Big sad

Is dating even remotely worthwhile as a guy if you're not dominant? Shit fucking sucks man.

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Hellyes if you can make it up with other traits like beauty, sense of humour, being caring etc

I'm not dominant at all, but got all 3 going and I barely even need to try and hit on girls. You might need to work harder if you don't got them going but you can still land it my man

How do you manage to bother when you know they're just tolerating you though?

2nd post worst post
They obviously don't tolerate that user (or me), they are the ones who initiate. Also, you have bigger problems than girls, get off Jow Forums and go get a job so you can develop some self respect you stupid frogposter.

Assuming you mean 'tolerate' as in 'They see it as a downside but accept it' (If not then correct me, English isn't my first language)

Look, man. Nobody's perfect. NOBODY. And they, like all people, gotta make the decision of what flaws they're willing to put up with.
Am I saying that you could date EVERY woman? Of course not. Would some women strongly prefer a very dominant, Macho man? Sure.

But, you can treat it like any negative or neutral trait. You become so desired that they're willing to accept your submissive tendencies.

(Sorry if it looks like I'm trying to blow myself in the next paragraph) So yes, I'm not dominant. But I'm pretty, I can be pretty funny, I'm empathic as they come and could talk about feelings for literal hours, I give kickass massages, I try to be as much of a good person I can and I'm very agreeable.
So at least some women would prefer that over some guy who's very assertive but lacks cool interests, is shit with feelings etc.

It's all a matter of making your pro's overcome the cons

But (presumably) they initiate hoping you turn out to be dominant, and stick around because they're not souless demons, no?

>Also, you have bigger problems than girls
Honestly, I really don't. Just about every other area of my life is going reasonably smoothly for my age. On track for a good career in a field I'm interested in, good social life, finances are in order, it's good.

What does being dominant mean to you? You should probably explain that first.

If you aren't dominant then make it up with something else that has meaning to it like being caring or if you want strictly sexual then give her oral.

Or find yourself a dominant chick. I promise you they are fucking amazing in bed

I mean, if it were anything else I'd be fine with it. Like, if I were just short or fat or ugly I'd at least know that those things aren't "me" in anything but a physical sense. But if "who I am" is what she's tolerating, then what does she actually like?

Some women prefer dominant men and some women prefer submissive men.

Sorry, I guess I wasn't exactly crystal clear in my op. I wasn't saying that I'm submissive, just that I'm not dominant, if that makes any sense.

I suck at articulating this kind of thing so bare with me.
On a reasonably concrete level, stuff like choking, hair pulling, spanking, slapping, dirty talk, even just rough sex or pinning her down all seem gross to me.
>but user, you can be dominant without that stuff
Yeah, those are just the most specific things I can really put my finger on. I'm vaguely uncomfortable with the vague stuff, and specifically uncomfortable with the specifics.

You realize there are dominant women right?

Partially pic related, partially that (in my experience) those women have really weird expectations of relationship dynamics.

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>not dominant
I don't know what meaning you put into it, but you should aim to be a strong support figure to the people around you.
Get to a state where you don't fall apart during a minor breeze.

No, you'll only get sluts with low standards and poor relationships that will last little and end badly.

what is this "dominant" incel meme, if you're dominant over a woman that just means you're overbearing and insecure and you're gonna get your ass dumped unless the girl is retarded.

and no, being not dominant doesn't mean that you're a soicuck or whatever. Relationships are built on mutual respect and understanding. of course there are plenty of times where you have to put your big boy pants on and be the men in the relationship and be the rock that she needs. but that brings me to this other post:

stop watching so much porn, very few girls are actually into that shit. Is that all you mean by dominance? You think that people in normal healthy relationships are just like constantly spitting in their girls' mouth and slapping them and shit? You on some next level incel shit.

>be a strong support figure to the people around you.
I'd say I generally am.
>Get to a state where you don't fall apart during a minor breeze.
You'll have to take my word for it, but I'm already there. Honestly I'd say I'm pretty good at keeping my cool under pressure.

>stop watching so much porn,
I rarely watch porn, and I definitely don't watch porn with anything I mentioned.
>very few girls are actually into that shit. Is that all you mean by dominance?
No, that's just all could really be specific about.
>You think that people in normal healthy relationships are just like constantly spitting in their girls' mouth and slapping them and shit?
No, I think they're doing some or all of the things I listed in the bedroom. I question whether that's actually a healthy relationship, but I'm usually told to stop being judgemental.

>No, I think they're doing some or all of the things I listed in the bedroom.

So if you don't watch porn, who or what exactly gave you the impression that average normal people in healthy relationships are choking each other in the bedroom?

This board, plebbit, twitter, memes, the Internet in general.

Well then definitely spend less time online especially the pepe/anime girl avatar places of the internet where incels like to gather

Obviously not.

I mean, it's never incels that I get it from unless it's on here.

No girls hate shy guys

As unfortunate as that is, I'm not a Mario character so I'm not terribly concerned.

It only sucks as long as you keep thinking about it OP. I usually try to avoid thinking about dating. If people around me start talking about it, I just gradually steer the conversation as far the hell away from the subject as I possibly can. Try to remind yourself that dating is an illusion, OP

I try to keep my mind off it, but it's just such a big part of everyone's lives.