>China on gold-buying spree amid global push to end US dollar dominance


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they are buying since years user, same as russia. they know what's coming.

At this point all that chinks need to do is sit and wait. US will be a white minority nation by 2050.

Why are you two betraying us? You owe us everything.

same ;(

>Beijing has joined the global gold rush, increasing its gold reserves for two months in a row to 59.94 million ounces. China has long been silent on its holdings of gold as many countries are turning away from the greenback.


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The Romans asked the same of the Gauls and other barbarian peoples they conquered when Rome fell.
Blood and soil faggot. You'll learn before the end.


America will collapse any moment now

Nah man. It'll last forever.

Short sighted, hate the top dog, probably under 25 years old

Hating America is very Jewish

>going to Russian government news for information about china

I mean

They're right

America should have ended in 2008 but fucking drug cartel money got them out in the nick of time

I still don't understand how America even exists right now

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USA eternally btfo by swede nigs, how will we every recover?
PS all fields

Dollar collapse, I've been hearing that same old shit for 2 decades now. Yet at any sign of stress in the global financial system everybody rushes to buy dollars/US treasuries.

When the FED raises interest rates by one percentage point emerging markets are bleeding so hard the FED chairman has to calmn the markets.

Becouse we didnt ask for multiculturalism and liberalism. You forced that upon us after the occupation of Europe becouse this is what you wanted for us.

America is Jewish at this point.

Not anymore strange than the millions of Americans who watch CNN a democratic party funded news station for information about Trump

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They are doing that at the behest if the American financiers and globalist economic organizations. The price of the world’s gold has been artificially suppressed for decades as a way of stabilizing the Chinese economy. They have such low amount of precious metal reserves that the US and post soviet Russia have had to “help” them by artificially lowering the value of gold until they can get more. So this is fake news and retarded.
bad idea.

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Careful faggots. Remember what happened to Japan when they got out of line. Those were nothing compared to what we have now.

>Russia and China buy gold
>crisis hits
>US blockades the purchase of Russian and Chinese gold
>Russia and China bankrupt at the top of a golden mountain


Who gives a shit?

American sanctions don't actually do shit to big countries but just hurt the smaller nation's in the EU and Canada


>China expands shiny trinket reserves

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You are even behind russian weapon developments these days, """La'Qwaan""".

I see all that Sub Saharan blood pumping around your vains has blocked your brain synapses from further accomplishments.


>Implying the dollar isn't back by U.S. military and it's technological capital.

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>"Da American man be keepin us down yo! We wuz kangz and emperors n shiet!"

>Swede tranny cannot into economics or geopolitics

Youll all get fired and leave

>swedistan wishing to the fall of america for rise of china
imagine being this retarded

Maybe but hating America is the most kosher activity there is outside of a synagogue

But youre not even on the top 10 list of most innovative countries?

Even Finland and France is better then you these days?

How does this make you feel?

>Ladyboy Pedo has an opinion

Opinion discarded

>My country cucking itself into oblivion is America's fault.
You voted for this you fucking faggot. If you don't want any of it then fucking do something about it.

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No. You shaped Europe by the American school system and American television wich you forced on entire Europe after the war.

With other words. You forced the leaders of Europe to brainwash their population.


That is why Russia has literal slave farms with political prisoners and north koreans -- even then the average Russian is poor. Putin is about to do some stupid shit when he shuts off the internet because he doesnt want random citizens reporting military movement.

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You mean Jews right. Your country didnt help Hitler either.

>Ladyboy pedo
Projection much captain Sweden?

Maybe you should worry about your own shit hole instead of what China and America are doing as even if the countries went to mad max levels of fucked they'd have a better future than you.

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You can thank the Jews for that. Also maybe try taking your country back by rejecting outside influence. Or do you and the rest of your blonde haired socialist buddies not want to upset your government overlords?

>>I still don't understand how America even exists right now
We're in the lag time between the money supply and the price level increasing.
Most of the USD brought into circulation went abroad or to the 1%, who have a much lower marginal propensity to consumer. Once those dollars start to repatriate, or the 1%'s money starts to flow into precious metals (and the COMEX paper fraud collapses), we'll start to see consumer prices rapidly appreciate.

gold is a barbaric relic for people who literally sit in the dirt.

a modern economy needs a flexible supply of debt-money managed by experts.

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We will just start a war with them and take it after the nukes drop.

>I dont' know how money works so I'll let the Jews control it for me.

How do so many people simply not get how the USD works still. The average IQ is so low

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Hint: the USD only has value from the USA controlling resources.

“Two more shall grow in its place!”
Hydra as the worst catch phrases.

Let's see what happens with Venezuela but Israel/America/UK failed to get rid of Assad in Syria and now they don't seem to be getting anywhere with Maduro. It's very similar to the Suez Crisis in Britain. The empire fell apart within 20 years. Definitely a multi polar world coming.

