Nuremberg race laws

According the these laws people who were 1/4 jew or less who grew up "german" were allowed to live in the enthno state. What would Jow Forums do with these people. Let's not get into purity spiraling please. Realistically a lot of spainards have little traces or morish decent, southern Italians have a little bit in the mix and if we're throwing out people based on the one drop rule we might as well say goodbye to the balking and eastern europe. So is it realistic to follow the one drop rule? How much is too much? So what be it Jow Forums?
This is kinda a troll but I'm also curious.

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Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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It depends because not all racemixing is the same. I’d say 75% white for Asians. 95% white for everyone else.

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Oh rules should also vary for men and women. 50-0% white for Asian women suffices. Same for men for everyone else.

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I mean you can easily tell if someone is 1/8th black but I knew Hungarians who are 1/4 turk and youd never know, I know anglos who are 1/4 jew and I'd never be able to tell so I agree it varies

1 drop burn yids HH

That’s what I’m saying. I’d definitely say half or quarter Asians are white enough.

>According the these laws people who were 1/4 jew or less who grew up "german" were allowed to live in the enthno state.
A few years ago they showed a documentary about two 1/8 black brothers who served in the Wehrmacht during WW2.

People knew they were black though, right?

Their back ancestor was almost some kind of celebrity because back then he was the only African in Berlin.

*black ancestor*


>Realistically a lot of spainards have little traces or morish decent,

Again this absurd? moors had little no no impact on native iberians.moors were caucasoid also, the small "north african" input in iberia 3% or 8% (even if it's probably iberian in origin, shared aleles) besides caucasoid is pre historic


Fully European ancestry. Or does it have to be by percentages?

>75% for Asians but not indians
>the castizo looks more white than the 1/8 Asian
What did he mean by this

kek I wonder who’s behind that post?

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As long as you look white desu and are over 90% white.

i am 9% jewish according to DNA test.

i have been a white nationalist for 10 years, before Jow Forums ever existed i was awakened to the jewish menace and holohoax

what does this mean?

There isn't going to be an ethnostate. The best we'll ever be able to do is contain the shitskins in the cities and let natural selection take its course, which is pretty much what we do now. This ethnostate shit is just retarded though, and totally unfeasible.

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unfeasible here at least

>What would Jow Forums do with these people.
"deport" them
the nuremberg laws were fucking cucked

All of these people are genetically defiled and not welcome in the ethnostate.

Where is the line between being cucked and purity spiraling?

What’s HH?

i agree

deport them to Israel where they belong. they are not different than any mongrels Europe, North America and Oceania are full off these days

jews are levantine sandniggers and have no fucking business in Europe

>Realistically a lot of spainards have little traces or morish decent, southern Italians have a little bit in the mix and if we're throwing out people based on the one drop rule we might as well say goodbye to the balking

and who said that those raperoaches should be allowed to live in Germanic or Slavic Europe?

unironically it's feasible in the US, literally wyoming utah idaho montana + a few others if you just kick a few beaners out
just califags are ruining that state

>you'd never know
Maybe for you, mutt but I can tell when I'm talking to a swarthy non-occidental nigropean

1/4 is fine, IF they're on the side of whites. If they are, it's more numbers (instead of potentially more enemies) and their bloodline will get bleached in a few generations.

I would agree with this

what about 56%


A 1/4 you say? In you go.

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Think he’s talking about Nuremberg..