Are you tired of winning yet? MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>Are you tired of winning yet?

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Holy crap!

That's what happens when the Cabal prints black money to buy assets.

This board is literally trash


Meanwhile Whites are disappearing, not having children, and Indians, Filipinos, and Beaners are replacing us.


Do you know how much 1% up the down equals you fucking millennial?

Thanks for the money based Trump!

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Do you ever wonder to yourself why the right doesnt have to go and shill nonstop on lefty boards?

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>Meanwhile Whites are disappearing

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Not bad user but I hope you aren't invested only in paper. Get some real estate at least. The tax code favors investors.

wow rich people are making more money wow winning my life is totally gonna get better thanks to trump giving everything to the rich

>He thinks only rich people have 401k's

just stop talking nigger

praise kek maga
shut down averted
NE averted
high influx of cheap labor on its way
anything else would have been really bad for the economy goyim you don't want your Netflix subscription to go up by $4.99 do you now

Mind if I ask how old you are? When you started saving? How much you started with?

I’m 23 and I just put $1,000 in an aggressive mutual fund wtih $100 deposit every month. How retarded am I?

I also do $50 a month into my GRSP and $50 a month I to my tax free savings account.

yeah must finance those boomer pensions now
waiting 20 years for kids to grow up takes too long

>Wall is cancelled
>DOW goes up

So the stock market matters when it looks good?
Will polls count to?

I hope all you zionist maga fags fucking die at this point.
go jump off a bridge

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PACs astroturfing is going to ramp up the closer we get to 2020
better get used to it and get ready to counter their propaganda, lest Jow Forums be used to elect another zionist

Nigger what? the lack of children has NOTHING to do with finances. it has to do with societal conditioning.

Less money = more offspring

no millennials have 401ks faggot, 401ks are what boomers have.

No, I don't play the (((New York))) casino

>Start right after a crash
>Down Jones at 8300
>Fast forward 8 years
>Down Jones at around 19000
>+17% per year

>Down Jones at 19000
>Fast forward 2 years
>Down Jones at around 25000
>+16% per year

All this while having an average economic growth of around +4% per year.
From an outside point of view, America's stock exchange seems to be building quite a bubble here.

accelerationism is the only way

>I’m 23 and I just put $1,000 in an aggressive mutual fund wtih $100 deposit every month. How retarded am I?
If that’s what you’re comfortable doing, it’s good. Benchmarking yourself to randoms on Jow Forums is a bad idea

It’s gotta be tech

I’m not benchmarking against random anons I’mbenchmarking against $91,000 nigger.

I don’t care about him I care about what he does with money.

I'm in my middle 30's. All of this money is from putting away 16% of my paycheck every two weeks. I invest in my company stock which I get a 15% discount in and the rest is in a 401k invested 40 large cap, 20 med cap 20 small cap and 20 emerging markets.

Over a single day, that's a nice growth.
If that daily 1% growth was sustained for a whole year, a 10.000 $US initial capital would end up being 377.834 $US...

American reading comprehension.. I never said anything about age you utter faggot.

Nice! Thanks man, I like to hear what other people are doing, gives me a broader perspective. Appreciate the answer not everyone likes to talk about this stuff.

Sounds like I’m on the right track though.

the point is, im correct in my original point, trump makes the rich richer and doesn't help anyone. YOU DUMB.

Thinks "Boomers" is synonymous with "rich".


What’s preventing you from investing too? You can make yourself richer with a little initiative.

Tries to avoid the truth that Trump doesnt care or help any of us. Trump makes corporations rich. WOW THAT HELPS ME!!!

Trump said he would make america great again! Why should I have to do anything? The rich don't have to do anything and Trump just gives them trillions of dollars free.


Wasn't it up to 27,000 though?

I'm not even American or mentioning Trump you fucking inbred Negroid shitbag. I only mentioned that 401k's are owned by people of all economic positions not just the rich. Stop conflating simple statements with your jiggaboo lingo.

I win.

Yes you sure did buddy. You earned that insulin shot.

