OKAY, why do people with autism react in such a weird way when they are into a girl...

OKAY, why do people with autism react in such a weird way when they are into a girl? Like acting as if they dont like her at all, going insane and freaking out when they get asked out?

I dont really understand.

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I'm autistic. I prefer the woman to chase me. Unless I'm genuinely not interested.

They're suddenly in a high pressure social situation that is completely unfamiliar to them. Obviously they're gonna freak out.

It's called a birth DEFECT for a reason.

I feel so sorry, I didnt know this. I once went up to a guy with autism and I asked him out, I thought he was nice and shit, but he was completely out of his mind, he didnt look me in the eyes and ran away.

But a defect is not a choice.

did you ask him out in a 1on1 situation?

they´re afraid. afraid of the unknown

Precisely. They dont choose to do what they do.



Yes. I told him "You got time for a sec?", he responded yes, and then I told him "I saw you alot of times, and I wanna know if you wanna hang out some time?", he then turned away, said nothing and ran away.

I used to freak out around girls in high school because of my insecurities at the time. I don't have autism or anything like that, I was just as beta as could be. About 5 months after graduating, I stopped giving a fuck and can now talk to women just as easily as I can with men.

i remember being bullied by a bunch of thots around 7th grade and because of it i developed anxiety and nowadays i don´t like to be near women, so don´t judge them thot, their lives is already tough without you bothering them, leave them alone

I have aspergers and if someone were to ask me out I'd just make up an excuse in my cracking, shaking voice. And then leave as soon as possible. Dont feel sorry you never know what people are comfortable with after all.

Autism means nothing on Jow Forums. Anons here thinks it means you are stupid

But it kind of made me cry all weekend. I was completely down by it, I didnt know why.

Hey look at it this way: you're so attractive that he's scared.

>fight or flight response mixed in with a dash of social awkwardness.

>Anxiety spikes as well as adrenaline causing a cluster fuck of emotions and thoughts where they cant form a cohesive response.

Because sometimes there's an irrational fear of changing things for the worse. Personally speaking I've got quite low self-esteem and I don't often trust myself to make the right decisions. The fact that this can create a negative feedback loop of failure and regret is beside the point; it's a semi-rational primal fear of fucking up in social situations that can be paralysing depending on the scenario and how severe your 'tism is.

For spergs many social interactions aren't easy or intuitive and although skills can be learned and you can grow more comfortable around certain people it's really difficult to do anything without planning it in advance. It's theorised that this is because, in a way similar to a computer, we can't think of multiple things at once and only give that illusion by thinking of individual separate things in rapid succession. Judging by my own experiences, poor short-term memory and difficulties maintaining concentration I can get behind that idea.

The point is that to be able to perform an action confidently we need to plan it out ahead of time to a certain extent. For example I know that tomorrow I'm going to need to drive to college. I'll get up at around a certain time in the morning, spend about 10-20 minutes eating breakfast, then another 5-15 minutes brushing my teeth, shaving etc, then I'll get my clothes and bag sorted out and head to my car. I'll unlock the car and open the passenger door first to put my backpack on the seat, then go around to the driver's side and turn on the engine to defrost the windscreen and then clean the mirrors for any condensation or whatever before heading off.
I know the car will be in the same place tomorrow as where I left it today. I know it will behave the same way it always does and the same way most cars do. It will probably start up alright and if it doesn't there's a manual and a helpline to solve the problem, and I can always call a mechanic to fix it.

Girls are not like cars.

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Damn! I'm sorry. I guess you liked him too.
That's sad but that's just the way it is. Maybe he liked you too, who knows.
You are handling it in a very mature.way, kudos. Wish people around me would be more patient with me. They all end up always pointing at the fact im aspie and how much of an inconvenjence is for everyone

He probably just doesn't like you or has some sort of anxiety disorder. I dated a guy with autism and he made it very clear he wanted me.

Many of us are just intimidated by how beautiful the girl is who's showing signs of interest.

I get that a lot of guys are boring. So autistic men can be exciting. However, we often fail to see things through a womans holistic perspective b/c we are stuck thinking like men - thinking about how much is going on up top and downstairs if you get my drift :/

We are very visually oriented, after all.

If you're into an autist, never be afraid to make the first move! From the ppl I've talked to on this matter, that's typically the best way to make it work

You again?! He isn't into you, get it through your thick skull, thot

Can confirm, although desu in my experience this isn't necessarily good enough.

