I hope I don't regret this

I hope I don't regret this.

I need advice.

I'm 3 months in, married to my favorite person in the entire world.
And I'm terrified he's going to end up cheating on me one day, and don't know if I should leave/off myself or not.

I had a really fucked up childhood, and a string of really fucked up boyfriends, so my viewpoint here might be a bit skewed by trauma.

I had several relationships before this one, so I knew 100% that this was the man I wanted to marry.

He, on the other hand, only had 2.

Having that stereotypical 'chad' life of being able to fuck a bunch of girls was always a lowkey dream of him.

He says he loves me, and is really happy with our situation (monogamy)

but every now and then he has dreams about fucking a bunch of women, or something similar.
Or we talk about it and I reaffirm I'd rather stay monogamous.

For the record, I used to identify as polyamorous, and he seriously could not handle it, so I chose to be monogamous instead for him.

And now he wants to fuck other people?

He insists he wants me, and this is a passing thing/something he can just choose to not do, but I swear to god, this feels like a timebomb

Attached: alone.png (250x182, 45K)

Honestly, if this is an issue, neither of you were ready to be married in the first place.

He should have confronted and reconciled him limited sexual experience before committing to one woman for the rest of his life, and you should have confronted and reconciled any past demons that make you prone to this level of anxious worst-case scenario thinking before committing to trust another person for life.

>she is damaged goods
>he wants to fuck other people after 3 months of marriage
Yeah it is not gonna last

No, he's always wanted to fuck other people. Its not like this is a recent development

Then he will fuck other people, why do you care if you are polyamours or some other shit yourself?

Jesus man.
Okay, let me clarify some things.

A. He has confronted this, and has claimed its not going to be a problem. As far as he's concerned, its a non-issue

B. Getting married isn't about fixing yourself before you do it so everything is peachy, its a commitment, for better or worse, to stick it out with another human being.

I didn't know I was fucked up before I was married.
I spent years trying to make myself okay, and I thought I was.

I'd super appreciate advice about the actual problem, which is
Is he deluding himself about this or not? Or do you have any practicial experience with similar situations?

As opposed to general criticisms about our decisions

If toi truely love him then just accept cuckquean lifestyle. He will be happy and you will learn to be thrilles and happy. And isnt that what really matters in the end? You both would win in the long tearm. Dont deny that, i bet you had fantasies like that before.

Because being poly isn't about just fucking whoever whenever.

Its about honesty.
He insisted on the monogamous relationship, so I went with that.
Cheating on someone is a lot different from deciding to have an open relationship or being polyamorous.
I honestly think he just has an issue with me fucking someone else

>I honestly think he just has an issue with me fucking someone else
Just proves that he is not a cuck. Good for you

I don't want that.
I wanted fucking polyamory and he INSISTED on not having it, because he couldn't handle it.

Hell, we had a period where we thought we weren't good for each other, broke up, and essentially had a month or two off.
We both missed each other so much we decided it'd be better to get back together.

However, during that time, I was dating.
And he had a seriously hard time getting over the fact that I had seen other people.

Like, I'm relatively cool with opening our relationship, AS LONG AS ITS OPEN FOR BOTH OF US.

Sorry, not angry at you just.. like
wtf even is this.

>A. He has confronted this

Maybe, but he clearly hasn't reconciled it. Read the whole post next time.

>B. Getting married isn't about fixing yourself before you do it so everything is peachy

No one is saying you need to turn yourself into a perfect human being, but if you honestly believe people shouldn't address aspects of themselves that will be major impediments to a successful marriage before actually getting married and that the idea of unconditional commitment from another person is the answer, then again, you weren't ready for marriage.

Yeah, okay, and by 'Jow Forums morals' that's probably a good thing

But is he going to go fuck someone else, eventually, maybe when we have a toddler or something, and I'm not as hot anymore because I don't have time to get dressed up in lingerie and heels for him anymore?

Like. Verbally (and with actions?) he's confirmed wanting to be with me, and he fucking married me.

But he's also got this desire lingering somewhere in the background.

Is it possible he's just not self aware enough to realize he's going to do it one day
Or am I just catastrophizing?

