What would the Middle East look like today if Islam had never formed, and Christianity developed past the fertile crescent and egypt, into the heartland of Arabia and Persia? Today we see remnants of this Middle Eastern Christian origin amongst the Lebanese, Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqi christians. The only place where christians actually have power in these nations is Lebanon, and we can see the very clear difference between Lebanese culture, and the rest of their arab neighbors. Before their civil war, Lebanon was a very wealthy nation and looked like an eastern mediterranean paradise. Even today while it's a shithole economy, the people are still open-minded and cultured, and liberal by arab standards.
> So what would the region be if it never became Muslim?
> Would they even speak Arabic?
> And would they view the West as christian brothers?
I always thought how cool it would've been for the Near East to be a place of pilgrimage and tourism for westerners and others to visit.
Christian Middle East
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Barring some stunning victory of one over the other between Persia and Rome, Christianity would probably bleed in Zoroastrianism somewhere meso the potomi
The further back in history you go, the harder it is to predict what ifs.
Do American conservatives even consider the Christians that are in the Middle East to be truly Christian?
It's an honest question because most of the Christian conservatives in the United States are of Evangelical/Pentecostal/Charismatic persuasion which is a derivative of the Southern Baptist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and ultimately the Calvinist traditions.
These Protestants are well known for not considering either Catholics or Eastern Orthodox Christians to be real Christians.
In the Middle East, Eastern Orthodox Christians and Catholics are all there are.
A degenerate cesspool like every modern 'Christian' nation. Say what you want about Muslims but at least they still value tradition and culture.
You are American so this isn't directed at you, but any European should reject Christianity in favor of Paganism, or white Islam. The ChristKikes have irreparably damaged western society and should be looked down upon.
All decadent societies abandon tradition and culture. If the Muslims had colonized they Americas they'd be homo degenerates while Christian Europeans would be zealous believers
shitting on the chests of insta-thots, truly paragons of tradition and virtue.
>at least they still value tradition and culture.
(they don't)
Jews would be in China or India stirring up shit about Christians
>you goys should kill the christians
>six gorillian oy vey
We would be degenerate just like the west multiple genders, guy becoming faggots etc. why do christcucks always think about the past? Those days are over wake up you guys are nothing but a bunch of transgender faggots
Its questionable, especially when you consider coptics and tewahedo churches. The more african churches are alien enough to not be recognizable as christian to the average westerner but its simultaneously the most ancient and most new home for christianity. If anything Protestantism is merely the western aberration of the apostolic traditions and is in the process of withering away.
3/4 of you shit skins fuck little boys, if that’s not top faggotry, what is retard.
Probably more Greek speaking and closer to Europe then today. The "Islamic world" of North Africa and West Asia would have been replaced with a Christendom that was mostly Atlantic-Mediterranean. Of course their Christianity would be very different from Europe's probably. Their were problems with heresies and theological differences before, during, and after the Islamic conquest. We can only guess if these differences would have continued into the modern age or if they would have been dealt with as the Arians, Gnostics, and other schismatics.
Missionaries love to poach the native christians into their specific sect. Protestants tote the ol, "They aren't really Christian they just grew up that way. The spirit isn't with them." If the Christians in America had even 1/10th the oppression and hate forced upon the Assyrian and Chaldean they would have converted to islam before the first whip fell on their backs.
I’m from that little green dot in the Far East part of Syria...
Aramaic/Syriac was the lingua franca. Greek was a secondary language.
Also most of the Middle East was not Chacledonian Christian at the time of Islam's invasion of the Middle East. Some people in Europe saw their conquest as God punishing them for heresy. There likely would be theological tensions between the Levant and Europe.
>If the Christians in America had even 1/10th the oppression and hate forced upon the Assyrian and Chaldean they would have converted to islam before the first whip fell on their backs.
This... fucking disgusting. The fact that Protestant Christianity is rapidly allowing faggotry to take over the church, a fucking jihadi outbreak would garuntee mass conversion to Islam in Europe.
Meanwhile, my in-laws are Christian Lebanese living in a Muslim Neighborhood... The Muslims in the area fear their Christian neighbors because those fucks are batshit crazy. You have to be to live in a Muslim dominated area
Is President Trump a kike puppet?