>I win
You are barely on the chart

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>>Down Jones

lol you're a down

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Frig off Jones.

Gotta remember that one

Then prove me wrong! Prove that Trump has made america great again and lifted the masses out of poverty by giving the rich 4 trillion dollars.

Yeah about that

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Remind me again why non billionaire and billionaire likes care about the stock market?

I've got one, sorry you work at Burger King.

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The demographic disparity of your country makes it impossible to end poverty you know that.

Go to the wall street bets discord. Lots of people talk about stocks there also

If $14 is 2% of your port, you ain’t winning fren

its funny how young trumptards think they can win at this system LMAO

Get your money up

What is your profession?

Kek. It's all a bubble. Euros aren't safe in this coming downturn. They'll slip into recession first (some have already or on the way), followed by asia, followed by americas. Screencap

Obama never made it past 18500, and that was a one-time peak. It was about 17500 before Trump was elected. Immediately climbed to 25000 within a year.

Took Obama 8 years to recover 10k points.
Took trump less than a year to get about 8k points.

You're fucking retarded.

>giving trump credit for the economy
How stupid are you

Presidents don't actually influence the market that much anyway. They mostly sway consumer confidence and taxes

Does the graph look linear to you?

good job user!

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>But muh markets and muh capitalism

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I have one

>dow jones crashes
>this has nothing to do with trump brainlets!

>dow jones surge

What did trumptards mean by this?

Confidence in leadership is certainly a factor. Trump is also pro-enterprise, which instills market confidence. Trump cut many business regulations. Presidents have both and indirect and direct effect on the market. How oblivious could you possibly be?
>implying I made any such comment
Hurr durr.

>everyone is the same person
You will blame him for the inevitable recession

Get on my level.

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> I am poor af. I pay my rent with money orders because wypipos banks. I represent my peers. Legalize dudeweed.

Yeah bro. Lets get 40’s and laugh at people who read and sheeiiit.

You just echoed my post.
Policies are 0% effective unless people act on them. The market isn't being moved by trump or obama pushing buttons. It is actually people doing business that moves markets. Not sure why you're mad

>none of Trump's policies have had any effect
You truly are a giant liar.

Dont be kind to faggits.

you can get a job as a teller in a bank without much background, and have a 401k right out of college


>trump fighting excessively for wall, willing to do longest gov't shutdown and will probably do national emergency
>retards actually taking the "lock her up" meme seriously
>muslim ban supported by supreme court, law of the land
>pulling out of syria against israel's hissy fits
>256,000 illegals deported in 2018 alone
>all advisors and corrupt politicians hate trump
>new healthcare bill will be passed once immigration is out of the way
>52% approval rating
>"wtf how is there no 90% white america in two years"

God you shills are fucking retarded

Non Jow Forums approved virtue signaling investors aren't doing so well.

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That literally isn't what I said.
You shouldn't give presidents credit for the economy because economic effects are latent and lag the market.
You shouldn't give presidents credit for the market because it is business activity that moves them, not presidents, and business activity can differ from policy.
Stop being so triggered user.


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This fake and gay honk honk

>thinks 1% growth in 1 day is trash
Your opinion is trash, get woke, nigger.

>Mutual fund
Unless its vanguard or some S&P tied market fund you won't be making money. It's also likely that you have a high MER which can actually be losing you money on your portfolio. Make sure that whatever mutual fund you have is tied to some good market/index, make sure you're not getting charged out the ass in MER (since you're a leaf, check out questrade and TD e-series) and most importantly invest through the TFSA. If you max out your TFSA contribution for the year, create a non registered account and invest there with a similar strategy as well.

>Down Jones

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My like button is missing so have a You.

$10,000 compounded 1% per day over 250 trading days is $120,000.

>Down Jones at 19000
>Fast forward 2 years

>Down Jones at 19000


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stop picking shitty investments

It drives me crazy that I can't choose my own trades in my 401k. If I could, I'd have great returns on all my cash, not boomer-style losses on "blue chips."