She maybe switchin sides user...our future girl?
Emma Watson says Hollywood is a Sham
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She's on our side
*Honk honk*
I wonder how big her asshole was after Harvey was done with it
>probably Burned more coal than the Flying scotsman
>diddled by kikes since she was 10
>openly admitted to being kiked for a role
>disgusting 3rd wave feminist whore
((((Our girl)))))
she's a cokehead and a slut and she thinks a normal life is being a degenerate. she knows nothing, and she'll never know anything. but she'll be rich and well-fed on the cock drip while she dies unfulfilled, and that gives me great joy.
Or that clown guy
This. Only regret is not being able to join in on the ravishing of her back-Griffindoor ~18 years ago.
>She's on our side
>*Honk honk*
*Flag checks out*
*Meme checks out*
Looks good to me.
>muh dik