camping and whatnot with the rare museum, zoo, etc visit. There's nothing a major city has to offer me. They suck simply because there are too many people.

Nah, just don't hang around diseased third world vermin and school children.

Are you fucking retarded? You don't get crippled from polio because you lack ubermensh genes, and smallpox will just leave you scarred for life if it doesn't kill you, fun. If you wipe out the fucking diseases, you don't need the fucking vaccines.
Stop acting like the entire fucking composite of someone's genetics is on a sliding scale. You can be a genius and freak athlete and still have die from infectious diseases, just like you can be a literal retard or degenerate criminal and not.

Vaccinations and inoculations are good in principle but there are too many things that have popped up after the widespread adoption of them to be coincidence. Things like vastly increased allergies to nuts, strawberries, et cetera.
That said, vaccination on principle is a good thing. We need some sort of group to analyze vaccines and study what's really going into them. Immunizing our children to dangerous diseases is a good thing, but not if it brings with it permanent alterations to their biology.

>You don't get crippled from polio because you lack ubermensh genes
Yes you do. Almost no one got crippled from polio when polio was at it's height. It's not a dangerous disease.

Happy birthday user :)

Hey jew the cat is out of the bag and nobody is going to be shooting up your poison anymore

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>Only the most immunologically deficient of the most unhygienic segment of society.
Might as well get rid of modern sanitation too then, since our ancestors adapted without that. Just because your nerves got infected before your body could fight off the infection doesn't mean your dysgenic. Nutrition and physical activity matter WAY more. Regardless, I don't need a fucking polio vaccine because it doesn't exist in my society, same goes for smallpox.

>Clark County, Washington
>Median household income $62k
>Upper class

>Orange County, CA
>Median household income $78k
>Upper class

Yeah, no... These are not upper class areas, OC has a very high hispanic population and illegal population. Clark County is outside of fucking Portland.

viruses mutate, but need hosts to mutate on first (people who refuse to vaccinate)

No, they suck because there's too many of the wrong people. Large numbers of educated and qualified people in close proximity and better utilize their collective efforts to solve problems and create industry.

Like I said earlier to another faggot who tried your faggot argument: the difference is that hygiene is fucking free but vaccines are given to you at the mercy of your kike rulers. I hope that puts it into perspective for you.

Lol rent fucking free. What Eastern Euro shithole are you from again? The one with all the toothless brown beggars, right?

>fuck over the entire population so that genetic fuckups can live semi-normal lives
seems about right for the marxist world we live in i guess

California outbreak was in Marin county, $133,000 median income. It’s literally stupid rich white liberal women.

If there's one thing in life i've learned is reddit is fucking wrong. If you hold the common opinion of reddit you need to be culled as a retard. If you`re not an antivaxxer youre a fucking redditor and you need to go the fuck back.

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>muh science
is tainted with political bias. you can't just "trust science" that's not even how science is supposed to work.

you've got a backwards definition for "fuck over"

Are you fucking retarded? That's one of the highest incomes in the country for OC, just because they have Hispanic areas does not mean the county is poor. That's normal for every county to have poor areas, even incredibly rich ones.

gtfo. we're not here to placate you, educate you or entertain you. Now get your faget ass bak to reddit

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Anti-vaxxing is demanding control and autonomy of your health and body as well as that of your children. For the government to mandate we put live vaccines in our kids is abhorrent.

We have measles because we imported third-worlders into our first-world (still?) country. Illegal immigration causes diseases we can't fight or already have beaten. Nice Americans who don't vaccinate don't cause diseases -- the vectors come from illegal immigrants from South of the border, MENA countries, etc.

Get rid of immigrants, illegal and otherwise, get rid of disease.

So simple.

And happy birthday, user. Many more ...

