I work at a retail store with about 30 employees all of whom are either niggers or spics with an exception of me and two other White employees. Working retail is draining enough as it is but I have to put up with nigger behavior every day. They openly talk about how they hate White people. And since I’m White they direct a lot of their hatred towards me. They know there will be no repercussions for treating me the way they do. Openly hating White people has become so normalized it’s almost an everyday topic here. The store holds a lot of activities outside of work since a lot of the employees are friends. Next thing they have planned is a sparring match, and of course the loudest nigger called me out. We are both about the same height, (6’1) and weight, (160). We’re both in our early 20s. We’re both very athletic and in good shape. Every shift for the last couple weeks he has been talking so much shit and I just let him talk and say whatever he wants. Pretty much our entire staff will be at this event and I won’t be the only one sparing but we are the main focus since everyone wants to see Whitey get beat up. I have not told anyone I work with but I have been in a couple street fights in the past and won most of them, with an exception of when I was jumped by 4 or 5 dudes. Anyways, I really want to beat the life out of this nigger. Thank you for reading my post
Fighting a nigger from work in 2 weeks
Kill the nigger user. God speed
tl;dr ?
mutt ur gonna get that black dick, im pretty sure youre shitting yourself just thinking about it
> 14C64872-806B-4BC7-9256-60FC6575A58A.png
Just another JIDF phoneposting shill. Fucking Israelis like OP are soulless cowards whose job it is to sow division.
Fight smarter and knock that nigger out
Get one of your redneck buddies to live-stream it, nigger
If he has any training, you are about to get your ass beat.
You have two weeks.
Find somebody to show you some basics.
Take my energy anons
Deliver a swift and painful beating
Bless you
Post a live stream here you dumb faggot. Don’t let this nigger beat your ass. That would be the ultimate embarrassment.
Deadlift and hit traps and back until then, good luck user
Work on your guard and stamina. More likely than not the babboon will start flailing, till he loses wind. Then chin him. Even best black guys in my boxing club slacked on cardio.
>The store holds a lot of activities outside of work since a lot of the employees are friends. Next thing they have planned is a sparring match,
ITT: things that didn't happen. You got that idea from a movie, anyway.
Is this pasta? It’s cringey af that’s for sure...
accidental throat punch
They win when you're angry, user, I've been there before. The best way to piss them off as treat them as the subhuman filth they are pay them no attention, that's all they want from you. I always would wish they would attack me because I'd love to really sink a dropping knee into a niggers chest after knocking his ugly bumper lipped face down to the floor
I'll tell you this, it doesn't matter who's stronger, but who hits first. That being said, the art of hitting first is not that simple. If you have longer arms that would be nice. Good aim is also very important. Keep your guard up, don't go for retarded jabs. And, if you really are in shape, figure out how tall that nigger is, and practice swings at the height of his head, and practice for speed. One punch is not a meme, you just have to be fast, strong and confident enough. Also, if you get pinned for some reason, think of what matters more, you winning a clean fight, or things getting dirty (in which case the nigro will have no excuse) and you can cripple that subhuman fr life. God speed you beta mutt.
Give that nigger brain damage
Also watch your ass if the onlookers are niggers as well. I'm sure you know they could possibly jump in when they see one of their homies getting his head split
nice blog post you fucking faggot
>Also, if you get pinned for some reason, think of what matters more, you winning a clean fight, or things getting dirty (in which case the nigro will have no excuse) and you can cripple that subhuman fr life. God speed you beta mutt.
by that I mean bite an ear off, or if your head somehow ends up right next to his groin ... well, you know
claim you have bone spurs to get you of the fight...MAGA art of the deal his ass,
good luck user.
>Anyways, I really want to beat the life out of this nigger.
Go for it.
Never apologize.
OP. Don’t do it man.
Unless you know BJJ or wrestled varsity just don’t.
Maybe if you caught him 1 on 1 just you and him one day.. but
Nobody wants to be that dude getting brain damage from negros.
Because you know even if you don’t immediately get heemed and start to whoop their ass you know they will all jump in and not fight fair. It’s a lose lose. They’d probably even try and get you fired. Not worth it man.
The white man is civilized and above such barbarous savagery, don’t stoop to their level. Relish in your genetic superiority and pity them. Try and laugh more about it. I’m sure all you boys can get along
T. Worked at a retail clothing’s store in the south in a predominantly black area
Niggers rely on groups to fight. If they arent in a group, they typically fight dirty.
Make sure that he is patted down prior to the fight.
