
How did a small Jewish cult become so popular?

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He wasnt Jewish though. Apparently he was greek philosopher and Jews just came along later and did a we wuz.

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Constantine's mother converted while visiting Israel.
That's about it.

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El= Jewish God

i mean think about how quickly marxism became popularized. we still have millions of people who subscribe to marxism despite its obvious failures, and it's only been around for a few centuries....

the kikes have always been good at subverting our lands.

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Hebrew Liturgy
Greek Philosophy
Roman Law

Jesus is the truth, the truth withstands the test of time.

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Proof that the Christian God exists:
>Our Lady of Zeitoun, also known simply as El-Zeitoun, Zeitun or rarely Our Lady of Light, was a mass Marian apparition that occurred in the Zeitoun district of Cairo, Egypt, over a period of 2–3 years beginning on April 2, 1968.
>The apparitions were also witnessed by President Gamal Abdel Nasser,[5] and captured by newspaper photographers and Egyptian television. Investigations performed by the police could find no explanation for the phenomenon. No device was found within a radius of fifteen miles capable of projecting the image, while the sheer number of photographs from independent sources suggests that no photographic manipulation was involved. Having been unable to produce an alternative explanation for the luminous sightings, the Egyptian government accepted the apparitions as true.[6]
>Estimates of the number of observers of the event vary greatly. Thousands were said to have flocked to the Church after the first announced occurrences of the phenomenon. Some claim the apparitions were seen by millions. Other sources estimate the figure at around 250,000 in total.
And the best the skeptics have to say is:
>Sociologists Robert Bartholomew and Erich Goode offer the Zeitoun apparitions as a prominent case of mass hysteria: “It appears that the Marian observers were predisposed by religious background and social expectation to interpreting the light displays as related to the Virgin Mary.”[9]

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How did a once-white nation turn a blind eye to child rape gangs that everyone knows about?

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because of genocide.

can't get opposed if you kill all dissenters, can you?

>Christian God

You mean the Jewish God

>EU flag

christianity is not just becoming christian its the ability to overcome and be be self aware

jews hate jesus

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Mass hysteria is common.

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Their Jew religion tells them to love their enemies and turn the other cheek. When a good Christian's daughter is raped, he should offer her sister as well.

JIDF hates jesus and loves jesus mockery threads

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by being right

Yahweh cursed the talmudic jews for denying christ as the moshiak

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In the 18-19th century hundreds of thousands of Russians cut their testacles off because they believed genitals were the Mark of Cain and that only castrated people could get into heaven. They believed it and suffered for ir, so it must be true. Chop chop.

Because we are not Jews you faggot!


>CAESAR'S MESSIAH The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus

Not specific sightings over several occurrences, you faggot.

Yes, but they did not invent Christianity.

He did!
Chosen ones my ass!
The Jews and Muslims are children of Satan.

Jesus Christ would not be crucified if there were no Jews to pay the Romans to kill him.

How did smoking crack become so popular?

Actually, at the time of Jesus it was the Pharisees, who Jesus opposed, who were the anti-Talmudic ones (it hadn't yet been formally written down but it existed orally). Talmudism was popular for the lower classes: the Pharisees were the upper class whose authority came from the Temple/Tabernacle and the written Torah. Later, after the failed rebellion and destruction of the Temple, the Pharisees' authority wained and Talmudism grew.

Remember, the actual Jesus wanted nothing to do with goyim. He specifically ordered his followers not to travel or preach in goy lands, and said that salvation comes from the Jews. Even after he died, Peter, the Rock of His Chirch, refused to eat dinner at the same table as uncorcumcised people . It was only Paul, who had never known Jesus, who started to convert goyim and created the universalist, no circumcision required, open to everyone Christianity that we know today.
>The Historian Ammianus Marcellinus (A.D. c.330 - 395)
>"Res Gestae," Book XXIII
>He [Julian the Apostate] planned at vast cost to restore the once splendid Temple at Jerusalem, which after many mortal combats during the siege by Vespasian and later by Titus had barely been stormed. He had entrusted the speedy performance of this work to Alypius of Antioch... But though this Alypius pushed the work on with vigor, aided by the governor of the province, terrible balls of fire kept bursting forth near the foundations of the Temple and made the place inaccessible to the workmen, some of whom were burned to death; and since in this way the element persistently repelled them, the enterprise halted.

because Jesus is God. He is the Messiah.

