The best I can discern is that a government of Freemasons decided to restrict Catholic education and religious practice until it provoked a reactionary backlash. The ending of the war doesn't really add up so I think an accurate history isn't written in English.
>Mexican revolutionary leader and persecutor of the Catholic Church; b. Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico, Jan. 27, 1877; d. Mexico City, Oct. 19, 1945. Calles, a descendant of Sephardic Jews from Almazón, Soria, Spain, was a natural son of Plutarco Elías Lucero and María de Jesús Campuzano. When he was four, his father died and his mother married J. B. Calles, whose last name young Plutarco took.
I mean you have to understand the position the Catholic Church held in Mexico to understand anti-clerical positions and free mason/liberal motivations besides muh jews
Christopher Perry
I'm curious. What were the negative aspects of the Catholic Church? Did this have anything to do with the Jesuits?
Brandon Martin
Same as with the French Rebellion. People didn't like how oppressive the church was there.
Michael Bennett
No, the freemasons were simply trying to do to Mexico what they did to France in the revolution.
Blake Collins
Basically the Church owned a TON of land in Mexico, the Church had special legal protections, the Catholic Church had tons of money and IIRC even served as a bank. Yes the Jesuits were involved. They were seen as a huge obstacle to progress. I encourage you to read into it as I'm pretty drunk but the Catholic Church DID have too much power in Mexico. It was so bad that during the peace negotiations in the Mexican-American War certain factions in the Mexican government wanted the war to keep going so the Americans could destroy the institutions of the army and the church so afterwards the country could progress to modernity without interruption.
Fun fact in the Spanish Civil War every army officer who sided with the Republic over Franco was a Free Mason. Every single one.
Samuel Roberts
let me illuminate on the Catholic Church being a bank, they lent the Mexican government money several times, they had that much money in the country
Jason Jenkins
>French Rebellion
Reminder that the Jacobins are the shitstains of the Earth and it is the duty of every faithful Christian to exterminate them entirely from the face of the planet.
Alexander Peterson
Only demonic minions would describe the CC in Mexico as "oppressive" regardless of clerical abuses. The CC in Mexico was the only thing civilizing Mexicans and without it Mexicans are akin to savages like the Aztecs
I mean the liberal elites who wanted a modern republic would disagree but they tended to be whiter
Aiden Price
Wouldn't that imply a debtor's motive to the war?
Tyler Gonzalez
Nah this was before the Cristero War I only really know about taking loans during the Mexican-American War for sure and maaaybe during the early days of the Mexican Revolution but you'll have to fact check me on that one
Daniel Ortiz
>regardless of clerical abuses. Grow a spine. There's a reason Protestantism exists.
Jaxon Bell
>become protestant Nope, and no self respecting Mexican should ever be protestant.
Unfortunately we have been cucked by (((them))) since Guadalupe Victoria, only having little spans of time in which we were not (governments of Agustín de Iturbide, Miguel Miramón, Porfirio Díaz and Gustavo Díaz Ordaz). We were better as New Spain, literally. Even native americans were civilized and educated by the Catholic Church, while secular education keeps them marginalized. I wonder (((who))) didn't want us to progress...
Are there any good histories of this? I'm certain most history is complete propaganda.
Austin Ortiz
Why? Enjoy the abuses and heresy too much?
Matthew Bell
The only history that is propaganda, is the official one which the (((secular))) government teaches through schools. Fortunately, I was raised under Catholic education. For your information, during the PRI century, my school was prosecuted by the government, teachers told us that they even had to hide any religious symbol because if not, my school would have been banned. Ironically, most of the politicians' sons from the time went to Catholic Instituions, kek
Joseph Bell
What have you noticed are the key differences between parochial and secular education in Mexico?
David Thomas
Also please investigate the National Synarchist Union (Unión Nacional Sinarquista) and its leader Salvador Abascal Infante. There's little to no information, unfortunately, due to our kike government (see pic related)
Degeneracy is promoted on secular education while parochial values more humanism and traditional values of our society. Parochial education recognizes our Spanish and Native heritage per equal and values our race as the product of this cultutral clash. Secular education mistakenly promotes indigenous people as the only source of our culture. Secular education is clearly leftist and atheist here in Mexico while Parochial is centre to conservative and obviously catholic, I could even consider Catholic Institutions to be kind of synarchist and even fascist or monarchist sometimes.