The cycle of nigger criminality.
Make sure the nigger doesn't bring a weapon.
Can you imagine how bad Whites are gonna have it when we are actually a minority in all our nations? In every situation Whites are a minority now, they are hated and often physically attacked.
Call the cops right before you fight them and maybe the police will come and save you
start pinning m8, after 2 weeks you'll have enough raw strength to straight up kano the nigger
>Call the cops right before you fight them and maybe the police will come and save you
They would just charge him with a hate crime for having open eyes while White.
punch him in the neck then kick his head in till he stops moving. once youve defeated him, turn to the rest of them and call them niggers
Jow Forums fight companion when?
>Call the cops right before you fight them and maybe the police will come and save you
This is the justice system for the White man today.
Why do that?
Go to HR, say you're "being made to feel physically threatened" by the nigs and spics at work, that it's a "hostile work environment", and that you're about to contact an attorney about moving forward with a lawsuit if things aren't brought under control. Trust me, it'll make shit really interesting in a hurry, and you won't have to touch a single nig in the process.
This. And he will not fair. Niggers never do.
don't punch his head
they have hard af heads wont hurt him and will break hand
punch throat or mouth right in the corner of the mouth and chin
Maybe the cops shoot the niggers for him, do it from a payphone, can't be traced to op
Go get him champ
Good luck user be cafeul ngs fight in groups bring a couple white friends
Kill that pile of diarreah, filthy nigger
Go to a boxing gym for a couple of weeks op.
this is bad advice.
or good advice, if your ultimate goal is physical altercation
the nigs will be all "AYO HE SNITCHIN" and you'll have to fight several of them.
just shoot em OP
KILL THE FUCKING NIGGER YOU HEAR ME. I want pictures afterwards cunt
get a real job and you won't have to deal with the dregs of society
I’m trying, I’m in school and also looking for a better job
I can’t believe it took 48 fucking replies for somebody to say it.
Quit hanging out with niggers they are rubbing off on you
this and good luck. also, don't masturbate or have sex until after the fight. trust me.
Kill this nigger
If you weighed more than 160lbs at 6"1 you wouldn't get bullied as an adult. I remember I used to weigh something about that (what's 73kg) at 6ft2 and half and would always get more disrespect from people. Not as bad as what you described because I don't live in a country with rampant niggers but still.
At your height you need to weight somewhere around 90-100kg (not obviously fat) and people will leave you alone. That's like 205-220lb for you stoneage faggots here
Shut the fuck up faggot I don’t hang out with anyone let alone niggers
Time for a new job Kevin
Nah just a muss cunt with a fat dick
Remember user. No fap, hit the gym, eat steaks, kill niggers.
>Next thing they have planned is a sparring match
yeah nah you're gonna get jumped by all of them user
what do think is going to happen if it looks like you're gonna win? others will step in
godspeed, beat that nigger
also true, bring your boys or don't go at all
This can’t be real and if it is, don’t do it. I’ve seen plenty of nig nogs fight in my urban public education and its usually just arm swailing windmilling but if you have never trained in jiu-jitsu, kickboxing or even basic boxing then don’t do it. You’ll make a damned fool of yourself and give them the satisfaction of beating you up. Also, why do they hate you? I’ve worked plenty around minorities and usually had no issues with them. Basic social skills. You must be seeting Jow Forums subconsciously and they sense it or you’ve run your mouth too many times around the wrong people
I’m 6’2 and 190lbs. I was 215 before I cut but some people will still try to say I’m skinny. Its called lean muscle and its a lot harder to have enough of it to full our with a large wingspan compared to manlets
Payphone, like a disposable?
if this is some retarded shit like you're fighting in a parking lot like it sounds like it is
personally I would try and think of a way to get them all wound up and then call the cops on them and tell the cops they were planning on jumping you
he'll get arrested, report the arrest to your management, he'll get fired
you'll piss off everyone and there's nothing they can do about it
either way this looks like an easy way to get someone fired which will hurt them a lot more
This. If you don't have a reliable group of friends to go with you to this thing, don't go.
I don’t speak out at all but when I do I’m always respectful. Don’t get why they don’t like me maybe just blind hatred. Fuck them all though
Start bulking. Watch Mark Bell on youtube, world's strongest man diet. Eat like he eats and train.
It’s in mma gym
An mma gym*
Damn it my id changed I’m OP though
Multiple elbows to the face should do the trick.
If he's still breathing after that just stomp on his neck a few times.