So like.......were there people that actually believed this really happened?

So like.......were there people that actually believed this really happened?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at 8.01.39 PM.png (1868x2454, 2.28M)

Other urls found in this thread:

a hate crime hoax is a hate crime

Yes. Niggers will always back niggers.

I'm still unsure who is he or what he's from.

Yes, literally everyone I know believed it. They will still believe it no matter what because I live in a Marxist hell hole

Go check his twitter. Hundreds believed it. You will also see millions didn’t. Just read the comments here.

Y a nigga gotta lie

Lying niggers gonna lie.

>has bleach poured on him
>hair isnt yellow colored
>clothes dont look at all like they have been effected by bleach being poured on them

that right there was the first red flag.
this nigger is lying and everyone knows it.
hes an irrelevant c list celeb and hes done this for attention

I do it all the time but I paint myself black and dress like a nigger when I do it so they never catch me.

Oh no. If you look at the black bloggers and youtubers they are all calling this nigger out. I was shocked too, but even the nogs aren’t buying it.

Like who? Niggers are stupid as fuck.

"rope" was purchased at the nearby walgreens

Attached: footlong_rope_rape_magacountry.jpg (917x721, 97K)

>living solutions brand hangin rope

Attached: ChitownFalseflagginrope.jpg (1193x746, 117K)

Theeroot believes him.

Another for the list.

Fuckin hate niggers

>"rope" was purchased at the nearby walgreens

stores have cameras everywhere. They must have video of whoever purchased it.

>teeth as a weapon
>mask concealing facial features
Is this nigger really this dumb?

Attached: 238y4vb2983yvb42.png (836x782, 605K)

I really wish theyd accelerate though i dont like proving them wrong. I want a civil war, right now. Proving them wrong does nothing

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Oh yeah my English teacher was talking about it in class. I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying how it's a bullshit story

Kamala Harris believes.
She saw these crimes would be a problem & she passed legislation to stop it.
The thought that she couldn’t save her friend & supporter will forever haunt her.
Thank God the sandwich wasn’t harmed.
Frozen bleach is no joke.

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>I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying how it's a bullshit story
Literally why.

They are giving him the courtesy to withdraw his statement. Is he smart enough to take it?

nope, just gay

well yeah, if you don't believe his story you're a racist!

>Is he smart enough to take it?
A withdrawl isn't even necessary in this new world. They'll just wait until it blows out of the news cycle & memory hole it. It's "bad" to "punish" false accusers now or some blatant bullshit. Unless they're white, then full force of the law applies.

Source? All I could find was a hypothetical example of how the police would trace the rope, not confirmation that it was purchased at a walgreens.

>Rope: Investigators had been working to identify the source of the rope that Smollett said was tied around his neck in a noose during the attack. The FBI has extensive scientific resources and product samples that frequently allow its technicians to identify the manufacturer of rope and cord evidence.
>In a simplified example, technicians could determine that the rope is made by “ABC Rope Company.” Investigators might contact ABC and learn that the particular variety recovered from Smollett is sold as a plain-label product through Walgreens stores. Investigators then ask Walgreens for records of transactions in which the rope was sold. The last step would be to identify the more promising purchases and to review surveillance video and financial records of those transactions.

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Is this unironically the most attention Empire has ever gotten?

because if you're a student the smart thing to do is pass your classes, not piss off your teacher into failing you. that being said, record your marxist professors and upload the recordings anonymously to youtube.

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Probably. Never heard of it before this attention whore but then I don't watch television in the first place.

"Selfies of exagerated emotions n sheit"

This is a psy op to screen the normies.

peroxide is what is used to 'bleach' hair. Not bleach. Bleach would just eat your hair

I've never heard of someone witholding evidence in a hate attack for 2 weeks then giving a modified pdf.


"I didn't plan on calling the cops. A friend convinced me to."

"I kept the noose around my neck to preserve evidence."

Every single thing this retard says is bullshit.

Yes I saw a Jew on Facebook sharing it using it to rile up a bunch of low IQ niggers and shitlibs.

just like you believe all those daily mail articles about britain

no one believes this shit
he's friends with kamala harris, she had some anti-lynching bill but no one gave a fuck because lynchings are extremely rare... what happens? nigger fakes a lynching to help his friend kamala

Attached: jesse kamala.jpg (1181x1079, 1023K)

yeah but when bleach melts hair it destroys pigment as well

Nice try Nige, not fooling anyone

what the fuck ever, trump supporter. every conservative white male knows exactly who this gay nigger on a nigger TV show is. that's why you assaulted him!

I believed it might be real.

1)he is no doubt an annoying fagot who would get himself attacked by non-criminal strangers.

2)many people that are attacked act very weird in all sorts of ways.

3)an annoying fagot is likely going to have random fag stuff he wants to keep secret, which would cum out in investigation (who sucking who, etc) so its expected he gonna lie about ton of shit even if actually attacked.

Move away or keep being a good cuck and providing your tax dollars to those Marxists. They will turn your kids into trannies.

Justice For Jussie !


Don't forget fake

Well he's a nigger so

He is probably only being called out by his fellow chimps because he's a known faggot.

Unless it emboldens them to try harder :^)

It genuinely is. Hate crime against whites. The only reason they exist is to de-humanise and punish white people for something that never even happened.

It's why the Holocaust narrative is the ultimate hate crime.



No he's done it so he doesn't become D-listed if the truth came out: Faggot organises alleyway gangbang and it goes wrong. Zero respect even from fellow POC on the "Empire is a cultural watershed" bandwagon.