Why are modern wh*Te males so much weaker

Than their ancestors who built mighty empires such as Roman, Greek, British, French and the founders of the United States of American?

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how's the pan arabic nation working out for ya?

Attached: cycle of empires.jpg (480x679, 94K)

be prepared for a dozen posts how they've called people niggers to their face IRL and the nigger totally cowered because they're all cowards intimidated by the muscles they totally have.


People have to realize that the traditional western culture is pretty much the opposite of what Jow Forums thinks it was. Jow Forums espouses some weird Nietzsche/Islam mix and would consider especially the Romans and Greeks hopeless degenerates, white niggers and cucks.

Sorry spic, this question is for wh*Te males only. So BTFO

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Whites simply outweigh the pros and cons of ever going near a nigger. To put it brief, you should never relax around blacks and if you get too close into thier airspace you contract AIDS.

Just a bad time all over

>Esquire cover featuring white, middle-class 'American boy' sparks backlash: 'How is this real?'


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Ops pic is what happens when w****s dont have knives and guns. Even when they conquered africa they needed guns.

It's no wonder the Spartans were proud manly white men and ever since the invention of guns you w****s have degraded into scrawny trap lovers