The irony of white genocide

Is that white people cry about Jews displacing them even though white people "Jewed" the native americans.
How the fuck do any of you have the right to complain about "white genocide" even though you did it to other races in the past.
The white race is getting counter "Jewed" in the most beautiful karma irony I have ever seen. No sympathy.

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Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

This is a picture of a bunch of European settlers massacring Native Americans and throwing them in ditches.
And yet you compare """white genocide""" to atrocities like this.
It actually fucking infuriates me how fragile white people are. Diverse living and genocide arent even comparable whatsoever.

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I don't give a shit what you think, but I only live to see this whole project go up in flames. One way or another.

>I only live to see this whole project go up in flames.
Despite having 0 evidence to the contrary that people are losing faith in diversity

>throwing them in ditches
What else should have been done with them? Leave them out to rot? At least whites clean up after themselves.

Literally doesn't matter what shitskins think about it. We don't have to kill ourselves to atone for sins of people hundreds of years ago.

so, what you are saying is...
white people are just as bad as jews?
I agree with this user, we should murder everyone of our jewish neighbors and throw them in ditches.

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lets do the jewish thing and kill every jew.

I’m sure Jews were behind the slaughter of natives as well. And the genocide of natives is overblown because it puts whites in a bad light. Less than 2000 natives died on the trail of tears. The textbooks make it sound like a holocaust.

All groups of people have done fucked up shit, you just want to paint whites as the lone source of evil in the world because your brain is broken

"You did bad things to other people, so now you have to accept bad things that come to you!"

Nice 14 year old talking points, retard. But its not the way the world works.

>Natives got treated so badly by colonizers

God you people are so void of reality and history and the nature of humanity.

Injuns were literal savages who would burn your settlement down and scalp your women and children. They accomplished nothing resembling organized civilization in the thousands of years they had the continent to themselves. Furthermore they were genociding each other already.

>white people "Jewed" the native americans.
White people gained land either by war with some Native American tribes (as the tribes themselves had been doing for hundreds if not thousands of years) or by trading with other tribes, and eventually claimed the whole continent, which they built from the ground up into the world superpower it is today. The descendants of the remaining Native Americans (most of whom died from disease, not as part of a genocide by Europeans), even former enemy tribes of the United States, today are given more protections, rights, and aid than any other US citizen, white or otherwise, which is something you would never see a non-white culture grant to a former enemy.

Native savages didnt build massive functioning civilizations, thats the difference

Who gives a shit.
Natives are useless overgrown rats

I don't give a fuck. My tribe deserves to exist and thrive by no other virtue than it being my tribe. Any argument less than that is a copout.

Jews openly admit that they're behind the importation of subhumans into the western world. They openly hate whites and their culture.

Natives raped and slaughtered each other most of the time. Let's not forget all of the $$$ reparations that traitorous politicians have given Natives over the last 100+ years.

The reason why any Native has ever had something nice was because it was given to them by whitey through reparations. Sound familiar?

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>I want White people to win, but I don't want other nations or races to win
>races can have karma
What hyper-satanic shit did the american indians do to deserve such a thrashing?

You're right, there is no white genocide... yet.

But can you really say with a straight face that there isn't a massive wave of hatred and a lust for revenge against whites being fanned on essentially every continent at this point?

No matter how much you think it's justified, it means bad news for whites in a few decades when you really think about it.

It's an interesting fine line you're trying to walk.

"Whites have always been mass murdering genocidal bastards, and what's happening so far to you now is karma (well not really because you deserve worse), and we have every reason to hate and kill you, but we're not doing it. Oh, by the way you have nothing to fear from us in decades to come as your numbers and power fade into insignificance, don't worry, it's cool man, stop being paranoid."

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>native with a gun
Bad news, that's not genocide. That's a war. The natives weren't intentionally slaughtered on mass. Most died form disease, a lot fought and died in wars, with and against various European nations.

I'd be insulting if I was native, and everyone just assumed white people showed up, rounded up a bunch of savages and mass murdered them all. That's not at all what happened.

Natives allied and welcomed a lot of Europeans, they brought a lot of quality of life changes, like guns, horses, foods.
They also had internal warfare amongst themselves and used new weapons to fight violently and savagely murder one another.
They also allied with various European factions against others, like the French vs the British. The first school shooting in America was done by a group of Native Americans.

Natives were eventually hit hard by disease, there isn't much anyone can do about it. Avoiding contact longer wouldn't have really solved anything. If no one discovered north America, they would still be poor, under developed, wagging violent wars and have short life spans.
Eventually, modern nations tried to intervene in Native communities to try and boost their standard of living and integrate them into society, but they just became victims of drug and alcohol addiction instead.