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They invented Skoptcyism. They believed in it, suffered for it, and even died for it. Therefor it is true, by your reasoning.

>Sozomen (ca. A.D.375-447)
>"Ecclesiastical History"
>Book V, Chapter XXII
>Though the emperor [Julian the Apostate] hated and oppressed the Christians, he manifested benevolence and humanity towards the Jews.
>He sent for some of the chiefs of the race and exhorted them to return to the observance of the laws of Moses and the customs of their fathers. On their replying that because the temple in Jerusalem was overturned, it was neither lawful nor ancestral to do this in another place than the metropolis out of which they had been cast, he gave them public money, commanded them to rebuild the temple, and to practice the cult similar to that of their ancestors, by sacrificing after the ancient way.
>The Jews entered upon the undertaking, without reflecting that, according to the prediction of the holy prophets, it could not be accomplished. The emperor, the other pagans, and all the Jews, regarded every other undertaking as secondary in importance to this. Although the pagans were not well-disposed towards the Jews, yet they assisted them in this enterprise, because they reckoned upon its ultimate success, and hoped by this means to falsify the prophecies of Christ.
>When they were about to lay the first foundation, a great earthquake occurred, and by the violent agitation of the earth, stones were thrown up from the depths, by which those of the Jews who were engaged in the work were wounded, as likewise those who were merely looking on. The houses and public porticos, near the site of the temple, in which they had diverted themselves, were suddenly thrown down; many were caught thereby, some perished immediately, others were found half dead and mutilated of hands or legs, others were injured in other parts of the body.

Leave your disgusting Jew mythology and your penis mutilating Jew God in the sandnigger desert that they came from, spiritual semite.

>When God caused the earthquake to cease, the workmen who survived again returned to their task, partly because such was the edict of the emperor, and partly because they were themselves interested in the undertaking.
>Men often, in endeavoring to gratify their own passions, seek what is injurious to them. When once led astray by this error, they are no longer able to act in a manner conducive to their own interests, or to take warning by the calamities which are visited upon them.
>The Jews, I believe, were just in this state; for, instead of regarding this unexpected earthquake as a manifest indication that God was opposed to the re-erection of their temple, they proceeded to recommence the work.
>But all parties relate, that they had scarcely returned to the undertaking, when fire burst suddenly from the foundations of the temple, and consumed several of the workmen.
>This fact is fearlessly stated, and believed by all; the only discrepancy in the narrative is that some maintain that flame burst from the interior of the temple, as the workmen were striving to force an entrance, while others say that the fire proceeded directly from the earth. In whichever way the phenomenon might have occurred, it is equally wonderful.

christianity is a thoroughly jewish religion. need i remind you faggots that jesus was a jew, who claimed to fulfill jewish prophecy? how could you believe that a man could be born of a virgin and rise from the dead? are you retarded? but that's besides the point.

are you forgetting all the non-white christians?
white nationalism does not work with christianity.
christianity became popular because it was enforced by the state and it was a shitty religion that made you feel good for being a fucking bottom feeder slave bitch. the way it became popular can be compared to how multiculturalism, socialism, and communism became popular today; because these ideas are enforced by the state and they're feel good ideologies that appeal to bottom feeding NPC faggots, who just so happen to be most of the population.
Nietzsche got it right with christianity just like he got it right when it comes to socialist and anarchist idiots.

but of course you're going to come at me with shit like "if it wasn't for christianity, we would all be muslim right now"
bullshit. if our ancestors were true christians, they woulda let the muslims ravage their asses into oblivion. they fought islam because fundamentally they didn't want to be someone else's bitch and that it the only reason. they were christian in name only.

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My guess is that Christianity was created by Roman elite crypto Jews as a way to control the plebs.