And since I apparently didn't make my advice clear enough to you in the first post, get a divorce.

You rushed into something that neither of you were ready for.

Do you mind giving some background on your own relationship situation?

32, married 5 years, first kid is on the way.

Thats why i said cuckquean which means he gets to calm hes fantasies woth other woman and you can make that your fantasy. Its a major shift in thinking, but if you love him and want to be with him forever that might be the only solution. New things are scary and tgis might seem unfair to you, but when you see that from cuckquean perspective your world gets turned upside down and you feel the most amazing feeling in the world. Not even talking about the love he will give you and new love levels you will discover for him. Its like sacrificing and at the same time getting the best feelimg in te world from... love. Like its hard to explain you have to feel it.

But basically are you ready to change if that means you could keep him forever? To secure your marriage for ever? To know that he will love you forever? How far are you willing to go, to keep him and be with him 4EVER!?

user... almost every hetero man with a functioning junk will want to fuck other women than his wife or gf. As long it's just a fantasy you needn't worry about it

There are all sorts of lingering desires in the back of everyone's minds that they never act on. Just having that desire is not indicative or predictive of behavior. Your dumbass husband's mistake was in telling you he had those desires in the first place.

>married to my favorite person in the entire world.
>And I'm terrified he's going to end up cheating on me one day
Shouldn't have married him then
t. married man

Of course he'll cheat. Offer being poly, or divorce. Or be the naive dumb wife who is certain her husband would never do that to her, lmao.

And whatever choice you make, please don't bring kids into this (future) mess.

I'm not ready to change into something I don't want to be.
I'd sooner just kill myself, honestly

OP, only do this if you're going to have 1 ONS and have your husband raise another man's child. Just to make things even, you know.

Then you dont love him. Selflessness is the primary sign of love and your lack of it means you dont love him.

B4 you get all emotional, think about the idea of cuckqueaning for some time. It might be your steropyical denial and fear thst makes you say that. If you think about it try it out (just in fantasy setting) and still come to this conclusion then its not for you. Dont just say that its not you when you habent even thought aboit it for a good period of time.

Then why did you marry him and why is it now a problem


Also, hahah
Thanks for responding to (what I hope to god was) troll-ey bullshit with more troll-ey bullshit.

Seriously, dude
What is hot about someone you want to fuck fucking someone else?

I get turned on when people profess interest in wanting to fuck me, or ACTUALLY attempt to fuck me.

Oh my god, thats how it works, isn't it?
You guys can't fuck the girls you're into.
So you have to enjoy any form of sexual anything you can get with them, which involves imagining their sexual encounters
And living vicariously through that.

Holy fucking shit, this is how cucks work

and, again, No. I'm not demeaning myself to that level of pathetic, I'd rather kill myself

Unfortunately neither are trolling; of course men would love a mommy replacement at home who will cook and clean for them while fucking others, ideally without the wife dragging them to divorce court over it.

That was the life of an elderly lady co-worker of mine. At least everyone thought it was, until a few months ago it turned out that 2 of the 3 children she had with her husband weren't his, but an old friend of hers. Oops.

Because I've hit a low, recently

As in, I went to a psych and found out I actually have severe PTSD from my past, and I feel like I'm just a completely broken human being and I can't understand why he wants to stay with me

Holy jesus
Thats.. ironic, and I actually feel kinda bad for laughing.

Also, jesus christ, this website.

Why is it so hard to fuck the one cooking and cleaning?

Stop watching porn.

Because he hopes you'll eventually settle to be a co-dependant wife without backbone, aka the fantasy of fellas like this guy here I mean, you REALLY want to keep him, right? That's why you're going to do everything he wants, right? :v)

If not, jump ship ASAP. Depending on the laws of wherever you live you may still be able to get the marriage cancelled.

Because a lot of men believe that when they marry someone, they "got" them, that it'll make their word become law (or at least that it overpowers the woman's word).

