What is the best way to respond to a political racial slur?

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>political racial slur
what is that?

you're the nigger

fuck you too nigger

have you tried not being a thin-skinned little bitch?

If a bitch ass snow white boi said the n word to me I will beat him and rape his sister then I will sue him for racism and get my 850,000

Fuck off NIGGER.

There's no such thing as racism.

>t. 14 year old white boy.

'Bitch Nigga Commie' would be my guess.


It's true. Nigger is always the optimal response to stupidity. Probably why they made uttering it illegal.

>if you say mean word I will act like a savage nigger
Checks out

>Not being able to handle some bantz
You came to the wrong neighborhood.

Quit being such a faggot and grow up.

"I find your comments offensive and racist. I will not respond to ad hominem attacks that detract from the topic at hand."

Then you look up the place they work at and send an email from a burner account stating that they employee a racist and you will no longer do business with them and will work with the chamber of commerce to have them removed.

Then you call their school and inform them that you have been verbally assaulted by a racially charged individual and you will be notifying their charitable donors that their funds are going to support universities that do not protect the marginalized populations.

Then, on another burner account, send an email to the parents of the individual informing them that their child's actions have resulted in not only their employer being scrutinized but also has caused a potential loss of funding and increased hardship on the university they attended and that their actions have been brought to the attention of the dean and are being investigated by the minority rights group on campus.

Finally, you create a tinder account for their girlfriend and send them an email invite.

That's what I'd do if someone called me a nigger


it would be very amusing if you managed to get past step 1, if you tried that here

What a nigger

Try it nigger

What a Fucking nigger

Usually I call them a nigger or some jew reference

That's why smart people just drive you to unfortunate suicide. Like the Clintons

nig nog
tar baby
cotton picker
farming equipment
watermelon and fried chicken eater
ooga booga

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Either admit that you're part of said political racial slur or just don't respond because by responding you lower yourself to their level

If it is genuinely funny or clever, laugh. It is not either of those, shrug.