Time to vote!
Without Muslim Rashidun invasion, West Asia and Near East would have become Zoroastrian, though with some different sects. The Zoroastrians would have probably slaughtered all Christians as revenge against Heraclius' destruction of fire temples during his campaign.
I think Iranians would have taken over Byzantine Empire at that point because they were getting pissed. All Romans would have been forced to convert to Zoroastrianism.
As a consequence, you Christcucks would have been revering fire, chanting hymns for Ohrmazd and Mithras, and you wouldn't even know who Jesus was. Your holy lands would have then been in Transoxiana, and you would probably war with Mongols to protect such lands. You wouldn't give a fuck about the Levant then. You would care more about Central Asia.
Better question is who isn't
Crusades would have been fought against Orthodox
Right before the Arab invasions the Byzantines and Sassanids fought a titanic war which resulted in...not much, besides draining them utterly of wealth and manpower. The Syrian desert is a natural dividing line between West and East
Probably the Persians more likely. If I remember right Constantine was actually preparing a holy war against the Persians before he died. That and what remained of the Arians and European heathens.
>Amerimutt trying to lecture to me about history
Heraclius was just as bad as Mudslimes. He burned Zoroastrian fire temples, called Zoroastrians heretics, and he was pissing off the mobeds. I think the Sassanids were still willing to fight, even after Byzantines felt spent. They would have probably forced you retards to convert to Zoroastrianism. Go back to worshiping that Jew, faggot. Both Islam and Christianity should DIE.
Crusades were already fought against Iranis by Heraclius. The Zoroastrians would have eventually won, and you would all be Zoroastrians and not Jewish dick-suckers by now. You worship a literal kike.
The Middle East is Christian
Bethlehem Palestine is where Christianity started and if Jesus was Alive today he’d be Christian
You so called Christian have sold the true Christians long time ago, sold em to the kikes, such shame.
Palestinian Christian here, you white faggotd have no idea what real Christianity is
He’d be Palestinian*
>The Middle East is Christian
Nope, it should be Zoroastrian. In fact, all of West Eurasia should be either Zoroastrian or (Greco-)Buddhist. All Semitic filth must be eradicated.
I respect keeping the flame (heh) alive of, of all things, Zoroastrianism, but if they were about to teleport behind Constantinople and unsheath katana I don't think they would have gotten BTFO by the Arabs
So Jesus is not from Bethlehem right?
Is this how you deal with the fact that you sold your souls to the fucking kikes?
Watch this you brainwashed faggot
No, that’s why they have no problem supporting Israel against them
Right on moshe
Congrats on your liberation :DDDD
>The Zoroastrians would have eventually won
The whole of the Roman Empire plus the mercs of the north against a fading empire that was becoming more Christian by the day. The jews were on your side dumbass. The persians and jews viewed each other as fellow soldiers against the Christians. Whenever the Persians invaded Rome it was the jews who threw open the gates and changed sides. You have no historical ground for your theories.
No, it's Kekist.
Enough with the counterfactual thinking. Such speculation never leads anywhere.
You have the choice now: Will you remain a fool and worship Semitic lies? Or will you choose Zoroastrianism or Buddhism? I want nothing but a gruesome, excruciating death for you if you choose to remain a follower of Semitic FILTH.
If I were a ruler, I would give people a chance to abandon the lies of Islam or Christianity. If they refuse, then they will be killed in the most gruesome, painful ways imaginable.
You have a choice. Will you remain a blind Christcuck or Muzzie worshiper? Or will you choose the divine fire or to be as still as the Buddha?
All Abrahamic filth shall be cleansed from this world. Your descendants will not even remember their ancestors were ever followers of Semitic FILTH.
Anyone who willingly follows Semitic bullshit are bigger Jews than the Jews themselves. You have the choice:
1) Become Zoroastrian and revere the divine fire;
2) Become Buddhist of any sect but Vajrayana, which is for icchantikas;
3) Die.
