once we gave the women the right to vote and then allowed them to set the standards for everyone, we basically pursued average intellect to dominate in the society and produce such people. and the result is that today, average women (read: whores) are the most successful in reproducing and since the kid's IQ is mostly being inherited from the mother - they produce the average offspring, too. and what is the worst of all this is that above-average women are trying to adapt to being like them
to expand more on this, women are far more numerous in having average intellect than men who have a lot more outsiders who are either really stupid or really smart. men think as far as worrying about the future of civilization since they created it and led it, women have no place in this except for being their supporters through all those times and providing a mere possibility for continuation of the existence. it's historically and scientifically proven, but they were now let off the leash and out of control of the men and since they aren't capable of much logic thought with their average intellects, let alone about the future of the society they live in, they do what's the easiest for them and for what they wouldn't be shamed on anymore - and it's whoring and everything which comes with it, the first ones being materialism and hedonism. they literally forgot what is their purpose and they are trying to replace their overwhelming emotions with all of that shit which produces nothing of value it's sad when you think about all the women with enough intellect which would have made them to be above-average if they didn't fall for the trends which are set by those average women. therefore, we can't trust to those women too and give them power instead, we should reverse back the process and set the men who will dictate the women's standards since that seems like the only way of bettering the society and moving forward with our civilization
New generations see through all the jewish tricks and don't pursue muh dik degeneracy. The thots in thier 20's now are in for a rude awakening come 30. Mass suicide incoming.
David Price
fuck off incel women are equal to men
Gabriel Jones
being a chad today means supporting women's degeneracy, so even if you try to redpill them it would take no effect
have you even seen the picture in the main post? fuck off
Matthew Long
Women are clay in Chad's hands
Aiden Smith
Women have a weak energetic system and can't go above 400 in their entire life but most people stay below 200
The difference is the most profound at the top, so in other words elite men are going to BTFO elite women. That's why there are so few major breakthrough discoveries in science and technology made by women despite them being free to do so for the last couple hundred years. There can and have been some, but the number is always going to be small relative to men. There was never any evolutionary risk or pressure for great intelligence in women. They just have to be smart enough to keep themselves and children out of danger, which they have good instincts for if in a racially homogeneous society.
>New generations see through all the jewish tricks and don't pursue muh dik degeneracy. i don't think so, new generations (zoomers) are even more dumb and degenerate due to this women-made dysgenics
in the not much far history, "chad" only used to be high-upper class, educated men who lead the society they live in, not some big dick good looking with average intellect dude like today girls choose. they literally lowered the quality of chad if you fall for that you're literally fulfilling their goals