Accelerationalism -just do it already

>Band-aid theory
Unless you want to be lied to and manipulated again for the next 50years, it's time to give them what they want -then we can sit back and watch them set 'their world' on fire. It doesnt mean you have to get involved, you can be 'IN the world' but not 'OF the world'. You don't have to sign up for wars (become a pacifist) or give up your guns, (jbury them in the yard) or really believe 57 genders (there are 4 lights). Make your home your 'castle and keep' -a fortification against the evil outside.

Let them have:
>war with Iran
>war with Russia
>prop up the EU
>Brexit 2nd Refendum
>57 Genders
>dissolve nationalism
>porus borders
>massive welfare state
>tax cuts for the super rich and corporations

It's the final sacrifice, the good and decent of the world have to make; only then we can finally RESET the game; if we dont, it will be a longer, slower, more agonising death, with far worse horrors. BUT, next time around Humanity will to come FIRST - not profits, wars, central banks, corporations, political agendas, hatred, lies and protected religions classes and people.

Human dignity, love, truth, compassion, sacrifice, co-operation and loftier aims will be our resolve and we will extol only the highest virtues of the Faustian spirit and take our place amongst the stars.


Attached: ccabf43ed4bcff2faf5964c7ed556c8d1.jpg (640x426, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Every empire in the history of man has failed.

This one, a loose coterie of shadowy cabals who do what's only in their best interest; kleptocratic crony capitalists who put profit before life; central bankers who burden the poor with their perpetual sovereign debt system and war mongers who kill women and children indiscriminately and fathers who seek to protect them, will too eventually fall.
Either man will get the better of it, or nature will.

You cannot sustain evil and call it good,
You cannot lie and call it truth,
You cannot preside over the majesty of human potential with a boot on it's neck.

Those that work in the shadows, who plan iniquity, and cause hardship, woes and suffering upon the meek, poor and humble, and cause humanity to fall will suffer their fate and be swallowed up by the eternal void of darkness --when death stalks them in the night.
When that final moment overshadows the evening of their days, and the reaper breathes upon their necks, and their minds frantically hope to find solace, only then will they know the true horror of their deeds and their minds shall reap what they sowed.

Their deaths will be bitter, and no system of man will redeem them or give them peace in their final hour.

Attached: accelerationism.jpg (710x473, 160K)

>As if they'd leave us alone and not demonize our very existence via the mutt mind control grid.

Also, killer robots. It's win the future now and go extinct.

found the discord tranny

They call it progress,
I call it tieing your own noose.
Let them get on with.
Come what may, we will start again.
Like a new morning, the birdsong and the dappled sunlight, the dew on the grass, everything in nature starts again


You don't have to partake.
Fortify your own mind.
Consume only what you want.
Your mind and body are vessels.
Be careful how you treat it and what you put in it.

>Implying people are push "saving the world" because of their humanity
>Implying they aren't doing just to get laid
Most faggots here are delusional and believe they will "save they white race" by spreading memes.
All they do is prolong their suffering by stopping the rotten to jump off the bulding they themselves built.
And most faggots also hope for civil war/unrest so they can let their psycophathy run wild.
I'd say nuke humanity as a whole but that wouldn't save anyone.

Attached: 1545749888927.jpg (480x360, 13K)

An effluent flow, of lies, low minded pettiness, in-fighting, babbling nonsense; divided and fractured humanity channeled and corralled like cattle; being duped into voting for new masters, slaves into a system which they cannot see, feel or touch.

This is life?

Even the short and brutish Hobbesian lives, knew that their alms were tributes to the king to protect their people, and they were afforded their hand on their own tiller, even if they were in servitude.

What do we have today?
>Rampant State dependencies
>Unfettered idleness and enforced consumption
>Perpetual tribute to a central debt creation system
Do you want to really live this way?

>I'd say nuke humanity as a whole but that wouldn't save anyone.
How would nuking humanity help the life of an orphan boy making a living on the banks of the Ganges?
We must have a system that exalts not debases.
That creates, not destroys
That finds vested common interests, not pessimistic divides.

yeah but this is our last chance.
If we don't get off this earth in the next 100 years or so that's it, it will be too late. Humanity being reset means that we won't ever get that chance again, stuck here for the rest of time until humanity is finally eliminated by self annihilation or other natural things like asteroids, solar flares, gamma ray bursts, and other cosmic phenomena

Accelerate my cock into your asshole

great blog, but it's already too late.