>muh Jews
Whatever man, you even conceded that you would get a vaccine if you absolutely had to. Point is, the reason you don't have to worry about polio or smallpox isn't because 'muh genes, muh hygiene', but because the diseases have been eradicated by fucking vaccines.
Go ahead and fear monger about a small amount of mercury that isn't even used anymore, the reality is it's not a problem. Most vaccines aside from polio were invited by whites, so go ahead, keep fear mongering and worrying about stupid shit. Smarter white people than you paved the way for you to shitpost on this godawful board about problems that don't even exist.

Well, you can do the maths like this. Take a vaccine against something harmless like measles. It has a 99.8% survival rate in unhygienic circumstances like early 1900s European cities. Unknown how high survival rate in a high hygiene society because we don't have measles epidemics anymore. Probably a lot higher.

Meanwhile 1-2 in 1000 will suffer serious side effects from the vaccine. No, I'm not talking about autism. I'm talking about the shit that's agreed upon, the shit that's printed on the leaflet in the box your vaccine comes in, like guillain barre syndrome, nevrological damage and all that other shit.

So what you're doing here is basically ruining the lives of a few healthy people to save the lives of a slightly larger number of immunodeficient subhumans.

I’m not opposed to vaccines but I think it’s interesting that the same people telling you not to trust what you hear on the media will often cite these same sources when it comes to vaccines.

Like it’s all a lie but megadosing your infant with all sorts of nonsense is a patriotic duty.

No, I don't have to worry about polio or smallpox because they're not dangerous diseases. I'm not against immunization against harmful diseases. I'm against vaccination against harmless diseases. Also, I'm against the Jews having monopoly on making them. And I'm against you for going "muh Jews." Go kys you plebbitor.

>If you’re vaccinated why does it matter if someone else isnt?
less profit

>a vaccinated population protects them.
or assaults them, whatever

Thanks to everyone wishing me a happy birthday. Feels much better than all the artificial ones I've been getting on Jewbook.

I definitely feel like I have better arguments on the topic of vaccination now. Jow Forums never fails to educate me.

gratulerer meg dagen!!

nice americans who don't vaccinate can die of tetanus.

>half a CC
Absolute state of you niggers


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The polio vaccine was developed using monkeys.
Those monkeys had a cancer virus known as SV-40. Some researchers were worried about cross-species infection but the drive and demand for a polio vaccine was greater than than that fear. Approximately 100 million doses of polio vaccine was suspected of being contaminated with SV-40 were given to North Americans.

People are puzzled by the spike in cancers of Americans.

He's talking about the number of vaccines burgerchildren get, which is three times the amount what infants get in any other western country, you autistic retard.

>*gives you autism*
>heh nothing personell, kid

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>It has a 99.8% survival rate
It also causes deafness in 1 of 10 of cases.
It also cause pneumonia in 1 of 20 cases.
It also cause encephalitis in 1 of 1000 cases, which causes brain damage.
But hey, only 1.5 of 1000 will die from it (there is no way to prevent this, even modern medical treatment is useless)
But hey, at least YOU didn't have to get a vaccine that has historically never caused any problems besides soreness and a mild fever in 1 out of 100,000 cases.

> there's too many of the wrong people
That's what cities are - receptacles for "the wrong people". As areas that are primarily composed of rentals and other forms of usury, they attract rootless cosmopolitans and foreigners with no connection to the area. Once you build a big nest open to the world, it rapidly turns to shit and ends up with a plethora of rules to regulate people who are so innumerable and professing completely different values that they can't cooperate with one another without authoritarian measures. Cities in general are a bad idea. Without these shitbox-filled cities and the usury they enable, our nation would be morally, spiritually, intellectually and hygienically clean.

Genes aren't some magic shield against viruses and a newborn who has a developing immune system is not a "genetic fuckup" - that's true for everyone. Newborns are particularly vulnerable.

>It also causes deafness in 1 of 10 of cases

Nigger, what? There's 20 million cases of measles worldwide each year. 2 million of those are going deaf? No. Perhaps in the early 1900's when ear infection from measles couldn't be treated properly, but that's sure as hell not the case anymore. All the side effects from measles are treatable.