Brandon Edwards
1. The CC is the One, True Church 2. The Spanish conquistadors with the help of allied natives liberated Mesoamerica from Aztec demonic religion 3. The apparition and miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe to the native born Mexican St. Juan Diego converted 9 million Mesoamericans over the span of 30 years' 4. Outsider attacks from protestant freemasons discourages Catholicism and subverts Mexican society and encourage degeneracy as seen in American society
Totally screwed unless a centrist or synarchist government eventually takes over
Levi Russell
yes we raised up and we win, we lost a lot of blood against atheist, satanists, etc, it was a real holocaust for christians
Angel Price
Was there any mass support for the Calles regime? I have trouble understanding who besides a few weird elites would support his policy.
Nathan Brooks
Good luck at the state level.
Caleb Kelly
Catholicism isn't based.
Chase James
What are your objections?
Ryan Hill
Christianity in itself, is not a right wing religion, are you objecting to that?
James Gray
I'd say that's largely a valid complaint. The Heliand was written to assuage that when converting the Germanic tribes so even the Catholic Church admits to it. That being said what defines right vs left is contingent upon the time period. The left wing represents the interests of constituencies gaining in power while the right wing represents declining constituencies. As such the Puritans were to the left of the Presbyterians, but a Puritan movement today would be hopelessly reactionary.
In Mexico the Catholic Church represented declining constituencies while the military and Freemasons represented ascendant constituencies. A perfect right wing movement didn't exist, but that doesn't make the distinction useless.
Dominic Turner
this is based on the old wiki article which removed the jew part because the citation didn't actually prove it. This site is old and never updated.
I'm sure you'll claim conspiracy though. Literally the 1 mexican jew in all of history and somehow he's a mastermind of something Jow Forumsd oesn't like in mexico.
Ian Gomez
Regardless, a right wing Catholic Church would be useless full of arbitrary ridiculous rules and regulations to the average citizen, just look at the Unión Nacional Sinarquista their policies are crazy, if you're looking for rights for Mexican people, you would unironically have a better time looking at the Zapatistas who would actually benefit Mexico in some way. (See Subcomandte Marcos)
Andrew Lewis
I wouldn't really call it the "Masonic" war. The Catholic church has been shitty to Freemasons forever and so it would make sense some of them harbored resentment. Its always been about the Catholic Churches war against everything that is not itself.
Given his personal opinion, his pro-Jewish policies, and the research of Mexican historians I lean toward Calles being at least partially Jewish.
Blake Green
Cuckianity lost. Europe is not cuckian anymore. Everything is one big LARP. And it's glorieus.
Jack Wright
Asians have more respect to their indigenous religious than European people to their past.
Elijah Martin
I am learning Spanish and I think that reading books will help me with it. So I want to read Mein Kampf in Spanish, but all the translation from a google search are shit and/ or abridged. Can any Mexicans direct me to a good translation?
Priests do not care about people but only about gibs. They will support lolbertarianism or buttfucking or anything. The same has happened to the """""""""""""""""""left""""""""""""""". It is not about "the people" anymore.
Blake Roberts
Chase Reyes
You should become the puppet ruler of Mexico once America finishes 14/88.
Wyatt Phillips
Read the English “ford” translation first as a check. You will get more out of it.
Nathaniel Price
I am currently reading the Stalag edition
James Baker
both crypto-kike homosexual orders battling for control
Carson Williams
John Carter
Brody Rogers
Asher Martinez
Blake Cook
Let it die, necrofag.
Brayden Rivera
Sebastian Gray
Any Catholics in the thread?
Unrelated question but I haven't gone to confession in 7 years and after reading about Tomism I'm worried Atheism is not philosophically viable. I'm worries for my immortal soul and I forget how to confess!
Is there a set time for when to show up? Do you book it by appointment? Or do you just walk into the Confessional booth and wait for the priest ?