The end game to save the dollar is to pray and have enough EMs adopt the USD as official currency. They're hoping against hope that enough countries collapse in that they can come out of this smelling somewhat decent. The problem is that there will be enough panic to drive the marginal investor into precious metals, causing a herd effect.

This should have already happened, except for the blatant LBMA/Globex manipulation over the last decade.

Cleanest shirt in the laundry pile.

Whoa how interesting. Amazing. We should start speaking Swedish because their hegemony is incoming fast. Super innovative.

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(Г ·o·)Г

You guys sure? Maybe they are short the paper and at the same time take deliveries on the physical? Price hasnt moved at all in 10 years... how do they manipulate it?

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There is no market at the moment. It's a completely rigged market. Run by AI. The only reason the axe hasn't fallen yet is that no one, not China, not Russia, especially not Europe or USA want to face it yet but like King Canute, no man (or AI super computer - Aladdin) can stop the waves.

go prep your 13 yr old pregnant daughters bull sven u fucking cum guzzling cuck sack

I hear Malmo is the Paris of Scandinavia

Yeah basically. China has been hoarding any value mineral/resource while the world still revolves around the petrodollar. Our economy is fake from "printing money without inflation" by making "loans" against ourselves. Why the Federal Reserve reports there only being $1.6trillion in circulation however the net currency possession in the USA alone is around $28trillion debt aside. We have been importing more than exporting with a majority of our economy being 'services' since the 1900s. You ever wonder HOW we're doing so well economically though our entire model doesn't make sense? The only reason other countries do not call the USA out on us literally "printing" counterfeit money is because of our control over the oil trade. Without the control over oil the USA economy would collapse along with most European countries'.

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The consumer barometrics found in the USD Govt Analytics suggest that only 16% of the vast majority of China's holdings are liquid. If liquidity were less, around 30% or 37%, then I'd say we should worry about China. Any moron can see that.

>we have
imagine thinking you're not a worthless parody of a slave to jews
Americans are deluded retards. You need to realize that this isn't 1920. You're not in control of your destiny, jewish bankers and satanic white traitors are.

Be honest. The sanctions hurt Russia for 2 to 3 years. It's like going on a diet though. Now you've been through the pain and adapted your economy and no one in Russia wants to start gorging on mac and cheese again (cheep credit).

Derivative contracts. It's a fractional reserve system. Most of the gold traded is an abstraction, however, if EFP (exchange for physical) actually took place, it would collapse overnight.

If you own GLD or a forward contract, they're just playing musical chairs with your physical, and they've kept the music going since 2011.

The price is kept low precisely for China because they have low reserves. They keep it low because the global economic organizations who control the market value it as low in order to give opportunity for China to obtain more. It just takes a long time. But the point is, their reserves are too small of a proportion compared to their GDP.

Well until that time we are still king.
So bow down before my balls bitch.

I‘d start buying gold too if my life savings were in dollars.

Cant you fucking people see the writing on the fucking wall? The Jews are orchestrating this. They wanted China/Russia to buy up as much gold as possible, then to create a fucking global panic through the U.S. and force the U.S. to "act" against China and Russia, causing massive conflicts and dead that in the end, they will let up on their gold via an agreement, and that gold will go right into Jewish coffers.
Its a fucking banking war that is in the midst of happening.

For the USA economy to compete with the rest of the world without the petrodollar our economy would have to shift extremely almost over night. 99%+ of the population would plummet into extreme poverty. Anyone not working in industry similar to Germany does will starve and die. Basically would be complete chaos in the United States and other Western countries. If Russia nukes Israel and takes over the middle east with what I'm predicting within Russia shutting off their internet the USD may simply collapse then and there. Either there will be a WWIII and/or the economy in the West is about to become an extreme Great Depression.

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It already is you fucking retard

Americans have more gold in their collective jewelry boxes than China or Russia can possibly fucking buy. Oh yeah, and we have nukes.

China and Russia must open their borders to immigrants

-- Sum Dim, The Cooking Art of Raw Dog (§I. Laying Plans, 18~)

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Why wouldnt the usa just buy all the contracts and accept delivery all at once?

The most power military the world has ever seen counts for something, too.

South Korea is a top tier patent producing country (number one when adjusted for population). It's spectacularly good.

Sweden is not bad but not better than the US.

Ultimately, both are too small to compete with the US on absolute numbers.


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>non-sequitur "" MAGApaedo sperg
>same fucking shit, in every fucking post, like a dumb fucking lemming mutt
Literally, the world is better under chink control, given how far gone mutts clearly are...