Roman Plebs were already slaves, this whole "muh slave morality" "system of control" line is so much bullshit, it's ridiculous.

IS= Isis (Egyptian Goddess)
RA= Ra (Egyptian God)
EL= El (Jewish God)

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>If you don't worship Yawheh and his Hebrew-speaking semite Rabbi son named Yeshua, then you're a Jew

How could someone who doesn't read Jewish scripture and worship the God of the Jews be more of a Jew than someone who does? That makes absolutely no sense.

>how could you believe that a man could be born of a virgin and rise from the dead?
We are talking about who we Christians think God is here. Normal laws of physics don't apply.

It worked pretty well when conquering most of Europe don't you think? Even Incorporating their pagan rituals into Christianity to get them to accept it.

Matthew 10
Jesus was meant to preach to his people, the jews but they refused him. So he went after the goys

The catholic LARPers who browse Jow Forums preaching the battering of white women don't actually believe in God. They reached their "belief" in god through fear of being shunned by their trad in-group, namely the cuckservative evangelical boomers they were raised by. They're in a double-bind: do we become atheists and shun our own suburban-American macaroni art "traditions" or do we embrace faux-religion and moralize to non-believers on the Internet? The choice is clear, at least for people with absolutely no shame whatsoever: DEUS-VULT!

So now you see Christianity threads on Jow Forums all the time. The catholics here sip their Mountain Dews and post fedora memes as a last-ditch effort to proselytize through shame. They don't bother with the dumb logical arguments that have been made for Christianity like Kalam because the catholics know how useless they are. No, they just post fedora pictures.

How many of these tradcaths go to church? Very few. Of the few that go to church, how many go with their wives and children? Even fewer. Those that go with their wives and children, do they make other women at their church cover their heads? Nah. Do they obnoxiously confront people for not believing in God in real life? No, only on the Internet.

It's an ephemeral, digital movement of tradcath cucklets. Is it any coincidence that these are the same people who hate Richard Spencer for organizing rallies "IRL"? Yeah, people who actually go out and do things instead of praying make them angry. They prefer a magical view of the world that if they really really believe something very very hard that it will come true... probably the most worthless people on the right.

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You rat liar. You semites, spiritual or physical, ar all the same.

This is DIRECTLY from the exact chapter yiu just named:

"Matthew 10 5: These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel"

He specifically orders his followers NOT to preach to any goyim. What you're claiming is nowhere in the chapter.

That's a lot of words pulled straight out of your ass.

Preach to the Jews first, since they know the prophecy, then let Jews preach to the Gentiles.

And you read them all, and now you're seething :^)

Gentiles are goys...
You just LITERALLY proved my point
LOL not seek the gentiles (goys) the lost jews.
Fucking burger

good goy

Wrong. Israel is hebrew "one who struggles with God."

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wrong....the passage is clear. The message of Jesus was meant for the jews, not the gentiles (or goys)

No time to seethe, I am reading up on the Korea happenings.

When? Show me where Jesus says this. Quote and link the specific passage.

The only one to target large gentile populations was Paul, who had never known Jesus and was not one of the 12 apostles. And that was only after he had to go to Greece because Peter kicked him out of the holy land (for suggesting that Peter should consider eating dinner with uncircumcised people).

You said Jesus went after the goyim; thats false.

>How did a small Jewish cult
They weren't Jews.

>become so popular?
It's the way, the truth and the life.

By weaponizing the european warrior spirit for jewish ends

Same way a weeb faggot image board did.

Jesus went after the lost jew sheep...when they rejected him he went to preach to the Gentiles.
His teaching were meant for the jews but they rejected him.

This is why the bibles says that the end times will come when the jews accept Jesus.
The main idea is that Christianity is a jew cult first and foremost.

>They weren't Jews

Why were they circumcised, why did they read the Torah, why did they worship YHWH, and why were they ordered not to preach to non-Jewish people?

