Hey lads.

A high-profile vegan activist had a blunt response to the South Australian dairy farmer who posted her tearful farewell to her beloved cows: “Get another job”.

Casey Treloar’s adoration for her cows is tangible in the viral video in which the third generation farmer said goodbye to her herd.

Hundreds of thousands watched as she poured her heart out and pointed blamed the major supermarkets’ slashing the price of milk to $1-a-litre for destroying the industry.

Why has the ground started burning on an outback cattle station?

South Australia needs to boost its migration intake, here is what the experts say

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Other urls found in this thread:

How the fuck do you get away with this in 2019?

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>South Australia needs to boost its migration intake, here is what the experts say
>Journalist at ABC Adelaide. Other stuff: snow sports, netball, cheese, fur-mum, adventure

dollar milk is the best
everything should be a dolla a kilo/litre for real australians like me
shitskins can pay 5-10

head buzzfeed cunt loses his job

suck a fart

Bump in support of the union members out on strike across NSW

>A high-profile vegan activist
vegans get the bullet, too.
>South Australia needs to boost its migration intake

For FUCKS SAKE seriously Adelaide can't fucken handle anymore people, peak hour traffic is already a NIGHTMARE here, even on the weekends now it feels like peak hour all day!!!

Also we don't have fuck all housing! We suffer badly from urban sprawl because we are blocked in by the hills, so the only option for the ov is to keep opening up land (at ridiculous prices) that continue to get further and further and further north or south of the city.


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What do you mean? Looks like a job advert to try sell data or some hopeless boomer manager wrote out a shit ad

Nah, $1 milk is fucking with farmers by supporting trans nationals throwing their weight around aussie farmers

How fucking little must she have done to be made redundant

>jewish kike trying to destroy music in nsw


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With what?
Fuck off you greedy cunt, pay the farmers what they need to survive, faggot.
Fucken union faggots slacking off again

>complaining about dairy cows
imagine my shock at the complete ignorance of how those animals are treated in Australia

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nah the problem is they pay too much for their farms it's the banks fault

if they want more money they get tell asia to pay 2-3 times as much or starve

Seems like a legit advert for a job in dubbo. Having IT skills is great in the country

Is it shortsighted to think that farmers could reduce their exposure by having multiple products?

Posting the Notice.

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Yeah I hear ya. If the gov wasn't such a greedy cunt and opened up more land for sale instead of holding onto it and drip feeding it to us, so as to artificial inflate the price of land, we'd all make it.

No, it's literally how farms work. Problem is lack of resources and farm consolidation with less people to work the land.
With cheap and easy power i.e. nuclear power we can bring water to a lot of arid land, gov buyback of some of the larger properties that aren't being run and dividing up crown land. Introduce a program to get farms running, leased from the government. Provide incentives to allow diversification of livestock, no imports if it can be grown here etc.

does Australia still need tech support? I got a email saying they want immigrants?

>Parents kick me into getting job as a floor mopper and toilet cleaner at 21 after i failed to nail down an Electrical apprenticeship
>months pass, work 38 hour weeks and come home smelling like sweat and shit
>"wtf user, something has to change, why arent you moving out?! your sister moved out at 18 and she just got engaged"
>mfw dont tell them i live paycheck to paycheck because i drink it all away.
How do you do, fellow wagies?
a lady told me to clean a car park today.

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>South Australia needs to boost its migration intake, here is what the experts say
Fuck you faggot. I hope you go die.

>after i failed to nail down an electrical apprenticeship

Fuck me. How fucking retarded are you.

your sister is giving blow jobs at truck stops, user.
Sorry to break it to you.

Attention Australians:

turns out nobody wants a 21 year old 2nd year apprentice and that job centers are a scam

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> that job centers are a scam
it always amused me to no end seeing people labelled dole bludgers when these job centers were the worst bludgers of them all. 100% scam, all thanks to little johnny howard.

Move out. If you dont make enough then get on the welfare, fuck leftists and shitskins, make them pay for you. Once you move out then you will be seen to be "growing" but they will still bug you about getting married and having kids indefinitely. If you're set on living with them, deal with it. Tell them you are ok with where you are at for the moment because you need time to figure out what to actually do. Just keep looking for apprenticeships fag

>all thanks to little johnny howard.
Kevin Rudd's Mrs made $115m out of this scam.

Why arent you giving blowies at the truck stop like your sister?

That could be the worst Vocaroo I've ever heard. Never post again.
Are you some kind of autist? My mate got an apprenticeship at 22 and I've just got one at 23 - no experience at all.

i would say that number would be a minimum amount too. the system is rigged to work in their favour, not the poor bastard that needs work.


that's why we have so much immigration half the country doesn't want to do any real work, i hate normies

last i head they were worth $300m
little faggot is such a miserable cunt despite it

nah, she's currently in NYC with her fiance for a holiday.
He apparently proposed to her on the roof of the rockefeller center in the snow.

meanwhile im at home with mum and step dad sleeping all day because i worked from 8pm - 7am and they yell at me for being lazy.

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KRudd is a faggot

Whats for dinner lads?