Right on the brink of collapse when thier crimes are finally exposed, the deep state will hit us with a limited disclosure / false flag alien invasion/appearance. That is the final test of discernment. A golden age of high technology may or may not follow depending on how it all goes down. Benevolent ETs may get involved at that point.

That was very well written, thank you

wow rare flag

I'm sorry user, this cycle of humanity has failed.
Everything you know is likely a lie, unless you've done the calculations yourself and are capable of judging for yourself.

Look over the last 120years, to see the terrible plight of humanity.
Look at how far we could have come.
Look past the approved answers, the sancrosanct that cannot be questioned and the education system feeding the feeble minded.
How few are the brave who buck trend, and look askance at the majority.

Our best hope is that a new Emperor Nero decides to torch Rome, to bypass the senate.


If they win there's no going back, they've will have reached peak potential and the pendulum ain't coming back

This is either the fight or the final fight, ever.

>Right on the brink of collapse when thier crimes are finally exposed, the deep state will hit us with a limited disclosure / false flag alien invasion/appearance.

Undoubtedly, my own research and investigation has led me to believe ( with much stumbling in the dark) that US private military contractors have technology which defies the conventional wisdom on power generation. I have reservations on there being any kind of benevolent 'fatherly' ETs coming to our rescue -- surely they would have done so already?
However, STS-48 does look interesting as does reports of UFOs shutting down nuclear facilities --Vanderberg AFB incident.

Hey go- I mean guys! Wouldn’t I troll the libtards epic style if we voted for their candidates?

Imagine the looks on their faces when they win the election!

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Make some good points. Is everyone in Cyprus redpilled on the cabal because your country is a hub for offshore banking?

You're only voted for a new master every 4 years.
If you can't see that, it's ok.
Not everybody has eyes to see or ears to hear.

I can only talk for myself.
I am stranger in a foreign house, not of my father's land.

Dawg look at the other dozen spots that have their momentum effected by the flash. Mind boggling how many people only notice the one that moves the fastest.

My belief is our planet suffers cyclical cataclysms which often kills off most of the large animals. This is caused by the sun. The elites are aware of this and perhaps some of the elites may even be descendants of the survivors of the last cycle of culture wipe out at the height of its technology and degeneracy.

The focus on CO2 and global warming/climate change is actually a distraction from the unavoidable cooling cycle we are descending into starting this year that could potentially last decades.

This will cause worldwide crop loss, increased volcanism and earthquakes, famine, mass migration spreading disease and sparking wars. It will destroy civilization, this may even perhaps be the universes way of regulating civilization as only highly cooperative cultures living in balance with the environment and existing in extremely high trust/altruistic society will be able to survive such an event. Historically this has lead to the collapse of any sophisticated cultures existing during a severe cooling phase.

Attached: modernwarmpeak.png (960x722, 258K)

I believe you're correct on the subject and the Chinese are fully aware of this.

Oxygen escape from the Earth during geomagnetic reversals: Implications to mass extinction

I think represents the best footage of intelligently controlled object in low earth orbit. I dont find the official explanation to suffice --ice particles?

I expect this is the reason for the missing trillions in the US being invested into building some sort of infrastructure for the elites to survive this as the previous solar minimums are likely not nearly as bad as the solar event we may experience in the coming decades as there is a chance this next minimum may produce a micro nova which hasnt been seen since the end of the last ice age but appears to happen in 12,000 year intervals.

Attached: temp change.jpg (800x575, 202K)

>I believe you're correct on the subject and the Chinese are fully aware of this.
I am almost positive this was the primary purpose for the recent trip to the moon by China to find evidence from the prior micronova (glass beads) on the surface and to attempt to date when this event occurred. Likely the reason they have begun a vast building project of underground complexes in the desert. The US already has an enormous system of underground complexes through the nation primarily in the southwest made for continuance of government purposes originally in the event of a nuclear war.

Doesn't matter if they're ice particles or fart particles, there are plenty of other identical objects in that video that react in a similar manner, but the one most effected by the light is the UFO?
I'm so damned bored, I really want to see a UFO or a ghost or something, but seeing so many people fall for this video is just embarrassing.

