What does George Soros mean by this?

>Europe is sleepwalking into oblivion and its people need to wake up before it is too late. If they don’t, the European Union will go the way of the Soviet Union in 1991. Neither our leaders nor ordinary citizens seem to understand that we are experiencing a revolutionary moment, that the range of possibilities is very broad, and that the eventual outcome is thus highly uncertain.

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when is (((he))) going to die

>We are not destroying EU hard and fast enough, please amerikikes come destroy them

its the truth, it is the soviet union and its dying, hence why its clamping down on everything that could potentially tell the retards in the eu that they live under a bunch of brain dead oligarchs who dont give a fuck what they want
why doesn't europe just go back to monarchs? that's what you idiots want, absolute rule and no choices.
absolutely fucking pathetic.

i think this might be the first and only time i agree with that jew, huh, i guess a broken clock was right today

>need to wake up
But the people are the ones who are killing it. On purpose. Because nobody likes it.

Wasn't that his plan all along?
Isn't Soros the one that was pushing open borders?
Yes he was.

When he dies all his billions will be bequeathed to the Open Society Foundation and globalism will see a resurgence.

EU wont exist in 2021.

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the range of possibilities is quite narrow and the eventual outcome of communist fascism is everything he worked towards

I hate this man so much

>the European Union will go the way of the Soviet Union in 1991.

>legal tools for disciplining member states that violate the principles on which the EU was founded
globalist fucking kike

Oy vey! Where will Shekelbergson find a high paying job to play Solitaire all day now? That's anti-semitism!

>whereas the AfD seems to have reached its high point (except in the former East Germany)
Maybe because they remember fucking centralist commies like you?

>prevents the popular will from finding """"proper"""" expression

He's kvetching that parties he doesn't like have a chance to be elected to the EU parliament. His life's work is going down the drain, partially because of himself pushing for neo-liberal democracies in the former soviet union which have now turned against globalism and the EU.

>The first step to defending Europe from its enemies, both internal and external, is to recognise the magnitude of the threat they present.
you, for example.
>The second is to awaken the sleeping pro-European majority
We agree, but I guess that by "pro-European" he means something different than "pro white European", right?


I'm mildly surprised he's not been shanked.

Says the guy who never lived behind the Iron curtain

the classic 4D chess move by saying he was a nationalist all along, watch him give a speech at the RNC at the rate trump is going.

On a much more serious note, he just profits off the collapse of institutions so this is just another way of him making shekels

>They actually listened to me when I said invite in all the migrants!!

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Does he visit places with a high chance of shanking?