>Right wing wants to get Jews out of Europe
Das racist!

>Left wing wants to get Jews out of the Middle East
Yassss kween!!!

Explain this shit.

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because they are eating eachother and its hilarious

If they aren't in the ME then they're in Europe. Is there a solution to this?

next step for jews is the implantation of khazaria in Europe (Ukraine)
then they will try to take over Poland

watchout bolek & lolek

>Nazi's right wing

These "journalists" need to learn to code. Jews need to die sjw's need to go back to the sea where the land whales belong crazy Trump dick suckers need to stop this crazy bullshit us anons need to watch out for each other

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>nationalism kills millions and fails

>lets go back to being nationalists it worked so well in the 40s
what did rightists mean by this?

right or left nobody can fucking stand kikes

>right wing

Since when is socialism a right wing system?

because people getting fed up with kike bs is the unifying factor in the equation?

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>expecting consistency from normie political positions

>third reich
>right wing
the national SOCIALIST part didn't tip you off?

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Pretty much this. AOC and Shariagal are going to be huge wedges in the Dems.

I personally think the SJWs are going to swing Islam in the end. That's what I see in real life, I think Jews are not as high up in the victim hierarchy as Muslims are, and ultimately the moral purity that Islam demands is going to feel safer and more comfortable to them. They'll pick the brown lady in the hijab over the old white-looking dude every time.

The Left wing are closet racists? Unlike the Right wing who are honest about their feelings the left is full of people who hide their intentions till they are ready to stick the knife in.

so you think that because Hitler is quoted as having had a good time trolling communists that he must be right wing?

>Right wing wants to get Jews out of Europe
>Calling National Socialists "right wing"

ask the kikes own the message.

>National Socialists are right wing
National Socialsim is radical centrism.

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In today’s terms of discourse