There will be no trace of either Christians or Muslims if I were to ever get power. Your descendants will not even be aware that there was ever a "Christian Europe". Every single trace of Christianity and Islam will be utterly decimated. Those who resist will be tortured and made it into a spectacle for others. Nothing Semitic deserves to spread.
They virtue-signal support for persecuted Christians and that’s it.
Catholics considered Orthodox as Heretics, and Oriental Orthodox as even bigger heretics. Without Islam, Catholics would've eventually conquered Eastern Europe, North Africa and maybe Western Turkey. Persians would control the rest.
Constantinople would have remained the pre-eminent Christian power and Rome would likely have asked them for help against the protestant nations in the reformation.
what a fascinating timeline. I can see the orthodox trying to sympathize with Luther for political reasons and throwing up their hands because of theological reasons (orthobros are even more mystical than Rome, protestants hate that shit).
10/10 alternate scenario bro
The schism between catholics and orthodox did not occur until 1054. That's near 300 years after the loss of most of Orthodox territory and while Catholicism was still barely gaining ground among the german-barbarians.
>filthy semites
>not my jews though
pic related. You don't even know your history. Your empire destroyed ancient Christian sites and communities then cried like bitches when Rome struck back at your jew-persian temples. Guess there are two types of people who cry out in pain as they strike you. Also
>if I were to ever get power
Oh no no no. An amerimutt Zoroastrian Varg. Your LARP is the funniest thing on the board right now.
ahh shit forgot the pic
it STILL would be another roach shithole like Greece and Cyprus
Modern evangelicals are judaized as fuck. Some (like John Hagee) even go as far as saying Jews can be saved without Jesus because “their covenant with God is eternal.”
Instead it's Saturn, Mithras/Minerva, Moloch, and Jesus - in that order, by elite factor. If you don't think those survived your eyes are not open.
Kek believing this
>destroyed ancient Christian sites
Christian sites were not really ancient relative to others which Heraclius destroyed. Also, destroying Christcucks is always good. Both Islam and Christianity should vanish from the pages of history.
>Your LARP
It's not a LARP because I have read the Gathas, which actually goes back to Zarathustra at about 800-1100 BCE.
Believe it or not, but Christcucks and Muzzies are worse than Jews. That is because Christcucks and Muzzies actually try to spread their filth whereas Jews keep it to themselves. Kind of funny how the myths of Jews ultimately grew and became commonplace, huh?
>That is because Christcucks and Muzzies actually try to spread their filth whereas Jews keep it to themselves
Are you listening to yourself? You honestly think the jews do nothing but sit in their little sandpit?
>It's not a LARP because I have read the Gathas
You aren't going to get political power by proclaiming death to Christians in America. Unless you go in among the wiccans and other syphilis infested filth. You are no differnt the ones proclaiming DAY OF THE ROPE RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS except they may actually have a chance. You on the other hand are a single member of a near dead religion with nothing more than a genocidal dream to your name. Pathetic.
Well, it is kind of futile at this point. This is one reason why I am an antinatalist.
At least you understand that your dreams are just that, dreams. As for the Christians they shall continue to be fruitful and multiply. You can always turn to Christ if you don't have any hope. It's not all pointless. And with that the thread has been officially derailed but it doesn't really matter since it was more /his/ then Jow Forums in the first place.
it would still be shitty because Arabs are genetically lunatics
The Sassanids were at war with Byzantium for centuries and never came close to conquering them. This is retarded considering they fell first to the Muslims.
I am against cannibalism, but I would make a special exception for your beloved Jew, Christcuck. You aren't "White" or whatever. You are just some kind of subversive Jew worshiper. Eat shit and die. I hate you, but I'm not retarded enough to put myself at risk for dumb White supremacist Evangelist cunts.
Sassanids may have won because Byzantines were exhausted too.
They both were because Rome/Byzantium was at war with Persia for 500-700 years and never could finish each other off.
It was Heraclius' fault Iranshahr was weakened to the point Bedouin savages invaded. He burned Fire Temples too.
Europe is more Semitic in spirit than either Iran or India. Christianity is literally engraved into your shit spirits. Why won't you just abandon it already? Bastards.