Once you've learned to appreciate classical music and you hear nonclassical, for example Red Hot Chili Peppers...

Once you've learned to appreciate classical music and you hear nonclassical, for example Red Hot Chili Peppers, you can feel right away that it's something dirty, something sinful, about it. Classical music is pure, godly. Nonclassical music is trash, like literally trash. It's like comparing a healthy meal to the worst junk food. People who aren't sensitive to this don't even know how stupid they are. Classical is the music of the white man.

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Fuck off edgy nigger piece of shit

Listen to Genesis - Supper Ready

That is truly the next step of music better than classic music

Did you drop your leaf when your buttplug fell out of you?

it's classical, not classic

listen to nocturnes op9 no2 by Chopin
you're a fucking brainlet


middle A should be at 432 Hz rather than 440 Hz.

Leo ornstein

Well dunno user, I was raised with classical. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy Sabaton, IAMX and Alexi Murdoch.

You can't honestly say that RHCP - Otherside sounds like trash...


>Listen to a bunch of old dead grey-haired white faggots who only knew how to make boring church music
Kek ok gramps, I'll get on that asap

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based and redpilled

I love classical music. But I also love djent. Listen to a band called Tesseract. Listen to the instrumental versions of their albums, preferably their album "One" it's pretty good. I saw them live once, front row. All-white british band so support your race nigger. Check them out.

I just started listening to classical like not even a week ago and you are right. There is something about it that lifts the spirit and embodies the spirit of Europeans and western culture. I don't know much about classical music at all, but all I know is it sounds beautiful and European. Which is why I have also taken a recent interest in fine European art. When people say whites or Europeans have no culture, I show them classical music and fine art as an example. Lesser peoples can't make such beautiful contributions to the world.

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Bach's Mass in B Minor a best

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It does. It's unspiritual. You're desensitized if you think otherwise. It's like when you eat a lot of candy you think it tastes good and fruit tastes bland. Then when you don't eat candy for some time you think candy tastes like shit and fruit tastes better than candy ever did.



Wat? Mozart died at 35, brainlet.


My man

this is the pinnacle of culture

You can sense this when taking ayahuasca and listening to classical music. There is something perfect to classical music that permits one to experience a higher level of introspection.

classical musician here

RHCP is trash

Very little non-classical music is not trash

All I listen to.

This is unironically true; American jazz had that soulful essence also. Henceforth why it was replaced by this dreadful "sounds" called pop or rap.

>Red Hot Chili Peppers
Sweden has the gay youtube.com/watch?v=NthLvAUJvDU

True, but at the end of the day you still know it's junk food.

Classical musician here too. I like them.


all music is trash. If you haven't outgrown it by age 25 you are mentally impaired and no better than a nigger.

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Classical music is still being composed though. Personally don't know of anything very recent that is very good though.

Y'all need to KYS

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>listenting to music at 16
What are you an incel?

>not gay
pic one

Is there a term for the belief that "what's new is good"

Eh, I don't see why Leonard Cohen isn't good music. If Vinicio Capossela is junk food, then what does that make Metallica? What does it make popular stuff that the normalfags listen to?

Irony being of course is that during Mozart’s period, his music was considered “trash” as you so eloquently have described “new” music now... only constant is change. Unwillingness to change with the times spells extinction, when you don’t adapt to your environment. But you know, whatever the fuck you want to believe; believe it but be aware of the consequences.

A lot of it was composed according to strict mathematical rules which probably resonates more when you're tripping

Retarded snob detected.

Creative genius can be expressed in many ways.

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thats because you like garbage

>he doesnt like black influence pop music that takes a team of people to write
>he is jewish


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>Mozart was the 69 of his days
neck yourself

All music is sinful, even classical. Less so, but it still is feeding the emotional brain which leads to degenerate behavior.

One of the most awesome nights of my life way raving on some shrooms and acid. I listened to tons of techno, drum and bass, jungle, all sorts of shit.

At the end I remember I saw a thread on Jow Forums about how Strauss was the greatest music ever.

So I found a nice Youtube video. It was like I was experiencing sentience for the first time all over again. The music was a celebration of the very moment I was experiencing. Conscious thought. The uplifting of man to the highest order by his mind alone. The will to power achieved through hard work and long suffered dreams. It was an expression of the divinity in all mankind and the great burden we now posses. How wonderful! How terrible! It cured my depression for weeks. I could hear each individuals soul making their own sound which came together as harmonious and tremendous beauty.

music is just useless trite information and mental noise.

Anglo triggerd by german genius. Next you'll claim the Beatles were on par with Bach.

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The Red Hot Chili Peppers are the quintessence of mainstream West Coast Lebensgefühl and a foundational builder of Americana. They are one of the reasons why 90s kids think that the 90s were the happy days. It's like you hate on skateboarding as a burger.

