Emma Watson says Hollywood is a Sham

She maybe switchin sides user...our future girl?

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She's on our side
*Honk honk*

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I wonder how big her asshole was after Harvey was done with it

>probably Burned more coal than the Flying scotsman
>diddled by kikes since she was 10
>openly admitted to being kiked for a role
>disgusting 3rd wave feminist whore

((((Our girl)))))

she's a cokehead and a slut and she thinks a normal life is being a degenerate. she knows nothing, and she'll never know anything. but she'll be rich and well-fed on the cock drip while she dies unfulfilled, and that gives me great joy.

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Or that clown guy

This. Only regret is not being able to join in on the ravishing of her back-Griffindoor ~18 years ago.

>She's on our side
>*Honk honk*
*Flag checks out*
*Meme checks out*
Looks good to me.

>muh dik

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