Wow so you broke up and in less than a month you already hopped onto another cock.... worthless whore. If I were him I’d cheat on you JUST because of that. You were taking a break right? Not broken up. You used it as an excuse to justify your whorish behavior. Same as your poly tag you claim voids you of all responsibility or consequence. Sorry honey, you can’t be a giant Thot and not expect your husband to be extremely disgusted and jealous of your double standards. You should actually honestly do HIM a favor and break up with him, so he can meet better women than you.

Fuck me, he's reading the thread now.

>guy refuses to let go because he's having a harder time finding a new sexual partner
>i-it's your fault, bitch!!

boo fucking hoo

Yeah, but..
I mean
If that were truly his goal, he wouldn't have been as selfless as he's been in certain situations.

I've been with guys who have done that to me before, and they usually break when I need help.
and i've needed a lot of help.

He's been there for me

Well, yes, I get that
But like

Why is it so hard to fuck the woman you married?

No, we were actually broken up

See? He's been such a nice guy. That means he deserves a reward, like one-sided-polygamy?

Because the wife is always available. She does get fucked (at least at first), but that's not exciting. After marrying it's time to see what other opportunities might be out there. :v)


I feel like all of you are very messed up people

Shifting blame and avoiding the main point. OP is a worthless whore with no self control, hence getting married in 3 months.

OPs husband here. I'm gonna be blunt.

I love this woman more than anything in this world. A few months ago, she insisted on havig a polyamorous relationship and this hurt me really badly. Like, it scarred the shit out of me and I'm still not over it. To me, it was a betrayal of trust.

I still decided to try this poly-thing beause as I said I really love this woman. It turned out to be horrible and aused a lot of grief and we ended up breaking up for a few months.

She dated a bunch of guys in the meantime, while I was busy suffering. I had a really difficult childhood, severe abuse and some mental illness going on, so this whole ordeal fucked me up.

We are back together now and I am really happy about that.

But I never could get over what happened. So I kinda feel almost entitled to have a free pass on doing the same thing myself.

However, I don't want to lose her, and I certainly dont want her to fuck anyone else.

The only senario I'd be cool with,is if I get to fuck someone else and she doesn't. If that scenario can't be realized, I'd rather repress these desires than lose my wife.

All that being said, I love her and am happy with her and she is the most wonderful person in this world to me and I went through a lot to be with her.

I'm just curious/hungry to try and see what other pussy feels like, which is understandable I guess.

Well, adv isn't a usual hangout place for marriage counselors.

Attached: 1508179411016.png (1200x630, 805K)

We've known each other for four years.
We've BEEN married for 3 months.
Stop being a retard

Your wife is a gross slut with a cunt slimier than a slug thanks to fucking more men than actual strip club dancers I know.

This is starting to sound like LARP bait.

Moving on.

>I'd rather repress these desires than lose my wife.

I doubt you'll be able to. Not forever anyway.

I love how people pretend that premarital sex is no big deal but then I see insane crap like this.

Either you commit to one person or face the consequences of being a degenerate.

I swear to god, this isn't LARPing

That makes you even dumber then. Everyone likes hot sluts, but everyone besides you apparently knows not to actually marry them. Yikes dude. All I can say is good luck! Hope you enjoy Todds, Tyrone’s, Dylan’s, Alex’s, Jacob’s, Blake’s and many more sloppy mess they left for you ;)

What about rape?

not now hitler

Well, I would never cheat on her and I would never want a poly thing again. It fucking hurt me last time, and as I said I'm still not over it.

The only way this is happening is if she is okay with one-sided polyamoury, at least for a while. If she can't be okay with that, then it's not happening. Right now, I'm depressed and a real fucking mess anyway and I don't see myself trying to fuck anyone else anytime soon.

If however in the future the desire would get too bad to repress, I'd like her to be okay with it the same way I was atleast trying to be okay when she wanted to keep it open.

Also, I married this woman, and infact endured bs as described above, because I love this woman more than I ever loved anyone. And it's gonna stay that way.

She is an amazing person and she will always be my priority no matter whats gonna happen.

That's very unfortunate but even if you did have that happen to you as a child I don't see how that excuses any behavior on your part. A string of "fucked up boyfriends" doesn't happen without your consent. I'm sorry that your parents didn't do their job.

You are polyamouros and now afraid he cheats? Fuck you.


