Why did Africa had a 3million year civilisation advance and is still at a neolithic stage ?

Why did Africa had a 3million year civilisation advance and is still at a neolithic stage ?
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Consequencies of white oppression? colonization and genocide. Historicaly first civilizations were located in Africa, for example Egypt

And they were all white civilizations. You forgot that little detail.

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i assume OP is talking about sub saharan niggers and not people of the nile who are more related to greeks

>ancient egyptians were white but modern arabs aren't
L - Logic

300 years ago they were running around naked, playing with sticks and living in mud huts. Today they are running around in old clothing, playing with machetes and living in scrap metal shacks. All that's changed is that they (((got))) some stuff from white people.

Cuz its alpha...why go gay n soi

If niggers had made muskets and cannons like other thinking people they would btfo whitey but they didn't.

sub saharan africa has very poor soil
not a great place for farming
without good farming you can't form a decent civilization

modern fertilizers (invented by whites) have allowed them to form cities and stuff now. but the soils only getting worse at an accelerating pace, the fertilizers cant even stay in the soil its so bad.

if they had better farm land then not only would they have been able to form proper civilizations. but after millenia they would be good at it. they would become more civilized, crime rates would be low. it would be as if they were white. they would have been shaped and guided by civilization over generations as we were.

i blame the soil

Yeah no

Sub-Saharan Africa is widely considered paradise on Earth. If we go from the widely accepted "all human life began in Africa" theory, in the beginning humans were nomadic hunter-gatherer types. Because they originated in paradise which has moderate temperatures and year-long animal activity as well as edible vegetation, humans could exist indefinitely without a need for forethought. It was only once humanity traveled beyond the Sahara Desert (and through its hospitable environment) into the colder north did we develop the need to plan for our survival needs. This lead to agriculture and eventually reserves in food. This reserve, and need for planning through forethought because of survival, attracted nomadic tribes that were interested in taking the surplus food for themselves. However, a surplus allowed humanity to create a class system: primarily a warrior class which would defend the surplus for the community against savage invaders. Once these communities were secured it lead to progress in culture like art and science. Because Sub-Saharan African natives have never needed the ability to plan for their future in order to survive their progress has remained stagnant. Even when introduced to new technology and more advanced culture, this lack of forethought is evident by the way their culture reverts into a primal state once left to its own devices.

TL;DR: Africans never needed to think ahead for their survival and still don't so they'll never advance culturally or scientifically.

Yep the kike is right

not all of africa has shitty soil, but most of it does, especially sub saharan africa, south africa excluded.

but shitty soil means shitty farming. if the land cant support farming then you dont get an advanced civilization to guide your development into a mature race.

what about what i said was wrong?

Our civilization is just as old as egyptian one. Perhaps older.

Zimbabwe has some of the most fertile soil on the planet. So much so that when it was known as Rhodesia it boasted the 3rd strongest economic export for agriculture in the world.

indias weird, they have a space program but half the country still wipes their ass with their hands after pooping. we don't understand india but good luck to you. i kind of like india and i don't know why

Sorry man, but there is still no civilization in india

Poo in the loo afridi.

Instead of using fake russian id why don't you come on your real id anglo.

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Are you nuts ? Rhodesia had the 2nd highest yields per acre on planet earth for corn, wheat, soya beans and groundnuts, and third for cotton. In the combined ranking for all these crops Rhodesia ranked first in the world.
Rhodesia’s Virginia tobacco was rated the best in the world in yield and quality, while maize entries in world championships were consistently placed in the first three places.

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Agree, even tho they have an independent space program, they are still bathing in the most poluted river on the earth and believing that cows are humans, at this rate they won't be a superpower by 2020

Fun fact : Hinduism is probably the oldest religion in the world besides Judaism and Taoism. We can't be sure exactly how old any of them are but all of those predate recorded history.

The Boer's were able to farm in what was considered un-farmable conditions. The blacks didn't even have a written language, that has nothing to do with farming. There is plenty of farmable areas throughout Africa they just couldn't think and their culture is completely barbaric and uncivilised. Don't get me started on their IQ because it's embarrassing that I'm considered the same species as them. I've had to deal with them my whole life, they're all like 5 year old children.

poo in loo asshole

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Egypt was never black.

>arab invasions never happened
We got a genius here

the Africans now in charge of those Rhodesian farms can't figure out how to keep the irrigation systems up and running

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Zimbabweans btfo

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Judaism is not that old. Egyptian belief system and zorostrains and norse paganism pre dates them.

If they were so advanced why the whites destroyed them?

Oh no it is the un insulting me with the same npc insult every brainlet uses against me!
I am finished.

Sorry I was only listing the ones that still have a decent amount of followers.

>non-white arabs from Near East conquered white egyptians from Africa
Seem legit, retard

good points. you are correct across the board

>Besides Judaism

Nigga wat

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Race has a huge play in IQ

When the White Zimbabwe farmers had thier arms taken they mostly moved to Zambia and South Africa. Zambia now is reporting the highest yields in their entire history.
Every Sub Saharan country whites were in had wonderful crop yields from Angola to German Southwest Africa (Namibia) to Mozambique, Zimbabwee to Zaire, the Belgian Congo to Kenya.