Natives live a hard life because white people treat them like zoo animals that need to be fed and cared for. A lot of them move off their reserves and do just fine in society. The problem is the welfare system that creates dependence, not their history. They have nothing to be ashamed about, and Europeans have nothing to apologize for. They won some battles, they lost some battles.

This whole meme about natives being down to earth and spiritual is just crap. White people are trying to rebrand Natives as an innocent victim.

I wasnt alive in the past. Youre whole argument is based on my reactions to other peoples actions. You are trying to reinforce the idea of me reacting instead of acting.

You learned that technique in synagogue


the difference is indians couldnt help themselves from being genocided

but we're happily allowing it to happen to ourselves because we're too nice

so we're trying to convince our race to stop that shit

>How the fuck do any of you have the right to complain about "white genocide" even though you did it to other races in the past.
Simple. Because this time it's happening to my people. Sound hypocritical? Don't give a fuck. Now fuck off nigger.

>x happened 200 years ago and it was the worst thing ever
>so we should let x happen again because______

To be fair. They weren't really sure if they were human. They did not even have the wheel.

I'm a white man and have never been to America nor have any of my ancestors before me and up until my grandparents went one time to France on pilgrimage I doubt any of my ancestors before them ever even left this island so how the fuck am I or say a Latvian person or a Croatian or Danish person etc responsible for any of the shit that happened in America in the past?

Get out from behind the memeflag you fucking kike

>whites jewed the indians
>shows pic of open and straightforward combat between whites and indians
user I...

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America can get demographically replaced, who gives a fuck. Their country is a degenerate cesspool anyways.

Europe should remain European though.

Help me I'm being genocided

>less degenerate than america
>with native whites


Natives and Abbos aren’t human

That's why I don't give a flying fuck about them losing their homeland to muslims.
And I don't even like muslims but I'll root for them anyway

When people talk any the evil that whites do, you don't factor in. Everyone kinda knows you've been screwed over by them too. True irish always advocate for those who fell victim and wax poetic about injustice

It's not about ethics, it's about winning. America is in a better position to do defend itself from Jews than the natives were with colonists. To not fight because of perceived hypocrisy would be suicide.

You obviously don’t know the definition of genocide then
>pic related
There don’t have to be stacks of bodies
>even tho there are if you look at whites murdered by blacks vs blacks murdered by whites
There are multiple factors at play that are extinction pressures
>genetic pollution: race-mixing propaganda
>loss of habitat: HUD moving blacks into white neighborhoods
>disease: importing Africans with exotic diseases

Forgot pic related

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reconciling the american genocide will be the next major topic of the 2020s

not really surprising when you think about it. i mean, the closest they ever came to any real success was when they were selling their own kind into slavery.

These SHITSKINS wiped out White Caucasian tribes that were living in North America centuries before the red injun subhumans got to North America.

They even confirm this themselves, they have stories and legends in which their ancestors fought and wiped out Tall Whites from all North America. So Whites reking these subhumans is just fucking payback for what they did to our ancestors.
Now fuck off nigger

and everyone likes to conveniently forget that the VAST majority of natives were killed off by diseases that europeans unkowingly brought with them. Its not like vast mobs of white people swept across north america slaughtering all in their path. most of the time all of the natives were already long dead by the time white people showed up in an area.

>white people did bad things
>lets kill all white people
>all other racial groups have done bad things
>lets kill all white people

Saged, naturally.

What the fuck are you talking about, my ancestors didn't genocide Africans.

What is wounded knee
What is trail of tears
Ya, there won't be a while lot of tears when the last cracka leaves this earth. The day of the black man is at hand my friends. We fucking yo girls and pumping out a whole lot of caramel color babies while white white boys jack it to jap cartoons and Piss and moan on Jow Forums. Lmao.

fucking this. name any other country in history that fought a civil war to free their own slaves and then went on to give those same people equal rights. were white people in the US back then perfect? no, but they were a hell of a lot more tolerant than anyone else at the time. people need to learn to start viewing history through the lens of the culture in that time period.

losing faith in diversity
You can't lose what you never had. Anyway, it sounds like an REM song.
Diversity, says the guy with the Nazi meme flag.
Kiss the only part of my ass that isn't white.

You never know who was really pulling tube strings in all this. Be careful who you blame.

No we don't factor in simply because it has fuck all to do with us here and fuck all to do with other European people in the various European nations too. Most white people in America today are descendants of European immigrants who came after the Indians were driven into their reservations and it all has fuck all to do with the descendants of those people too.