I was.
I stopped being that for him.
Cheating does not equal polyamory you dumbass

>used to be poly
Absolutely disgusting. I would say that your husband deserves better but he married a girl who lets strangers piss on her while he's at work so he gets what he deserves. Don't reproduce.
You know that sex is a mating ritual, don't you?


polyamory is an attempt to normalize cheating. Your husband is an idiot for thinking you were anything other than damaged goods for men to pump and dump. You chose to make your mistakes now face the consequences.





Ok whore. Whatever you believe in you gross little coping lying mind.

I pity people like you. Doomed to failure and pain.

Dont try to reason with those subhuman trash. Just let them dwell in their pool of degeneracy. Too much contact and it nay rub of on you. Be cautious!

I'm afraid I have no choice, my mom is "poly" (read:a whore)

Move out. Cut contact. Whatever is possible.

My condolences btw, hope that shit is not genetic.

Just for good measure. Fuck you OP you whore. You too cuck husband.

Ok bye!

I wish, but I have an 8 year old half brother with no father around. Somebody has to pick him up from school and do homework with him while our mom is on "dates"
These are the kind of families people like OP make.

I was in an ltr with a girl. Having a girlfriend makes any guy cocky. Girls will start coming out of the woodwork to flirt with him, out of some instinctual catty bullshit. It's especially bad when you spent most of your life being ignored by women.

The sad truth is, most guys dream about the Chad life - fucking tons of hot sluts, committing to none of them, yet having them all be loyal and dtf out of sheer attraction to you. But most guys are average. They end up staying with a girl not because she's really their ideal, but because they don't think they can do any better, so they latch on to her. If they did think they could do better, they probably wouldn't be with you unless they had a deep, meaningful attraction to you based on friendship and value for you as a person.

If you feel like you have that with your boyfriend, then your fine. But it sounds like this guy is just someone who settled, while still secretly longing for deeper sexual satisfaction. Meanwhile, you're playing the streotypical girl here, wondering why she can't make her man stay. The desperation is only going to make you seem more needy, so my advice to you would be to pretend to cool off. Refuse having sex every now and then. Let him know you have options too. Don't be a cunt about it, just show him that he doesn't have you in his back pocket.

What about your father? Any Chance to escape to him? Or is he a manwhore too?

Dhows over, deaw curtin

Dad's okay. She left him because he was "too controlling" the guy she left him for literally had schizophrenia and beat her. After they separated Dad married a girl he liked from high school who got with a guy she wound up marrying before he could ask her out. I mainly stay with my mom for my brother, I don't want him to grow up a complete fuck up because he got dealt a bad hand in life, he deserved better.

Nevermind, either this is bait, or you're both clearly fucked in the head.

OP, I'd say to stop repressing your desires. Come on, surely there's some thot who you think's interested in you? Some little slut you could use? Her cunt would feel so much better than your whore wife's. And speaking of her, if she cries about it? Good. She can suffer like you did.

You can be a pathetic cuck, or you can experience what you could never get before. Indulge. Her tears will make it all the sweeter.

Let this be a lesson to girls why chastity is a virtue. It's not for men's protection -- it's for yours.

OP, share this virtue that you've learned the hard way with other people. There's no easy way out of the struggle you're facing, but you can use your life to help the lives of other girls.

As for what you should do: don't look for an easy solution or perfect solution. Join the mindset that you're choosing the best of any bad outcomes.
From there, allow yourself to react, don't anticipate. If you leave him now before he cheats, then what if he was never going to? Did you really just look into the future and choose rightly?
So your only choice is to react. Either he will or he won't, but no matter what happens, you can handle it. Hope for the best and love him. Be the best wife you can and give unlimited and unconditionally. If he does cheat, and you are this amazing wife to him, then he'll feel like an utter fool. But if you let your insecurities take the best of you, and you don't love him enough; then when he cheats he'll look down on you with pity.

Your only option is to do the right thing, the good thing, and work very hard at it. It's not perfect but the past is inescapable and it is your best option.

I am monogamous. I fantasize about fucking my neighbor. Will I? No.
Why? I refuse to be a whore.