ITT: Post stuff that made you despise America. I’ll start
ITT: Post stuff that made you despise America. I’ll start
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In this corner of the world was better. Either way off yourself.
Not siding with the Finns.
>In this corner of the world was better. Either way off yourself.
Did I trigger your little mutt feelings?
>Japan invades China
>Kills 20 million
>Japan invades Korea
>makes the women sex slaves
>Japan blows up Pearl Harbor
>Japan shits up the Pacific, enslaving, torturing, massacring
>Japan bombs Australia on Christmas Day
even in that movie no one helps each other, they let the kid die in the station lol
>In his own words, "[The film] is not at all an anti-war anime and contains absolutely no such message." Instead, Takahata had intended to convey an image of the brother and sister living a failed life due to isolation from society and invoke sympathy particularly in people in their teens and twenties.
>that oof and yikes when the writer himself says the message was that the boy's little sister died because he was too lazy and sentimental
checked and this lol, they play nice now but historically they fucked a lot of shit up. stop letting gook cartoons effect your views on global politics.
they had it coming, read about unit 731
If you just let us massacre the Chinese the world would be a better place, prove me wrong fags
>mfw brainlets think this animated kinographie was about America Bad and not about the destructive effects of hubris on the things one values
not gonna post here but the forced clown frog is the worst by far
It had a happy ending, because life after death did exist in their universe.
Another self-hating American? You’re a dime a dozen. Go back to /lgbt/ and I’m sure you’ll get a much better response, sodomite.
adult babies
I love Japan but it's not like they didn't have it coming.
those chinks fucking deserved it and you should kys
Nobody would dispute this. Please continue.
>Another self-hating American?
Bro where have you been?
You just defined all millennials
Why does this anime film fail to portray the atrocities committed by Imperial Japan like the Rape of Nanking or the infamous Unit 731?
>>that oof and yikes when the writer himself says the message was that the boy's little sister died because he was too lazy and sentimental
Considering that's literally what the entire movie is about I'm not sure what other message people would take? They're in a war so it's automatically a statement about war I guess
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
They were literally worse than the Nazis in treating people. The Nazis had humanity compared to the Japs.
Did the US ever have an option to?
Because you murdered the majority of the Nationalists, the Communists took over and erased all their tradition values and ancient history. The nationalist were pro-western and even received weapons and training from your ally you homicidal moron.
kinda hard when the soviets wanted to take our shit. And the soviets were the eternal anglo's favorite pawn.
This fucking movie