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>the oldest religion in the world besides Judaism

same India seems chill. dirty as fuck and kinda backwards and forwards thinking at the same time. still would ever wanna live there

Don‘t u have some 9-year old to gangrape? Go take a sip out of the river Ganges.

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The Aftermath - Whites in Zimbabwe (plus three extra great Documentaries)

The agricultural infrastructure was rapidly developed and soon the country became self-sufficient in most agricultural products. In many cases production levels and quality equalled or bettered those in the developed world. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Year Book of 1975 ranked the then Rhodesia second in the world in terms of yields of maize, wheat, soya beans and groundnuts, and third for cotton. In the combined ranking for all these crops Rhodesia ranked first in the world. Some of these rankings were, in fact, reached long before 1975. Rhodesia’s Virginia tobacco was rated the best in the world in yield and quality, while maize entries in world championships were consistently placed in the first three places.

Lots more here

May Mike Campbell rest in peace. Murdered by Mugabe's thugs

Mugabe and the White African

Zimbabwe White Farmers

Last White Man - Zimbabwe

Terry Ford. Murdered by Mugabe for his sister ?
This was his funeral in Haarare

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Ahh yes you are right.
Your flag answers your question. Overpowered roman strategists.

I never knew i was muhammed,thanks. Now all muslims will do as i say.

what about sierra leone, the average IQ is 91, higher than serbia?

Always love the based chinaman

A leaf blaming soil. Another for the book.

Interbreeding with shitskins means you lose white status

pic very much related
because they aren't catholic.

pajeet please

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Then we should bring them the true faith


Whites europeans are overpowered because of their race not religion. I don't have anything against christianity desu, especially European Catholicism. Since it melded and reformed itself according to the native Europeans.

Btw i am orthodox


First civilisations came from Mesopotamia. The first alphabet is not African.

Everyone should see that film at least once.
Empire of Dust (Chinese in the Congo)

This film as well from the 1970s. UnREAL what the blacks did after whites left.

Africa Addio (Related - About the Mao Mao uprising in Kenya)
It also shows a little about the Congo, Tanzania, Nigeria, Angola, Sudan and SA.
youtube.com/watch?v=NHnF85dww3M (back up in case 1st one goes down)

cows are very holy to them

Because modern humanity has only existed for approx 100 000 years and civilization is slow to build at first. Recently the most progressive people fled north leaving the cuckservatives of their day to stagnate and eventually be enslaved by the chad progressives.

You can blame the soil, cretinism, usually not enough water to form megalopolises, religion wars, ethnic wars, tribal mindset, backward animism and traditions, lack of a unifying language. Africans being Africans also doesn't help.

Two can play this game.

are the majority doing this? no
is the Hadith correct? no
I only disrespected you because you disrespected me first . superpower by 20xx

Are the majority hindus drink camel piss? No
So shut the fuck up and take the L

it said orthodox hindus do it I didn't even fucking know there were orthodox and secular hindus motherchod panchod kuta kameena

Also hadith is second only to quran so stop lying.

Due to their environment that provided food 24/7/365 and warm climate, they legit din't have the need to evolve(the reason why welfare programs are cancer) so they remained tribal baboons living in huts.

Oh no paki is hurt. muh feels.

The Indus Valley Civilization was located in Pakistan, not India, and the people there were a more white indo-european people, not the the hideous smelly dark brown people of India. Stop we wuzzing with that shit, you're just as bad as niggers with ancient Egypt.

What about Zimbabwe? It use to be considered the bread basket of Africa, once they killed all the whites it became a shithole. Have you ever actually been to Africa?

Ja be bhadve harappa gujarat tak tha. Aur joh bhi the sab hindu the.

Because whit people didn't come from Africa.

I'm not gonna bother opening up a tab for google translate when you can't even be bothered to operate a piece of technology as simple as a toilet.

Evolution is a lie.
Niggers were cursed by God for Ham's sin against his father, Noah.

Keep up.

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what about it? 1 outlier does nothing to invalidate the norm

Drop your meme flag and be the actual bitch you are paki.

based and brownpilled
maybe its good for the immune system or something
if you cant survive being thrown into a pile of poo then you cant survive india

>be proud of 91 average IQ

Accelerated natural selection
Kinda like anti-vax

If I was a paki it wouldn't change the fact that what I stated is the truth but it might have changed me ever stating that fact to you because I'd have killed myself a long time ago.

Same goes for pakistan did you know that ahmed?

I thought this was a hindu tradition?

i dont know anything about pakistan because they are primitive but not amusing. india is primitive but amusing. nobody even cares enough about pakistan to shit on it

Have a gander at this over tanned suburan mom.

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Egypt was white is a meme, but they are fucking Semites, how stupid do niggers have to be to not understand this


Geography and weather.