Are we too dumb and poor? We have at the least 25% of the population. Why can't we get anything done?
Why is it so easy to take out Evangelicals?
Evangelicals will be roped.
Ugh you can try we all are armed
cause you are cowards that wont fight back. When Obama crushed the Tea party they just scampered away. Most of you became Trump Cultists and sucked the Dick of a Online Prank Called Q. None of you will protest or resist in any manner. You just bitch and whine and pray to your fake god. While OUR nation burns
False religion. Evangelicals are as heretical as muzzies
Not for long. But none of you will do shit about it and WE ALL suffer cause of it
Evangelicals are idiots. No I dont think all religious people are. Just evangelicals blindly beleive somthing just because thats where their parents took them to church
That's one of the worst things I've ever fucking seen.
roy moore, in his 30s, cruised the local mall for 13-15 year olds he could eventually date
what part of evangelicalism supports that kind of pedo behavior
No he did not you are slanderous liar.
Maryland is pure evil. They're tearing down a cross from the early 1900s because they hate Christians so much.
Because Atheists who were taught the evolution fairytale aren't? You actually believe that crap?
Lies. The mall owner said it was fake news.
that's fake, you brainlet.
Are you kidding? It's because you spend all of your time sucking Israeli cock. That's why. Can you honestly name even ONE single big mainstream evangelical church or organization which DOESN'T suck Zionist cock? That's your problem right there. Perhaps if you guys took Moshe's dick out of your mouth from time to time, you could work on other projects. But no; that would be "anti-Semitism," so my bet is that you will choose to continue gargling Shlomo's balls to the exclusion of all else.
Am I honestly wrong or unreasonable in that prediction? Be brutally honest with yourself.
You're American? I've never met an American who would say that yet this kind of talk is all over the internet. Why is that?
Im as American as Apple Pie and I totally agree with it
Atheist at least formed their own opinion.
Your religion = where your parents took you as a kid
“Many years before, I had attended a dance recital at Gadsden State Junior College,” Moore wrote. “I remembered one of the special dances performed by a young woman whose first and last names began with the letter 'K.' It was something I had never forgotten. Could that young woman have been Kayla Kisor?”
That eight-year timeframe would have meant that Moore was 29 and Kayla just 15 when they first met. However, Moore said that he was deputy district attorney at the time, a post he began a year later, in 1977.
And it was that same year that then 18-year-old Gena Richardson was working at Gadsden Mall when Moore asked her out.
A former police officer in Gadsden this week told The New York Times that it was common knowledge that Moore would talk to young girls. Several others who were in Gadsden at the time have shared similar stories of Moore regularly hanging out at the mall and chatting with minors.
You've never met an American who would express these sentiments TO YOU, probably because they perceive you as a typical good goy who would rat them out to the SPLC and the ADL.
Seriously though, American evangelicals are increasingly seen by younger people as foreign agents/tools of neocon foreign policy rather than as a normal religion. This is based on how evangelicals have acted over the past 20 years or so.
Nope you are just a Slanderous CUNT
Don’t feel bad. Obama didn’t get shit done and only fucked things up. Democrats are sheep so they just follow.
>Are we too dumb and poor?
No. try Horney and hypocritical.
Look up ‘new knowledge’ faggot
>ex-cia niggers larping as Russians
He was in ‘Nam. He was used to that young gook pussy too
It's even worse: jewish controlled religion that teaches you to be a mega goy slave for Jewish interests.