Why are Gen-X such Fucktards?

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Too much television.

Next they'll want abortions without parental consent.

At least he isn't out sucking big black cocks like your mother did when she rebelled.


there is no vaccine for AIDS

Is he getting a circumcision too?


Why is this family's personal issues news


You retard, the parents are Gen X, not the kids.

Kys crybaby snowflake

because there is a measles epidemic in washington state and new york state caused by fucktard genX parents who didn't bother to vaccinate their kids and now the kids are terrified of dying of basic diseases for which there are known prevention methods

That’s Mr. Fucktard to you

>terrified of dying of basic diseases
They need to learn how the media is full of shit.

How is that any of your business you emotional control freak? You want kids to rebell? You're an asshole

Gen X is before millennials and they are the idiot Facebook moms who aren’t vaccinating kids

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its going to be pretty funny when this kid gets some weird shit due to getting vaxed.
his parents will be vindicated.

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You misspelled “illegal immigrants”.

>teen in 2019
Pick one.

Its the Canadian Vax shill again.

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First of all, shut the fuck up you are unbearable.

Second of all, this particular post contradicts itself in the same sentence, you are officially a fucking retard.

He's going to be sterilized and won't be able to have children. Look up Bill Gates in Africa.

its my business because the health care cost of treating a single kid infected with measles can exceed $200,000 a piece, instead of a $150 vaccine

who the fuck do you think pays for healthcare premiums or do you just live off your parents you neet cuck

he wanted to level up his autism

They are just young enough to indulge in the internet at similar rates as millennials, without the healthy skepticism and cynicism the latter has towards claims online. So they get duped by utterly retarded bullshit like anti-vaxxers. They're like Diet Boomers, which is why people claiming things will be fine when boomers fuck off and die are probably in for a rude awakening when Gen X fills that inept vacuum.

If there were no illegals in Cali, there'd be no problems with kids not getting shot up by government funded doctors.

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Thats pretty funny, Saved

Mexican retard detected

I collect vaccinations and all you faggots will die of disease.

what a little bitch, his dad should beat his ass and fuck his gf in front of him.

You're paying for other people's vaccinations with your taxes.

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You sound like a peach

>Can I get vaccinated at my age?
Against all those childhood illnesses that will supposedly kill you if you're under 5 years old? Right this way, Goy!

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I’m sorry Mexinon that you had to witness such faggotry on this exalted board, but you still have to go back.

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Blow it out of your ass.

Have fun having no grandchildren because you believed the people collecting money to poison your kids.

Lots of waterborne sewage stuff you SHOULD be vaccinated from at any age.
Like Hep and anything you could catch from an illegal immigrant that shits in the same field that your lettuce is picked in or the fast food your restaurant is prepared in.

I don't care what some dumb foreigner thinks. Why don't you go back to dealing drugs and letting cartels rape your wife?

Angry diseased Mexican

What's the problem here? Gen Z needs to be exterminated anyway.

Mans doesn't want the ol' iron lungs.

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no, we are not vaxed.
the problem with gates sterilizing africa is that it seems counter to the globalist scheme of flooding other countries with africans.

Someone's mad

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> antivaxers = flatearthers
Sad state of mental illness

>take you microchip shots, goyim

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why the fuck should you get vaccinated for meme diseases we eradicated decades ago?
Blame the shitskin illegals that brought the bugs in

He went 18 years without a problem but since he's such a programmed NPC he couldn't wait to get his cattle shots.

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You don't get vaccinated for bacteria moron.

I literally don't care what you do as long as you stay in your own nation.

You grew up believing evolution is true and think that's an insult.

And now he's retarded.

no u, moron

>CNN told me

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Blaming them doesn't solve the problem, there are immunocompromised people and infants who vaccines aren't indicated for and are at risk because not enough people have been immunized, you retards need to learn about en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herd_immunity

People who contract mumps when they're teenagers can get sterile, and adults who get measles or varicella can develops life threatening pneumonia or brain damage, you idiots seem to think complications from diseases don't exist

You're fucking retarded, he went 18 years without a problem because OTHER PEOPLE WERE VACCINATED en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herd_immunity

good. Outbreaks are great for the gene pool.

Lol the shill said the line! HERD IMMUNITY! AHAHAHAHHA

I don't have a problem with vaccines. I have a problem with them being forced. I don't care about the "I'm a Doctor who towers over you intellectually even though I'm taking your money and you can't sue the companies who create vaccines".

Alex Jones is Gen X. So OP is right.

Because correlation equals causation

That's great and all expect the same anti-vaxxer retards are attempting to save the already dying gene pool of "muh white race" here in the states

>fake eyebrows
>fake eyelashes
ugly ass squat-faced commie

I think this is the one valid argument anti-vaxxers have. Fine, don't have it forced on you, but don't use any public services either because you're putting other people in danger.

Brother is a pharmacologist working with this shit... Doesn't vaccinate his kids.

Looks more like causation to me

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Hey everyone, why is it always a Liberal who finds it so very important to promote vaccinations? Liberals always promote evil and they're usually low IQ unless it's the top ones who are using the rest. Why is that?

Sweet, no problem, won't use public services, not liable to pay taxes then right?

hey retard,
go kill yourself

Best rule of thumb ever. Whatever a leftard is doing or advocating for (they are massive hypocrites anyway) do the exact opposite and live a fulfilling, happy life!

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werent things better when only the strong survived?

I'm a conservative and I voted for Trump. You're not gonna believe me and call me a shill, but I also find it funny that all the measles outbreaks are happening in overwhelmingly liberal states (California, Washington, etc), so which is it?

Reminder that anti-vaxx comes from people who were retarded enough to still be hippies in the 90's.

> fellow white people..
Jew detected!

the only people I know who are anti-vaxxers are the same people who vote for commies

>Why are Gen-X such Fucktards?
The gen-X guy who got himself vaccinated is not a fucktard, you fucktard!

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Came for my daily dose of division and degeneracy.

>measles epidemic
No such thing.

Jews don't vaccinate..

Except I never said I was white lol

I've heard retards repeat the same talking points. It's a fucking script.

Yeah you don't get to decide that. This is America.

checks out

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Why do you care so much about what others do? Lol

It's a "script" because they're reproducible scientific facts

Not an argument

How is this screen cap proof of anything? Vaccines should be forced, go talk to any old person and they will tell you about all the horrible diseases we used to have to deal with.

Confirming that you're not a Jow Forums reg.. So fuck off back to plebbit Soros shill!

You first

Because anti-vaxxers are creating a public health crisis that puts infants, immunocompromised people, and the elderly at risk

Thanks for having my back, friend.

You don't realize you've been brainwashed.

gen X-er here. I'm trying to improve, you fuckers.

I don't care about creating an argument. You're free to sterilize your child all you want, just stay away from mine.

Diseases decreased with sanitary practices, not solely vaccines.

With a jew identifying meme flag..

he's probably talking about the parents.

Keep your infant, bad genes, and old people at home.

You can't infringe upon rights just because you people have weak genes.