>Classical is the music of the white man
Japanese are exelent in classical music as well.
The chinese dominate this field with their artists, but i believe it has more to do with china trying to show they are the best, not really that they appreciate it

One of my favorite music to relax to and getting sentimental over

I don't equate ayahuasa with tripping. It is more of an introspective journey. Classical music is mathematical indeed but also very spiritual. The progressions are especially intense as you enter the vision phase of ayahuasca. You can ride the wave and feels its purpose. Very powerful music.

RHCP is trash for soulles city dwelling npcs infatuated with retarded commiefornian culture
the 90's were about Slayer and Pantera

Is shit like this degenerate or not?

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I tried, but it's so fucking boring.

>Slayer and Pantera
>mental noise.

why are all kiwis retarded?

for me its trance goa specifically

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WTF is this bullshit? You really think people will look back from the year 2300 and think Justin Bieber or Drake are perennial geniuses? You think anyone will even know who the fuck they are?

Real question: is shostakovich degenerate?

Rock Prog is the classical music of our times and I can confirm that and yes I have diverses studies and proves that can show that Bump this comment to drop the TRUTH MUSIC REDPILL ONE FOR ALL

Autistic as fuck but this makes me get an INSTANT BONE in my peepee

yes he is, but he has some good stuff anyway.


>Elements of nigger jazz, nigger funk and thrashing guitars

Like the other guy said. Listen to Chopin krautfag

>he limits himself to a single genre
There's too much good shit out there

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Neophilia or appealing to novelty.

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>he likes half naked men playing trash music
sounds like it is really you who has the gay

modern music is too simplistic for me, primitive

Classical music is complex, full of key changes, harmonies, countrpoint, etc...

It's fuel juice for the brain

It’s true. I’ve even relegated great bands like led zep to driving and workout music—essentially background noise.

Where do these come from? I have another that begins "the American Experiment is over"

666 mestizo mulatto demon 666

Wdf prog rock is one of the most white music genre that I know, that son literally talks about all the biblical apocalypis and like 5% of guitar

Maybe rock is like 50% nigger but wdt niggers uses white instruments and they learn from white ones so I dont think that jazz funk and that other shit is completly black because it isnt, they just have trap regueton regue and rap

This is smart for catholic Serb standards

This. If you're 25 and you haven't figured out yet that music is degeneracy created to control people then you're braindead.

died a young man :(

Imagine if Mozart had access to a modern Orchestra of today, the epic compositions he would have composed.

And yes i am at a bus so i type like popo but i dont care u fuckint faggots if u care about muh ortografia meme u can suck my superior INCA DICK


It's fuel for the irrational brain, not the rational one. That's why it's degeneracy.

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>t. muslim
Your calls to prayer sound awful.

based inca

good taste, Hisiashi is a legend

would you like some recommendations?

That’s so cool user.
Next time, could you please OD?

Weird that you made this thread today.

I quit smoking weed four days ago as part of a self-improvement drive. A song called Sicko Mode by a rapper named Travis Scott came on my YouTube autoplay and I was too lazy to change it, so I listened to it for a while.

After I listened for a bit, my vision for where I want my life to be after successfully quitting weed started to dissipate. My desire to self-improve and become greater seemed like it was being fogged with brain fluff, so I immediately turned it off. Over the course of the 10 or so minutes afterwards, I felt it come back. Still, there's something very evil and occult about that kind of music. I don't know if I believe in souls, but if I do have a soul, then that song was whittling away at it.

My wife only listens to classical music, I’m sick of hearing that shit it all sounds the same and it changes volume too much. Classical music is for fags.

>art is just useless trite information and mental noise
I can't even imagine being this savage, uncultured and low IQ.

Bach isn't classical music retard, it's baroque

I wouldn't go so far as to call it trash, although there is definitely lots of trash out there. It's more like childrens books. You've got 98% of adults walking around who's musical literacy stops at "Pat the Bunny" and "See Spot Run". It's not that these are bad books. It's that they're for literal babies.

what about matt elliott's music?

the biggest red pill of classical music is understanding that all modern music is literally a rip-off and people are making money "making music" (plagarizing) the classics

go to 23:11 and tell me what show theme your recognize

God listens to Tool.

The "classical period" is not the same as "classical music"

Spiral out.

Yes, it's degenerate. At one point I liked this piece below, but now when I listen to it I think it's simple and repetitive and I also think there's something degenerate/satanic about it. It reminds me of how sometimes when I watch movies I feel like there's something evil in them.

Baroque is a period or subgenre of classical music just like Romantic or Classical

>classical music is one genre
Neck yourself

I like me some German maximalism (Mahler, Wagner, Strauss etc)

Also, it's widely accepted that the Bach Chaconne is the single greatest piece of music ever conceived by humankind