$1.3 billion approved for wall after three years

>$1.3 billion approved for wall after three years
>Wall will cost $30B in total
>At this rate, will only take approx. 75 years for the wall to be funded

Do you guys think the wall will need to be retrofitted to prevent hovercars from flying over?

Pic unrelated

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-08-24-at-4.40.36-PM.png (631x146, 27K)

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Stop being as faggot. Stand with Trump.

>1.3b approved for wall
>55 miles of fence


You may be content with just triggering lefties for four years, but if he can't do anything to fix the immigration crisis then I may as well have voted for Jeb! from a policy standpoint

It's over, DJT cucked out.

>stop being a faggot
>stand with Trump
Pick one

It's been almost 3 years now...two of which there was Republican majority...no wall. As soon as the dems get power...now it's an emergency?
He lost me when he cucked on the shutdown.
I finally realized by will or not...He is ZOG now. And all this wall this wall that, Mueller this, Mueller that BS is just the pizza on the string, and we are the fat whore being rode by a nigger.

Attached: 1525293859823.webm (372x526, 1.28M)

Sucks it took you until shutdown, but at least you realize now. Makes more sense when you figure out the whole soros boogeyman thing. That will make you feel sick for ever liking him.

>mexico ever having hover cars

They'll drive hoverbeaters, cramming sixteen hispano-cyborgs into a five-seater

There was no majority. Trump was cock blocked by McCain and other neocons who only work towards the destruction of this country along, just like the democrats. The national emergency is the only way, and as a voter I'm more than okay with this because congress isn't doing what the people want them to do. I'm more than cool with Trump actually becoming an emperor for the time being. Funny how one man taking power is the only thing that can save democracy.

Attached: the weak should fear the strong.jpg (607x558, 74K)

Walls don't work, we should just take the 30 billion and pay for healthcare for all citizens, documented or not.

Why does everyone forget this?
The Wall was NEVER a republican ticket item. It was 100% Trump, and something like 25% of the republicans in the senate and house were #nevertrump losers who opposed ANYTHING he did until most of them got ousted in the primaries.

Republicans may have had control, but Trump has been fighting BOTH parties since the day he announced.

Digits of cope

I held out hope...I kept saying to myself that he had to politics ya know...
But cucking on the shutdown removed all doubt.

Trumo will sign this shit. I’ve gotten shitloads of emails today to donate to trumps campaign-all wall themed emails. They are trying to cash grab as much as they can for now cause he is cucking soon. I’ll donate to that nigger when he builds the fucking wall and tells dems to suck his dick

Stop being a faggot; stand with Trump.

Doesn t matter...the wall was hardly mentioned...it was hardly a thing..a little bit here and there. But the SECOND dems get power..then it's all sorts of an emergency..
It's ducking bread and circus...scripted reality TV to keep us off balance and distracted. There is no dissent in WA. Everyone is doing exactly what they have been told to do.

We will have a new president in less than 2 more years.

No. Mexicans can't afford real cars, what makes you think they can afford hovercars?


Once we get started on the green new deal there will be so many jobs we will be begging for them to migrate.

Yea ok the wall thing is retarded but desu i still agree with him on most of the political issues and opinions

I don't even think he is going to run. When the time comes, something will happen, and he just won't do it. Then the next actor will be selected...not by us ofcourse...And it will all start again. More distraction, more things to make this side angry, and that side happy.
Fucking divide and conquer.

12d chess

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Serious doubt...

Why not a ditch + a 'wall' or hill made from the same dirt you just removed from the ditch? Wouldn't that cheap expenses to the U.S. govt? Instead of billions in concrete and building materials all you'd need would be the machinery to dig and secure the land so it doesn't fall

Attached: Sin título.png (1054x524, 11K)

Most of the border is a river, and moving that much earth would likely be more of an expense than building a fence