We need to start a fake Cult

And see how many people are stupid enough to belive it exists and join

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you can do it yourself.

just need to convince fucking Generation Zero dumb fuck millennials

wouldnt be hard.

be vegan(or pretend to be) etc

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-13 I STARTED A CULT - YouTube.jpg (1280x804, 234K)

we should call it The Unbearables

Attached: Goslar_Mittelalter_Staufer__Judenhut[1].jpg (1200x798, 152K)

we are one already, dumbass

Attached: 716684_1.jpg (630x630, 46K)

I've already started, it's called the Cove of knowledge, "we" belive that we just need to remind people the Cove is Real by plastering it all over the internet by writing "the Cove is Real" or "Cov3"

Cult name: We drink water

Cult objective: we drink water

You're a little too late, newfriend

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What is le kekistan?

owen benjamin already did

also the jordan peterson one