I don’t want casual sex. And I’m not interested in dating someone that is sleeping with other people...

I don’t want casual sex. And I’m not interested in dating someone that is sleeping with other people. I also don’t want a woman that is conservative or zealously religious. As a 25 year old male, honestly, ho fucked am I? I haven’t dated in a long time, but everything I’ve seen and heard leads me to believe that it’s all degeneracy or weird conservative traditional freaks.

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You may be fucked but never settle, you deserve better.

25 is still young so you got time. no one said this shit ez but it’s also not impossible.

Yeah, you've just cut off 99% of your dating pool. I don't know how you will do it man, but it is possible. I'm just going to tell you that all decent women sleep around, the only ones that don't are the ones that are religious (but you already discarded them), the ones who are borderline autistically shy (and I mean really shy because even the shy cuties get dicked by Tyrone every weekend), and the ones who are too ugly even for ugly men.

So that's your dating pool. Autists and uggos. Have fun!

I’m getting out of a long term relationship right now and I’m just wondering if I’m making a mistake. I have issues with being alone but yeah, I don’t want to settle.

lmao stop fucking with OP

Not fucking with him. I share OP's tastes and I went for the autist route. She was a virgin before I met her, and she thinks sex with men other than myself is disgusting.

Honestly it's probably your outlook, there are heaps of normal women who just want a normal relationship.
Maybe you're just passing them over.

There's a cultural element as well, but unless you're international complaining won't get you anywhere

See this is what I’m aftaid of. But I’ve been completely out of the dating loop for the past three years, so all I have to go off is what I hear from my single friends (who do online dating shit) and what I’ve heard on Jow Forums (I don’t do social media.) Even before my last relationship, everyone is been with I knew from high school or college, but all those connections have dried up. I can’t tell if all this shit about how bad it is out there is legit or just bitter incels but it’s poisoning my brain when I have already never been an overly confident person. Like I’m not autistic or incel by a long shot, but I have issues.

You said that all decent women sleep around though, that's not true at all. I think OP means sex with a previous boyfriend is fine but fwb and hookup shit is not, their are plenty of women who fit the criteria he's looking for.

It is true. Hookup culture is strong with women because it is so easy for them. If a woman wanted, she could go outside of her apartment and just ask the men passing by if they wanted to fuck, and in less than 5 minutes she'd be getting dicked. And sex is an easy source of a ridiculous amount of dopamine. It is a low effort-high reward investment that all women use.

It is true. Do you know any woman who is not socially awkward or ugly that does not sleep around? I don't. Heck, some of the uggos have the courage to lower their standards to the ground and still manage to fuck around.

At work I'm the sole male in a group of about 30 college age people. The handful of girls who sleep around and participate in hookup culture are talked about mercilessly. I think you're projecting your fears onto everyone.

Well, you are barely providing any information. How are the girls that do not participate in hookup culture? Would you describe them as attractive and outgoing?

Yes i would. The handful that do participate in hookup culture are either obese and unattractive ones with rainbow dyed hair or Hispanic (seriously every Hispanic girl there)
Funny enough the girl known for always smoking weed and making edibles has nothing but disdain for hookup culture and the people who participate in it, even my LGBT coworkers (read: lesbian, nobody here thinks trannies are okay) think that it's a problem that gays think they're exempt from monogamy. I'm telling you, it's not nearly as bad as what you think.

That is very interesting but I still think that is more the exception than the rule. You have to understand, every girl I know is a whore with the only exception being my girlfriend.

Holy shit, are you me?
I've been going through the same thing, OP. Hate casual but it's the only thing I can get for now, and it's almost always just to take the edge off rather than me feeling any sort of conection with the girl. Ironically I've been masturbating a lot more because I just can't be bothered to use dating apps.
I'm kind of a loner, don't have time to hang around and most of my hobbies are indoors. I have no idea how to meet women nowadays. Every passing day it feels like it'll be like this forever.