Okay then. Ilhan 2020.

Attached: Ilhan-Omar-AP.jpg (1862x1048, 142K)

as long as she didn't say anything anti white I would vote for her unironically.

Israel is launching to the moon on the 18th (in 5days). Other than planting a flag with a rover, I'm not sure what else it is doing.
Interestingly when I was heavily researching 'underground facilities' -I mean visiting places, and reading engineer books, looking at historic local council planning permission etc (not youtube research) I had a unconventional drone hover my house -I was in the garden at the time. I've never seen a replica design of it, it was diamond shaped and wider in the middle and sky-colored or at least matched the background. It never made any sound, and moved effortlessly, when I spotted it, it was stationary for a second and then quickly flew up away in the opposite direction

It looked like pic.

Attached: th(d31).jpg (327x185, 3K)

The CIA actually classified a book in the 1960s describing a pole shift (though really the event its describing is a micronova which would CAUSE a pole shift) and kept it classified until 2013.

Interestingly enough one of the locations describe in this book that humans sheltered in were the rocky mountains, a hub of some of the largest underground complexes in the US that is likely connected to Denver International airport which is filled with bizarre apocolyptic art and masonic symbols (there is a freemason time capsule burried under the airport). The project went over budget by about 10X the amount and most of it was an vast underground building project allegedly for an underground baggage system.

This is not even getting into NORAD and Cheyenne mountain military complexes built to survive nuclear strikes just a few miles away.

I would be shocked if Israel doesnt already know whats coming but they may not know the precise date (infact a good chance no gov knows the precise date it will happen and are still scrambling to get the most accurate prediction)

Attached: dia_murals.jpg (958x733, 215K)

Attached: denver-8.jpg (640x426, 100K)


This whole thread is
"If we let our enemies win, the will suicide everything and we can rebuild!"
>but what if they just implement their plan
"no if you vote for something extreme left, they have to give it to you and destroy themselves"
>but we voted for "right" stuff and didn't get it? what if they just take our acceleration and implement what they want, why would they destroy themselves
just trust the plan goy, vote for the jew and you win.

What's in the time capsule?

>"If we let our enemies win, the will suicide everything and we can rebuild!"
War with Russia or Iran will tip the world into chaos, there wont be time for them to bring in even more nefarious deeds, they'll be too busy fighting another tyrant -aka government.
The next step the judeo-elite have in mind is legalising paedophillia, they will say, if a child can consent to a sex change they can consent to sex.
Do you want to live in a world like that?
I don't.

What flag iz did I r dum burder

>world war will solve all of our problems
the last world war saw large consolidations of power by jews, anything at all supporting this "bruh, war will solve it" theory??

I mean, civil war, sure I'd buy that, I remember how close we actually (never) got to it since the 60s... the problem is how/if it starts.

>What's in the time capsule?
Who knows, it is not supposed to be opened until 2094.

I think we are heading for a collapse one way or another though regardless of choosing accelerationism or not.

Attached: western civilization cycle.png (2480x3508, 888K)

Accelerationism is a terrible idea.

You guys always assume things will immediately turn around after hitting rock bottom, like Hitler coming to power and completely reshaping German society within a couple of years, but there's no reason to think that's how things would work out this time. We could end up like Rome, gradually weakening and fragmenting over the course of generations until the whole developed world was plunged into centuries of barbarism and misery.

exactly, redpills for (key/influencing) normies to help spread ideals is way more important.
The ideas must be planted early.

Only the true second coming of Christ.

accelerationism does not acknowledge the actual reasons why revolution is made possible.

we have to build power outside of the current politics, outside of the state and for the people only. otherwise, when the moment comes, we will descend further into madness.


You're the type who AFKs in fountain while typing "gg, finish fast" in all chat when the game doesn't go your way. Do you really think that if even if we get the hard reset that this won't just happen again? Whites need to realize their methods and mindsets don't work against (((theirs))). It's time for Whites to adapt, collapse or no.


Even just perceived victories like 2016, brexit. People come together when these things happen. All the stuff that you listed will happen, whether we oppose zog or not.

What we need to do, is be the rallying point for the opposition when shit goes down.

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Easy to support accelerationism when you're a incel with no mate prospects. I don't know about you, but having my white grandchildren die in some Kike civil war is NOT redpilled.