Oh thank god it was just a raid

Oh thank god it was just a raid.
I thought you faggots where going soft on me.

Attached: DC65832B-83E5-4CCA-87FF-714A281B19B3.jpg (1004x479, 98K)

Pretty sure Trump is going soft on his promises

We were being raided? Oh, that's why I have "Trump" as a filter.

Attached: ElvishGoddess.jpg (640x960, 86K)

Not that it hasn't been obvious. People who are on here daily can see when the place gets flooded with particular types of posts. The reason they think It's working is most quality posters choose to simply lurk, and watch the trends.

>a raid

Yes, there has been an ongoing raid from Q3 2016 to the present... you must be new

Attached: 1542594927410.jpg (720x405, 24K)

No, summer child. A raid of this size is a pretty rare occurrence.
I actually can’t think of a time between now and 2015 that we got hit with this much manpower, or trannypower in this situation

the levels of retardation that Jow Forums is sinking to is just sad. it used to be funny but now.... just sad.
>we only think in absolutes now beep boop


Spamming the same shit over and over again may actually work to sway opinions of reddit users but it doesn't work here. After it stops the board just re-aligns.

Agreed. 90% of post are pure shit, a sharp increase from the 80% last year.

Go back to plebbit you faggot.

Attached: 1495686123535.png (766x783, 113K)

>t. Germanflag

Nice meme, Chaim. Where is that on the dropbox server for my next shift

If you're in the catalog, press and hold shift while left clicking the picture on a shit thread. Instantly moves it to hidden. Makes clean-up a snap.

Attached: tyrur.jpg (1080x1080, 91K)

>mfw tranny faggots think they don't stand out as blisteringly obvious as a nigger in a calc III course
>wtf there's no wall yet i'm a communist openborders fag now

>being this new

Attached: pol harbour defence.jpg (756x813, 300K)

>double false flag

Nice. thanks friend.

Not sucking trumps dick make you a commie? Fuck off kike!

Oh boy, I love the discord screenshots
Truly the most trustworthy shit around

Attached: NjkzMjgw.jpg (400x710, 104K)

>copy paste ID
>screengrab from over 3 years ago
>spammed ever since
>if it ever was an original one

thanks for letting us now, you are still shilling this board, trumpniggers

Attached: 567675564.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

You obviously came here post 2014. Nothing will ever even come close to/pol/ harbor. Trump isn't beyond criticism, please accept that.

Ok, which raid in the last 5 years was bigger?
Was it the Peterson fags? No
Was it the aoc fags? No
Hillary fags? No

Please tell me which raid was bigger and longer lasting..

t. tranny raider

Happy to help. I think I have a total of 9 threads still visible.

Attached: Mariya.jpg (634x354, 59K)

It's easy enough to fix. Any post criticizing Trump or second guessing his judgment is an automatic ban. Too bad the mods are bought off by the DNC.

keep post this same picture over and over

this picture is ancient. Literally from 2016

nice false flag you got there

You know
Trying this hard
To make these imaginary
Discord trannies
Into this little ruse
You are pulling
Is fucking annoying
Trump kucked and will
Continue kucking

Attached: 1477065263468.gif (375x221, 3.86M)


Attached: Fepxony.jpg (1200x675, 88K)

>literal disinfo shill rooting for a jewish puppet
It's over, OP, Trump is no longer the agent of chaos and he will not be supported here.

Fuck, these clowns never learn. A word of advice friend. Everyone is laughing at you and your buddies. EVERY thinking person who comes here can see right thru your poor/lazy commie ideology that is the end game of your campaign.