Be gay

>be gay
>lgbt community disgusts me

why am I like this?

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Because you're sane probably

stop being a faggot

Just be Gay and don't associate with them. I wouldn't.

There are plenty of completely sane gay people. You're one of them. The problem is your community has attempted to sideline normal people for the fucking freak show and pretends the freak show is the actual LGBT community.

welcome to the club nigger faggot now show your cock or get the fuck out

Probably because you got molested or brainwires crossed.

Just start masterbating to shorthaired girls pretending they are dudes and that will seep into your brain.

Try dating a girl that looks like a dude.

Were you molested as a kid?

gay nigger faggot go to fucking Britain with the rest of your kind, we dont want you here

You're not really gay.

LGBT is bullshit like POC. we have nothing in common with the BGT and i unironically want the T eradicated from the planet. similarly POC are grouped with niggers who everyone hates

Repent and believe on Jesus, pray the r gay away

Fuck off Slavs

I'm bisexual and a pedophile, imagine how I feel. If there were a cure that didn't involve death or mutilation, I'd take it.

fuck off juden

because they're trying to add (((P)))

using your proximity to the community, go fuck some shit up about it

Im a huge gay faggot and the trans bullshit is fucking up the LGBT community and society as a whole.

I don't know who I hate more; discord trannies or discordant jannies

Your country shouldn't even exist

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You are not the problem, the LGBT-community (and on a broader level, our whole degenerate society) is the problem

Accept you were yourself sexually abused and sublimate your reality off that acknowledgement. That's how you psychologically unfuck that mess before it's too late.

I can toss your salad if you want me to, Itzhak.

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Stop being gay, OP. Putting a penis up your butt isn't considered healthy.

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>1 post by this id
OP is always a Faggot

user, I'm the only one who has ever touched me.

Because LGTBQ is an agenda run by people who aren't gay.

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You probably are not aggressively sexually deviant.


Probably this
It's just conditioned response, it can be broken

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You place too much value in what sexually attracts you. Try to appreciate and focus on other things more like music, exercising, reading and writing, sciences, philosophy, spirituality, etc.

The only thing gayer than sucking dick is posting on this board

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Stand up to them and try and Instil some kind of morals that at least extend to not influencing children. It's not like they listen to straight people

KYS faggot

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Probably because you're the homosexual variant that occurs naturally, versus the ones created via exposure to sexual abuse as a child.

Just stop being gay bro.

gays are the straight white men of lgbt
if you were an actual ally you'd cut your dick off and become a tranny pedo

>LGBT community

What community?
Snorting cocaine and giving each other ass cancer and AIDS in some dingy gay bar is not a community, user.
This use of this "LGBT community" phrase is nothing but propaganda intended for Volkszersetzung.

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kill yourself right now faggot
do a deed worthy of a man once if your rotten mockery of existance