Personal example:
>Me, 18y/o khv
>work out, get haircut, become chadlite
>Her, 16y/o gril at my college (britfag, college =/= uni)
>Not interested in her at all but be friendly enough
>She's surprised when she hears I've never had a gf
>She offers to set me up with her sister
>I laugh about it and try to play it cool
>am genuinely interested in this offer but not sure how serious she is about it
>probably just come off as a dick
>later on she's asking if anyone's (I'm one of three people in the room so I figure out she's subtly hinting at me with this one) interested in seeing pics of her sister
>I end up ignoring her because I'm talking to the other guy in the room and having mad bants, don't want to ruin the conversation
>Too awkward to ask the questions I really want to know: "Older sister? I definitely wouldn't go for anyone under 16, 17's really my limit" and "Cool, what's her name? She still on the market then eh?"
Been a week since this happened and idk if I'll ever get the chance to follow up on that unless she initiates that conversation herself. She's like a 4/10 herself but almost my type- dark hair, thin, legs for days- so idk if she has an older sister she might be great for me. In the meantime I'm still alone with no real idea of how to leave autist virgin hell.

>t. High functioning Asperger's

Hey now, let's not be unnecessarily mean. Take a drink of water and relax?

why do you thirst after him so much?

Top fucking kek I think I have autism. I did the same to some girl that ask me out.

Autism, at its core, is a lack of emotional intelligence. People are typically born with non-verbal communication techniques that we use to develop relationships with each other. When we see someone furrow their brow and lower the corners of their mouths we connect in our brain that this person is upset. We know what being upset is through our years of experience of both being upset and witnessing people display upset behavior. All of this information is used to inform our next move. Autism essentially severs that connection. Autists routinely are unable to connect non-verbal communication and body language with the corresponding emotional conclusion. To visualize, imagine that human relationships are like a game of pong. We use our paddle (brain) to bounce a ball (communication) back and fourth with someone else's paddle (brain). We use our ability to visualize and anticipate the movement of the other person's paddle to decide what angle to bounce the ball and where to move our paddle. Being autistic is like not being able to see the ball. Autistic people can see people's paddles reacting to them but they have no clue where the ball is or how to properly anticipate its direction and properly bounce it back. Its flying blind.

But they still use non-verbal communication themselves right?

Not as consciously or deliberately as you might think

Not very effectively, unless it's involuntary.

of course I think, since non verbal communication is not linked to conscious behavior

Well, understand firstly that autism is on a scale. Autism at its core, again, is a social and cognitive dysfunction. It can range in severity quite a bit. People with autism generally are confused by the concept of non-verbal communication because they are unable to connect non-verbal communication with the corresponding emotion. Imagine using flash cards to memorize equations but only being able to see one side of the flash card. This is the reason why autists so frequently ask the question "What did I do wrong?". They can understand that people don't like feeling bad and that insulting people is wrong and being nice to people is good but, again, are unable to connect body language to emotion. They often say and do inappropriate things because they are unable to read people or read a room and gauge whether or not the behavior would be warranted. If communication is a multi-step process then autists are missing a step. So in essence they use non-verbal communication but aren't inherently capable of internalizing the meaning.

How is it an autism thing? Girls asking you out is not right on evolutionary thing. Why do you thing guys usually go up to the girl and try to hit on them. Because thats how our species evolved in the tribs. I ask girls out most of the time i get rejected, and once i hsd girl i was into ask me out as i was talking to her. It felt not right, and i was a little insecure. Most guys are really insecure around girls.

See op? Straight from the autist's mouth.

>mfw at a student cruise some random girls out of the blue came to me and told me that I was "really handsome" and that they would come pick me up later.

All I could say was basically "Thanks" and when I saw them later that evening and asked me to go to a bar with them I spilled my spaghetti and didn't go with them.
Nobody had ever approached me like that before and I had no fucking clue of what to do. I didn't even know these girls and a part of me was almost repulsed by their forwardness.

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We get bullied by mean girls pretending to ask us out so we get paranoid

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This too.
Or just bullied in general. I feel like any time a person (other than my family members) is showing kindness towards me, that there is some trick behind it. Part of that is also of course the fact that I despise myself so the notion that someone might genuinely like me is something I can't really believe in.

Non-verbal communication is not supposed to be intentional and deliberate

You're confusing autism with Jow Forums pseudo-science

They might just be shy OP.

Obvious answer: they’re afraid.

I'd give him another chance. Now that he's time to think about it, he might have an idea of what he wishes he would have done differently.