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Better question, why not? All we did for the longest time was shit on everyone, meanwhile the boomers benefitted from their misery as well as ours. It wasn't our fault but when you look at our own nation, can't say I blame the world for looking down on us. Look at what garbage people Americans are, how we just shit on, back stab and ruin each other. Going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and just say you're one of the good ones, but if you look at us and Americans as a rule, well....

As soon as they release free energy... All metal and resources become irrelevant. The only thing that matters after is the quality of life of the individual which is related to their IQ.
You faggots know they have it.

From studying the occult what people predict is going to happen in WWIII is "half of the worlds races are going to be killed off into extinction". If fighting tooth and nail over resources happens with an extreme depression you can bet countries would start being non-radiation nuke bomb the fuck out of'd. The entire continents of South and North america will become the new United States of America against the Russians and Chinese who are going to eliminate the Middle East and Africa.

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>The most power military the world has ever seen counts for something, too.

On paper. The US military has lots of fancy tech but how effective is it. The Bush neocons used shock and awe to blow up Iraq and the Iraqi's were shell shocked for a year or two and then moved into Guerrilla warfare. The US has projected hard power around the world for some time. I'm not saying they are not powerful just that if I was Russia I would think I could give you a run for your money. I definitely wouldn't worry about the US military holding Russian clay.

Because the USA benefits the most from the musical chairs. Any rush to gold would immediately precipitate a worldwide currency collapse. The longer the scheme manifests, the longer the USD can continue to get oil for their paper president coupons.

Put another way, they could buy a trillion dollars of gold this year, and bring it all down, or continue to run trillion dollar deficits year after year after year and purchase primary and secondary goods from EMs.

7,628 tonnes stored by the US Mint — this is referred to as Deep Storage gold, 4,583 tonnes is at Fort Knox, 1,364 tonnes in Denver, 1,682 tonnes at West Point. In total US official gold reserves account for the 8,134 tonnes, owned by the US Treasury.

>You faggots know they have it.
For the petrodollar to exist these technologies must be hidden.

Canada sold most of their gold reserves

My guess, oil. Also, I do see us legalizing marijuana quite soon, it's the best cash crop we've ever had. Also, we do have one thing the rest of the world needs, food. The midwest feeds so damn much of the world, if they were to say fuck it a lot of the world would be so screwed. China's social experiment with Africa would fail so quick without our grain that we supply Nato with.

Will say that the people here for the most part are absolute garbage, esp. the women. It makes me sick how bad things are now.

>The US has projected hard power around the world for some time
made a mistake - HASN'T projected hard power

>Canada: 0 tonnes
Feels pretty bad mane.

6000 years ago the Supreme Lord Amalukuluku blessed Gold and gave it to the Black Kings

The Black Kings used their Gold to create the most advanced civilization in the world

Then the Demon lord Amafufu spawned a group of pale sickly creatures to destroy the Black civilization and erase it from history

The demon spawns deceived the black people to give away their valuable Gold in exchange for worthless paper

When they no longer had any Gold their civilization collapsed and erased from history

The same thing is happening right now to the world

Black Kings have been accumulating the Gold reserves secretly

When the current civilization finally collapses the cycle of history will be complete and the Black Kings will return to power and bring the world to the New Enlightened Black Age

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No worries you're going to become a part of the United States anyways.

It's the Navy dude. After the Revolutionary War and the War of Northern Aggression, the ability to control the waters is firmly planted in the American pscyhe. No one even comes close to how effectively Americans control international trade.

It makes us a weaker target for invasion or annexation. Ottawa was less likely to get a visit from 12 dozen blackhawks this way.

It's biological warfare that scares me. Have a few buddies still in the service, what most people don't know was they intercepted a dirty nuke in LA about 5 or so years ago, that and the people coming up through la have some very, very scary diseases that you never hear about on TV. Also if we did get into a huge war it would be mutual destruction, americans won't vounteer for a war and so many of our people aren't fit for military service it's terrifying.

That being said, we wouldn't have to do anything, the world needs our grains waaaay to much to rock the boat, we're good. We get pissed and tell the developing world to get fucked all the industrial campaigns china is working on will go to shit when millions of hungry niggers chimp out.

Kek even at 2k an ounce it's only 188 billion. We have a 23 trillion dollars economy. Not even thinking about what happens to the price if they decide to sell. Not to mention the military. Top kek. Fucking cucks.

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4d chess
china buys all our gold
we spend the cash on nuke reactors
build robots to attack china and take it all back

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Ty sir that was super helpful and in depth.

>"War of Northern Aggression"
>"No one even comes close to how effectively Americans control"
i love you leaf brother we'll stand together and hold the shores

I agree. I'm honestly not sure humanity is really ready. Can you imagine the state of niggers if they have free energy. Or chinks. Dear lawddy. I think a select race or two will forge ahead and the rest will literally be lost to the annals of history.
I suppose that's if there's no great war to make population dwindle before hand.