Attached: PaulReverePEPE.jpg (1500x1138, 341K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How much money do your parents give you?


I see they give you what you're worth.

.01 Cent has been deposited

fug user that's pretty brutal


Your website glows in the dark.

Attached: 1549944997131.jpg (832x690, 149K)

is this a blue pilled anti semitic board that doesnt know Khazars arent real jews

>check catalog before posting
>no catalog
Does it look as bad on desktop?


based and HONKPILLED

Attached: 1549845648410s.jpg (125x114, 3K)





I went,
I looked,
pic related.

Attached: 3f6082b6c7db8b9251354b1e3c78d261.gif (360x270, 1.59M)

This is shit


Yeah we believe you user


>>no catalog

>less than ten threads
>thinks they need a catalog

You guys go
Tell me if it glows in the dark

>No screenshot.
>Claims its shit.


Is this how I bump?

Attached: niggerfaggot.png (308x253, 9K)

This is like the third time I've seen this thread with the same picture only it had a different site each time.

Attached: 1548151073494.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

This is a liberal trick to remove dissent from Jow Forums and make Jow Forums a liberal playground. Its infinitychan all over again.

dam son

Attached: 3f6.png (712x613, 357K)

No its not its a place where there's no nigger rim threads. No honk threads. PizzaGate Research Threads.

Overall Quality Board.

It has more to be done.

It's functional at least.

>new chan
>reddit spacing
This is so obvious that you must be new. No shill would fuck up something so obvious. 6ou should really stop nao.

>Is this how I bump?
>Niggerfaggot, Niggerfaggot, Niggerfaggot,

Where it says [Choose File]
you need to select a pic of Corey Booker

Probably a trap/honeypot linked to the shitty honk memes. Shit is getting creepy here. Dont click that shit

Thanks, user.

Daisy approves.

Attached: 1535071340767.jpg (462x467, 44K)

Doesn’t work you idiot. Captcha constantly returns Captcha Failed

Why is this so difficult

>No Screenshot

It's actually not that bad
Would run over/10

It definitely gave my laptop cancer. agreed though, feels like 95% of this site glows these days.

What really?

You have to be in the thread to post. Default view posting isn't enabled.

she can grab my gun anytime.


Damn nigger you didn't have to beat him while he's already down.

Worked for me guys

Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-12 at 9.27.14 PM.png (1366x768, 51K)

But everyone on a new Chan in a newfag by definition.

Wow, so fucking LE BASED amirite mr internet faggot?

Visiting alt-chans except for infinity are a sure way to compromise your battle stations by liberal computer engineers

Says your board is out of memory when I tried to upload gore. Fuck your gay ass site

Drive by downloads of malware is something the FBI uses right?

What software are you running this on dude? Even Kusaba X would be better to run than this shit. lmao

Attached: 1550020594916.gif (244x248, 113K)

It's all relative.
The newfag that comes to the site after you bumps you up to oldfag.
>last one in is a newfag

change your title tag you fucking moron.

Attached: jclde.jpg (480x360, 15K)

I archived OP's site to show you guys how bad it is:

This makes 7chan look up to date in terms of software lmao

Attached: 1548496321224.jpg (497x434, 91K)

Guys I just cleared storage. Sorry the uploads weren't working.

It should be working now.

Sorry guys

Thank you user, very cool!
Will make a jew hate thread later.

OP, why did you buy your domain on GoDaddy? It would be such a shame if someone would report you for (((racism))).

>come to my new honeypot


I got the protection with it so I won't get Doxed.

WTF is new about it?
You highjack a thread and it is nothing but shit posts.
Good job dick breath.

You can get that from Namecheap and for free. You're gonna get fucked on GoDaddy, OP.

I hope not user.

I'm still improving the site. It's not nearly finished yet. Just thought I would share it to get it started.

What software are you using for the website, dude? I hate to recommend Kusuba X, but it'd probably be better than what you're running:

If you can switch to another host, I'd recommend vichan:
I tried using GoDaddy hosting for a shitty *chan years ago, but it wouldn't let me install it due to incompatibilities on their end.

>to get it started

what would draw peeps there from here?
serious question