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At 25 years old you're already left with single moms and fat uggos
You're completely fucked, consider escorts

At least I’m not alone I guess. I mean, I have seen girls like I’ve described. I’ve dated them even, so I don’t know why it seems so unattainable to me now. I guess bad experiences in relationships have just fucked me.

Serial monogamy is still a thing. You're going to encounter plenty of women who prefer LTRs. They may have more men's jizz in their brain matter than a girl who hooks up casual style but uses condoms, but the thing is, that girl is a liar. Girls who hook up let their friends come inside them and either get an IUD or keep a bunch of Plan B on hand.

I'm all for the virgin bride thing, but never forget that this is a survival issue. The purity of your woman may seem important while you are shopping for one, but once you are together what matters is how she treats your kids, whether she's troublesome about household matters, if she's healthy and devoted to staying healthy, how much shit she gives you about money, how hard she polices you, and whether you can trust her.

Don't get me wrong. Whether she has slept around is a proven indicator of loyalty, mental health issues, all sorts of shit. But if you find a good woman who takes some effort, accept that at best she'll have had at least one partner for every year or two that has passed since she left home. Given the reality of this, what you want to focus on is why these relationships ended and her overall attitude and behavior. I also think it's very important that a woman has a good relationship with her parents. Especially do not get mixed up with a girl whose relationship with her dad is a mess, even if it isn't her fault. Let someone else have her.

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I really don’t care about past experiences outside of it being a potential determining factor of future loyalty. I’ve been with women who have been depraved sluts in the past but, as far as I know, were very loyal in serious relationships.

What do you have to offer OP? Realistically it will be hard, because if she's not a religious conservative, chances are she'll be a virgin because she has very high standards (I'm putting aside the girls that are actually really ugly and can't find any man to fuck them).

I'm not saying this to brag, but I did find an amazing girl that was a virgin, is smart, beautiful and very loving. She's not religious/conservative, but she had high standards and didn't want to settle for just any guy who showed her attention. Thing is, I wouldn't have had a chance with her if I met her like 5 years ago. I'm 30 now, at 25 I was a fuckup with nothing to offer. Eventually got my shit together, changed my cynical, asshole-ish attitude, started taking care of my appearance and got a job. Even then, I won't promise you will find someone like this easily. It's still very hard to find a wholesome girl who's not a religious zealot, even if you're a top-tier guy. All you can do is work on yourself and then keep looking.

Put yourself out there
Go to college campus, starbucks, places where women frequent
Don't cuck it up u gotta b smooth
Wait till ur girl sucking a dude off in front of u to truly realize how fucked u r.

>really shy
Sorry bowb, if she's an indoorsy there's a good chance she swaps nudes with people. Lord knows I know a girl who does that shit, never leaves the house but manages to get nekkid

I don’t think I’m completely prospectless. I have a decent career in an interesting field, I’m educated, I have long terms goals and dreams. I’m not ugly, in decent shape, I have some interesting hobbies and a healthy friend group. I’ve been in all kinds of relationships with different kinds of women, and I know what I want, but I’m not a man whore and never have been. I’m not a beta but I’m definitely not one to abuse women either. Not to say I’m perfect: I’ve been chronically depressed for a very long time, I have experienced very traumatic things and have a bit of PTSD, and I self medicate, I drink and smoke too much, and I’ve been known to put too much emotional pressure on partners because of those things. But I’m working on it, I’m going to therapy, I feel hopeless sometimes but I’m trying.

I just really want a partner that will love me unconditionally, and won’t leave or stay because of superficial things.

You're on the right path but this
>I self medicate, I drink and smoke too much
kills your chances of finding a great woman right now. The depressed thing also doesn't help. Keep going to therapy and focus on this part, not even shitty women like to put up with a guy who drinks a lot. It's good that you know you have a problem though, keep at it user. You sound like a good person and I wish you luck.

Thank you. I guess my biggest fear, and the reason I put up with being in an abusive relationship as long as I did, is that no one else will ever love me because of my mental issues. I self medicate to cope. To detach. But I dont want to live like that anymore.