Mate. Get off your arse and have a go. You don't have any excuse to not better yourself. You can blame other cunts but you steer the ship which is your destiny.


Homemade chicken stir-fry, you?

Not sure, if right place to ask, but i ask anyway.

In one month im leaving to australia after i sell my shit and with workholyday visa i can stay about 1 year there.

Am i doing big mistake here, because i basically sold everything what i have to get into australia.
My plan is find a work.

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>South Australia needs to boost its migration intake, here is what the experts say


the usual

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Krudd wants to fight, cunt

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The missus is cooking steak and potatoes right now

Bulk mode?

Couple o snags

>fuck off we're fu--

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I saw that article too, he also pushed big Australia like the vampire squid chink loving cunt he is.

Talk about late to the party..

nothing, im working

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My G-d

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Looks full to me

oh dear

>he hasn't watched Dr Strangelove
Pirate it and watch it.

then juliar came along and said yeah nah i don't want big australia, then proceeded along with big australia, it beggars belief that anyone would consider voting liberal or labor first it's so retarded it's like asking an abo to fuck your wife

No pasta salad? So unrefined.

>it's like asking an abo to fuck your wife
Thanks, user. I needed that laugh.

Both parties want it, Labor to import voter blocks and ideology, Liberal is being influenced by business owners who live off temp visas thanks to centrists like Turnkike.

Pretty sure that's Dr Strangelove, fucken good film.

i like some kubrik movies but it just looks like an anti-usa thing
i should watch it

It's not, it's a comedy about the way the Americans played fast and loose with nuclear war in the 1960s.

....sillading shitposts everywhere.


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>"And if so, what protocols or procedure are going to be implemented to protect students, teachers and principals who might not want him to attend."
>Councillor Mike Brunker told ABC News he does not want Mr Costigan attending any school functions or awards nights.
LNP comin' to diddle ya kids.

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Fuck off they're $10

Unironically not just a faggot, but an actual poofter.
>about to be elected
>wants to pretend to be a real bloke
>"suck of the saucebottle" attempt fails
>leftard abc journalist suddenly remembers he say KRudd in a stripclub looking at strippers who werent Chippendales...
>big fake outrage shockhorror that Kevin looks at girls
>totallyrealnews that KRudd isnt a poofter
= Deadset closet cocksucking poofter

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Lost all my cenno on the fukin races fuck fuck fuuuck

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>receive free money
>lose it all attempting to get even MORE free money

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Was it that fucking cyclist that raged on a bmw driver for giving him a meter of room when passing?


This is why i support the dole bludger card so you dumb fucks stop wasting all your money on shit.

gobbies you mean?
blowies are flies mate.
your ching chong is showing.

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I am on the dsp so I won’t be getting your shitty card

what's a dole bludger card?

it makes rich cunts that own gambling companies richer
then that provides capital for other businesses

>your sister has a man to pay for her existence
Tell your mother she is a cunt

Pretty sure your mum called it a blowie.
>although she had her teeth out so I might be mistaken

>Finally got a job 11 months ago after 2 year unemployed (not on centerlink, was all my own saving)
>Only saved $6600 so far
How the fuck can a cunt actually get a foot in the door out in the mines? Nobody will even look at me if I haven't already got experience in some super niche bullshit. How the fuck are you meant to get experience as a Field Geo assistant aside from actually being a field geo assistant?

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kek you are getting them too
pic related, abbos already have them.
Using tax money for gambling is a bit fucked.

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It's not what you know it is who you know.
Join a motorcycle club.


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i dont care given how much gets nicked by other cunts
it gives cunts down on their luck a bit of fun

ACA did a story on the nips stealing all the baby formula and they left the comments open on youtube.

Deadset the state of this cuntree

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You aren't following the dole bludger narrative!!!!
The people who cost 10 billion are a huge drain!!!
Meanwhile single mums cost us 60 billion a year, that is more than the Education budget and the budget of the ADF combined and they need more!!!

cities are fucking nasty in general mate.
They always have been cesspits.

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Ah yea they tried these in the UK and drug dealers would openly trade money for food cards, didn't really work and ended up scrapping them.

Guess Australia thinks they're different, huh.

>single mums cost us 60 billion a year
haha is that true or is that a number pulled out of your arse

It's true

pretty much, I know if i was a drug dealer id rather have cashless cards that aren't mine that i can spend at the supermarket than dirty money.
It is basically free money laundering.

Its pretty much impossible to find out the exact number, but it is less than 60 billion. They would fall under the family tax benefits and possibly part of the dole bludger section

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It is pulled out of my arse, the real number is $66,000,000,000
They literally cost Australia more than the ADF and education combined.

>kek you are getting them too
I'm on the DSP for raging 'tism and anxiety.
most of it I fork over to mum, who I live with, to help pay for shit.
I don't drink (fucks with my meds), or smoke or gamble or blow money on retarded online stuff.

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Why are dole bludgers compaining about a cashless dole card? Fucking commies...

Now you get to be classed as an incompetent moron for being autistic any time you whip out your free cash card!

Looks like you can buy crypto with it too.

>create coinjar account
>buy bitcoin
>convert back to aud
>withdraw to bank