You're right. The Incians also Jewed smaller tribes and enslaved them regularly.
Still, that doesn't mean we don't have a right to defend ourselves...or at least tell others that we are thinking about planning to potentially defend ourselves

a.) Bombings, machete attacks, gun attacks, Van's of peace.

b.) Acid attacks, bombings, grooming gangs.

C.) Becoming majorities in native cities. Taking positions of power. Enforcing "laws" dissproportiantly targetted at whites.

D.) Endless propaganda to save the world by not having babies while simultaneously importing the whole world with crazy birth rates.

E.) Grooming gangs, CPS, oh you have wrong think? We'll be taking your children now and giving them to good goyim.

Wow. It's TRUE. We're being genocides.

You know equal rights means equal rights to your women right? Interesting that white boys aren't having babies and black men fucking a whole lot of white women and making babies with them. 2 generations tops, my friends. But keep jacking it to jap cartoons. That's literally how pathetic white men have become.

the fact that anyone could honestly think that if the percentage of whites and blacks in the us population were switched right now that black people would have any reservations with massacring us is pretty crazy to me. black people in this country are pretty open about their hatred for us and their lust for revenge.

>Jew tickery trying to push acceptance of white genocide.

Go play your Jew games elsewhere, kike.

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yeah, because if that happens yall tooootally wont be next.

Weren't those all bongs anyways?
Their country and their people are already getting raped in the buttocks so I'm pretty happy

I literally don't care. What's your excuse?

No genocide is okay. We have a good opportunity to stop the white genocide.

i swear, MLK would be rolling in his grave if he could see what black people have become in this country. but go ahead and keep acting like a victim. thats what youre best at anymore.

Don't care. The sooner disgusting fat fucks, autists and semi literate white trash are gone, the better.

MLK dead and buried long time. I live in the present, not past.

Besides, too many white chicks to fuck since YOU ain't fucking them.

well apparently you do given how butthurt you are about shit that happened 150 years ago.

>mestizos exist


And what about what you kikes did to the Palestinians and still do to this day?

the left are bringing these immigrants to keep indegenous negros as a permanent underclass and I’m tired of this shit

My people has helped every Immigrant group and got jack shit from it

We suffered years of slavery and discrimination just so some Africans and South Americans from shithole countries can get our scholarships and grants just to turn around and say we ain’t shit

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>how dare white people do what they did
>we must do it back to them

>How the fuck do any of you have the right to complain about "white genocide" even though you did it to other races in the past.
Because I never took part in it, and neither did anyone else alive right now.

>implying Jews didn’t kill the “Indians”

checked but... wounded knee was 'gun control'
trail of tears was relocation. neither of these two things were genocide or intentional exterminations.
you just say things you were spoonfed like an idiot and we all hate you for it. you are just so fucking dumb user. please read more, you are so fucking dumb.

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>thinking whites ever had the willpower to do anything ever and not (((cowboys)))

we will winend in the end and put you in the position you deserve dasyu

Colonel has a point. Look up Crow Creek massacre. Mass grave of hundreds of injuns (more than wounded knee) brutally killed (scalped alive, etc.) by other injuns in 1300s, well before gringos showed up with guns and horses.

thinking you werent nothing more than a slave during all your exstence thats the funny thing

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Kys you filthy poonigger

What do they want with that menorah?

Enjoy living in 'Planet of the Apes'. Cutiepie.

>Jew poster
>Believes in Karma

jewish IQ everyone

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>Those mean Whites with their Aids bombs and AK16’s killed Iron Eyes Cody who was just minding his own business crying about trash hurting Mother Nature

Looks like an after action police detail. Removing diesese vectors.

you think a few incidental battles "genocided" the Native Americans?

The most conservative estimates are that 70% of the population was wiped out by DISEASE, and some scholars believe it was over 90%.

It was literally a continent with nobody home.

>Imagine being this uneducated

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What about all the natives of Hispaniola, other Caribbean islands, and South America who've been niggered out of existence by the slaves Jews brought over?


Its not a problem. Not being able to defend yourself ideologically at the very least is the problem. We have been culturally handicapped by ourselves. We exposed our weakness in the name of progress itself. All we need is one country and we will bring back the sword and the sickle to advance all of mankind into another technological and cultural enlightenment.

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Always remember what they've done

Never forget their treachery

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How can the Jews whine about the Holocaust when their Torah is filled with their bragging about genociding numerous other tribes? Most of the Jewish holidays celebrate exterminating rival tribes, so Jews have no right to whine about what Hitler and the Nazis might or might not have done to them 74 years ago. Turnabout is fair play. Karma and all that shit.

They are not "God's chosen"

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Christians are

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We deserve it

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