Hitler was an incel

>you're not white
Millions of people died in war because this guy was a miserable incel.

Attached: hitler-in-shorts-cool-political-t-shirts-by-allriot.jpg (600x790, 139K)

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Present your evidence.

I thought he was a serial rapist with a dungeon and a scat fetish though, CNN told me so!

He was with Eva Braun


Multiple documented women were obsessed with him. 2 attempted suicide because he wasn't with them.

Read Eva Braun's diary and you'll see the effect this GigaChad had on women. She threatened suicide multiple times because he often passed her city through but was too busy building up Germany to see her, kek.

Hitler received thousands of love letters from German women begging to have his children. So even in the off chance he didn't have sex with Eva Braun, it was hardly "involuntary".

A whole nation behind him and sympathizant abroad

Nice one Schlomo

Incels don't have groupies & fangirls, do they?

Kind of like how you can discern queers from their manner, you can discern incels from their mannerisms/dress.

Is this deniable?

Attached: hitler-in-shorts-4.jpg (613x1600, 200K)

>t. Incel


>Incel killed 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Jews
Kike BTFO!!!

>you're an incel if you...
No nigger, you don't get to twist the definition of words when it suits you.
Incel = Involuntary Celibate. Anything else you wish to attach to it is just for the sake of your convenience.

You realize "incels" are actually voluntarily celebate right? No one wants to have a relationship with a psychotic white leftist whore. I know sooooo many white girls that cannot hold down a relationship because they are extremely self centered entitled cunts.

"Incels" are merely able to control their drive for pussy in order to not destroy their lives while married to a white bitch.

Fuck white girls. Colonize or be destroyed by self inflicted fragging. All of you moron white girls only are soooo fucked. You have no future

>It’s true! Guy likes to stay up late, watch movies, talk talk shit with his friends.

If by "incel" you mean that he was completely out of place in a hedonistic society, you are correct. That's why he was such a great man. Also, mandatory sage.

What about all the French, Polish, Serbs, Ukrainians, British, Americans, Russians, et cet that he killed?

Hitler was an evil, pathetic incel.

Attached: RX3BP7P.jpg (1490x1963, 596K)

>JIDF thread No. 4532345235234234234234
And no: he actually had pretty hot sex with Eva Braun and married her at the end of their lives.

Do you got the vids ?

Don't forget he was also a NEET living on gibs

none exist but legends say he put his wurst in her gas chamber


Hitler only wanted peace.
It was Churchill who wanted to destroy Germany at all costs (because Germany was about to overtake the British empire economically)

OK, how come Hitler and Eva Braun didn't have any kids? Do you know what the chance of not having kids after years of sex is?

OK, how come they got married only at the end, right before they committ3d suicide?

And if Hitler wasn't an incel, why did he fall in love with his neice until he was forced to stop dating her. And what msde her commit suicide after?

All of these things indicate he was an incel.

vocel master race.

A puppy died because you're such a faggot, OP

how can he be an incel when he was married to Eva Braun?

Peak Bavarian masculinity
Teach him the Schuhplattler and he swims in pussy

>out of billions of people in the world, not one wanted to fuck the most powerful man in Germany whose revolutionary ideology brought them out of the worst depression in human history to the point of being a world superpower
>ignore the pics of him with naked chicks, too

If he didn't believe he was winning the war, would he have wanted to produce an heir to be slaughtered by the Soviets and dragged through the streets?
The one testicle theory may be bullshit but it's entirely possible he had fertility issues as well, or on Eva's side alternately

commit suicide kike

Attached: pepe_smoke.jpg (750x747, 67K)

Except he was slaying Eva Braun's pussy all day slay

She was a secret mistress, no kids allowed.

Why the fuck are you guys even bothering with this?

People couldn’t tell ted bundy was a serial killer psychopath until he was ousted.

Why don't people start sporting the Hitlerstache?

bots replying to bots
Jow Forums has had seeded threads for months, man

when hitler was alexander the great in his past
life, he raped so many people. and i don't mean

'The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler' offers
insight into the dictator's gay partners

Alexander, one of the greatest military leaders
in all history, was indeed married - but also
undoubtedly had passionate, intimate relationships
with two men, Hephaestion and the eunuch slave.

biblical psychological profile where history
repeats if you have eyes to see you'll notice
who is who. the movie fallen explains it all.

Attached: under your nose and in your face.jpg (1138x1080, 682K)

An incel with a 23 year younger gf (and eventually, wife), suspected relationships with others like Erna Hanfstaengl and Maria Reiter, who also got thousands of love letters from horny young german girls during the peak of his power.

So hang yourself kike.

a real incel woud have put women in concentration camps instead of jews.

Oh no it only took me 3 seconds...


His kids were white people and he couldn't split his love for them in two.

After dropping out of high school in 1905 at age sixteen, Adolf Hitler spent the next few years in brooding idleness. His indulgent mother patiently urged him to learn a trade or get a job. But to young Hitler, the idea of daily work with its necessary submission to authority was revolting.

Hitler liked to sleep late then go out in the afternoon, often dressed like a young gentleman of leisure and even carried a fancy little ivory cane. When he returned home, he would stay up well past midnight reading and drawing.

Young Hitler did not have a girlfriend. But he did have an obsessive interest in a young blond named Stephanie. He would stare at her as she walked by and sometimes followed her. He wrote her many love poems. But he never delivered the poems or worked up the nerve to introduce himself, preferring to keep her in his fantasies. He told his friend Kubizek he was able to communicate with her by intuition and that she was even aware of his thoughts and had great admiration for him. He was also deeply jealous of any attention she showed to other young men.


Incel confirmed.

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