>Jesus went to preach to the gentiles


more like Romans forced the christ meme that the Flavian's created onto everyone in the empire and beyond. you didn't have a choice, if you didn't accept the meme you were killed
It's not truth or life, it is propaganda forced upon everyone

I've never seen a good argument against this

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When it was clear that the jews wanted nothing to do with him. It is clear in Jew scripture that their prophet would be a man as wealthy as king solomon...which Jesus was not. A simple carpenter could not be the prophet of the jews.

Remember that Jesus was king rabbi first and foremost, he would debate the rabbis in the synagogue.

The insane jew obsession with power, influence and money is basically a race to identify the messiah of the Jews, The more time passes the more they come to accept that they got their messiah killed.

talmud existed way before the torah as did the tanakh which became the old testament.
Levant jews were palestinian arabs and bedounins and there were many versions of judaism like the pharisee, sadducee and later ashkenazim

Does this relate to my post?

if jesus existed why did the romans push the meme?
he wasn't roman at all, yet the armies were tasked with destroying all other places of worship and replaced them with churches.
I know none of you will understand because you're all brain damaged pieces of shit

>Why were they circumcised, why did they read the Torah, why did they worship YHWH, and why were they ordered not to preach to non-Jewish people?
They were hebrews and later Judeans. Neither of which are the "Jews" of today. Additionally, the religion of the OT/NT is not the religion of "Judaism" (akaa Talmudic Judaism) of today.

you are attributing the Jews of today to the "Jews" of the bible and the two simply aren't comparable.

you're too stupid to understand, that's my point, you're a cutdick brain damaged trauma based mind control slave that was programmed from birth, nothing I could say will help you but I used your post to educate others that can

What I'm asking is, where in the Bible does Jesus go to try and convert gentiles? What book and chapter?

When a gentile woman comes to Jesus begging for help, he refuses to do anything for her until she compares goyim to dogs begging for scraps for the table of their jew masters.

I realize that after Jesus' desth Saul preachd to gentiles, but you're claiming Jesus himself did it. Thats what I'm asking for proof of.

A faith based on lies, falsehoods and untruths simply couldn't persist for nigh 2000 years.

So no

Don't forget about the latest one.

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Ancient Canaanite Israel worshiped El Shaddai. That's where "El" comes from. Yahweh was a Midian war cult imported from Arabia during the Bronze Age and its believers syncretized El Shaddai with their new cult of Yahweh. They simply borrowed the name "El" and applied it to their demon god.

Sure it wasnt ISRAELITES;
Go rather for the lost sheep of Israel.
Also even the canaanite woman, the one he helped, was complimented for her belief.
Ain't it strange?!? Not really. Except you think the was a talmudist...

Look where the guys have gone.
There you will find _partially_ answers.

But beware; The lost sheep are more than 10 :)
pay close attention to the genealogy in matthew...

another simple thing.
1 christ 12 disciples
12 tribes of Israel.
The most obvious thing, that barely anyone mention(s). (13 including christ)

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>you're a cutdick brain damaged trauma based mind control slave that was programmed from birth,
you're allowing your person hatred and anger cloud your judgement. Anyone who believes that which you just posted is not an can not have a discussion about Christianity in good faith.

Come back when you've matured and aren't such an edgy little atheist.

>Jewish though. Apparently he was greek philosopher and Jews just came along later and did a we wuz.

This theory came straight from the talmud chewed and after scientifically spit to the goys by the false jews.

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So you believe in the divine Sun Goddess of Japan, and Hindusim, which has existed far longer than 2,000 years?

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Jesus was a Jew and a self-proclaimed god. The god he was proclaiming to be was just a Midian war cult deity.

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>When a gentile woman comes to Jesus begging for help, he refuses to do anything for her until she compares goyim to dogs begging for scraps for the table of their jew masters.
He did help her in the end though. He also said that one of the Roman soldiers had more faith than all of Israel.

They lived 2,000 years ago, or course they weren't "Jews of today". They were just Jews.

You said "They weren't Jews". You're a liar.

Ahhhh I see what you are saying.
There is actually no biblical straight forward proof that Jesus preached to gentiles (to my knowledge).

As you mention, it is his disciples that spread the message to the gentiles.
Hence, Christianity is a jew cult

Wait until you find out Yahweh also had a wife that was worshiped by Jews until 200 BCE. "Jews were always monotheistic" is a modern meme and a lie, yet all of Christian theology is based upon that lie.

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Yes, after she said that the goyim are dogs begging for scraps at the table of their Jewish masters, then and only then he agreed to help her sick daughter.

>What I'm asking is, where in the Bible does Jesus go to try and convert gentiles? What book and chapter?
No where.

The only time Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef says anything about Gentiles, it's when he's appearing as a Force Ghost to his followers after being killed, according to the fanfic writers who came up with that in the 80s CE

It is a Jewish cult ...not meant to be a religion for gentiles, clearly.

She was a canaanite.....
Do you guys even realize what that means?
Let's see yehudah had 4 children, but only 2 were counted as his righteous ancestors, the other ones have been with a canaanite woman.

Just to wrap some frame around it, for both of you.
Besides you should question if, he complimented her belief, could that mean that she was a gentile/heathen/unbeliever?

What in particular does that mean for a CANAANITE, that no Israelite is permitted to sleep with ect.

>They were hebrews and later Judeans. Neither of which are the "Jews" of today.
Another classic lie. I can't believe "redpilled" Jow Forums still buys this Christian Identity Aryan Nations revisionist crap.

Luke 2:39
Luke 1:6
Matthew 5–7
Matthew 5:17
Matthew 5:19-20
Luke 4:16
Luke 4:15
Luke 21:37
Luke 8:44
Matthew 14:36
John 2:13
John 7:2, 10
John 7:14
John 10:22
John 5:1
Mark 15:2
Luke 22:14-15

For some reason "non-Jewish" Rabbi Yeshua of Judea (Judea simply being the Roman province name of the former Kingdom of Judah) celebrated all of the same Jewish holidays and customs that modern Jews worship today. There is literally no difference between Jews of today and Jews of 2000 years ago, except for the fact they cut their dicks a little bit more by rabbinical decree. "Talmudic Judaism" is just Judaism. Ie: The same shit Rabbi Yeshua preached in temples. You all like to use revisionist Christian Identity talking points and say the Talmud was compiled in the 600s CE, but neglect to mention the writings which made up the Talmud were made before, during, and after Yeshua's life.

Jesus was a Jew.

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Christianity is idolatrous blasphemy. The true religion is called Judaism. Like all things in life the original is the best, fuck sequels.

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>It is a Jewish cult ...not meant to be a religion for gentiles, clearly.
Exactly. John 4:22 has Yeshua literally saying to a non-Jew that he's a Jew and salvation is just for Jews.

Apologists CANNOT explain John 4:22. Why would the god of the entire universe proclaim himself to me a member of a very specific tribe of people, and then say salvation is only for them? Why would he specifically tell his followers in Matthew 10:5 to avoid Gentiles? Why would he require a non-Jew to grovel before him in Matthew 15:21-28 before using his magic powers for her benefit? Apologists like to say he was "testing" her, but that doesn't make any sense when you compare that story to John 4:22 and Matthew 10:5, where Yeshua explicitly puts Jews apart from non-Jews. Even John 4 has Yeshua very reluctantly traveling through non-Jewish lands.

It's a very clear picture to those that aren't blind that Rabbi Yeshua's sole interest was Jews, and that anything ascribed to him postmortem is a work of fanfiction.

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It is highly weaponizable. Xtianity is the technology that allowed kikes to conquer the world.

Because it's the truth and renounces Judaism.

Indeed, this brings credence to the entire debate that all abrahamic faiths are either Jewish religions or Jewish cults.

No reason why the failed cults can't be pushed onto gentiles whom would gladly adhere to the offshoots of a people who have been historically seen as the players behind the curtain.
I am not an atheist but I cannot imagine following an abrahamic faith as I am not a jew.

I believe the god in the bible is from Norse mythology Balder son of Odin god of pure light and love was killed by Loki the doer of good and evil and on Balders return he was supposed to lead the new world when man was pure a gentle you see I believe they manipulated common European belief systems to essentially weaken European tribes.